WordPress預約外掛程式Amelia v8.1


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WordPress預約插件Amelia 是一個強大的下一代 WordPress 插件,用於預訂預訂、產品、門票、約會等,採用最新技術創建。 Amelia Plugin 是您的 24 小時自動預訂專家,因此您的客戶可以在一天中的任何時間自動預約、預訂門票和服務。

Amelia Plugin 非常適合任何依賴日程安排和預約的業務。 在多樣化的商業模式中:

  • 美容院。
  • 美容院和美髮沙龍。
  • 私人攝影師和婚禮攝影師。
  • 私人導遊。
  • 私人診所、牙醫、其他醫療保健公司。
  • 法律與商業諮詢。
  • 個人生活和商業教練。
  • 旅遊產業。
  • 服務和維修中心。
  • 私人心理學家。
  • 美容專家。
  • 網咖。

示範: https://codecanyon.net/search/22067497

Amelia – 企業級預約特色 外掛程式

  • 預訂介面就像搜尋一樣
  • Amelia 提供了一個整合介面,您可以使用簡碼在一個頁面上顯示所有服務類別,也可以選擇顯示單一類別或僅一項服務。
  • 逐步預訂精靈允許步驟之間的平滑過渡。 該嚮導被添加到任何帶有簡碼的頁面。
  • 支援使用現場支付,這意味著您的客戶將在他們到達時以現金支付。 付款資料仍儲存在資料庫中。
  • 支援 PayPal、Stripe 付款
  • 後端儀表板:在單頁儀表板中追蹤所有關鍵業務 KPI,讓企業所有者和經理始終關注所有重要指標。
  • 顯示所有服務和所有員工,或僅顯示特定人員; 每月、每週、每日視圖或更具體的清單和時間軸視圖。
  • 支援多個員工:每位員工都可以提供一組特定的服務,並有自己的時間表、休息日、工作時間和休息時間。
  • 支援多種服務和類別:Amelia Plugin 可以配置前緩衝時間(準備約會所需的時間)和後緩衝時間(同一員工接受新客戶所需的時間,例如休息或清潔)。
  • 支援額外預約(獎勵):如果您想在客戶預約時向他們轉售某些活動或產品,您可以透過 Amelia 輕鬆做到這一點。
  • 支援多個業務地點:每個地點都可以添加到資料庫中,員工被分配到地點,然後您的客戶將能夠在預訂地點時再選擇一個。


Version 5.4 (Released 05.10.2022)
Regular update with a couple of features, improvements and bug fixes:

Feature: Option for employees to work in multiple locations at the same working period
Feature: Employee description – now you can add info about your employees that will be shown on the Step-by-step 2.0 redesigned booking form
Improvement: Added Status column to the Export option for Event attendees
BugFix: Fixed issue with buffer times, group appointments, and missing time slots
BugFix: Fixed issue with coupon_used placeholder and group event details
BugFix: Fixed issue with 100% discount coupon and deposit payment
BugFix: Fixed issue with the “Add to Calendar” option and displaying the location in Google and Yahoo calendars
BugFix: Fixed issue with displaying the custom fields in the WooCommerce metadata
BugFix: Fixed issue with deposit payment and packages
BugFix: Fixed issue with appointment statuses and notifications in connection to WooCommerce orders
BugFix: Fixed issue with translations from Customize – Packages section
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements

Version 5.3 (Released 20.09.2022)
Large update with one new feature, a couple of improvements, and bug fixes:
Feature: Custom Duration for Services
Improvement: Added options to change the “On-site” label and “You will be redirected to checkout” on the Customize page
Improvement: Address field on the Locations changed when Google Map API key isn’t entered
Improvement: Added the new Step-by-Step Booking form to the BuddyBoss integration
BugFix: Fixed issue with booking appointments from the package on the customer panel when only one employee is assigned to the package
BugFix: Fixed issue with the invalid date format on iPhones and Safari browser for the Event Calendar Booking Form
BugFix: Fixed issue with WooCommerce order status and Event attendee status
BugFix: Fixed issue with the Indian rupee currency symbol
BugFix: Fixed issue with custom fields and long labels on the Step-by-Step 2.0 Booking form
BugFix: Fixed issue with Google fonts on the Customize page
BugFix: Fixed issue with recurring_appointment_details placeholder
BugFix: Fixed issue with displaying Step-by-Step Booking form in the Divi front-end editor
BugFix: Fixed issue with editing event and adding recurrence
BugFix: Fixed issue with displaying all appointments when changing month on the admin calendar
BugFix: Fixed issue with WooCommerce double booking
BugFix: Fixed issue with sending info from the custom fields for canceled customers
BugFix: Fixed issue with displaying available locations when booking appointments from the admin dashboard
BugFix: Fixed issue with booking appointments on special days
BugFix: Fixed issue with isLastBooking info in Webhooks
BugFix: Fixed issue with event_price and booking_price placeholders
Other small bug fixes and stability improvements

下載 Amelia v8.1

筆記: 也許你需要在安裝插件之前解壓縮。 如果任何主題/外掛包含病毒,我們不提供任何保證。 在 localhost 上使用之前,請檢查 Virustotal。


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