WordPress靜態網站產生器Simply Static Pro
使用Simply Static,您可以使用WordPress作為您的CMS(內容管理系統),並透過點擊按鈕將其轉換為靜態網站。
使用Simply Static,您將獲得WordPress的優勢,但又是靜態的。不再有WordPress資料庫、緩慢載入或安全漏洞
Simply Static是一個靜態網站產生器,它可以將您現有的WordPress網站轉換為可以在您的伺服器、靜態託管提供者或CDN上託管的靜態網站。
Simply Static也可以被LocalWP或Lando等本地開發工具使用,以便離線開發您的網站並將靜態網站推送到線上。
Simply Static將您的網站與WordPress分開。它保留了所有優點,並拋棄了所有導致WordPress脆弱和緩慢的因素。
使用Simply Static,您原來的WordPress安裝僅供您的網站使用者進行更新和更改。訪客會看到您網站的靜態版本。
這會將您的託管成本降至零(取決於您的要求和所使用的服務/提供者)。您可以完全免費下載Simply Static Pro外掛程式檔案。使用Simply Static(最佳WordPress靜態網站產生器外掛程式)將您現有的WordPress網站轉換為靜態網站。它擁有超過50,000名活躍用戶和超過700,000次下載,是WordPress最受歡迎的靜態網站產生器。
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WordPress靜態網站產生器Simply Static Pro主要功能
Simply Static Pro外掛程式檔案具有許多關鍵功能。所有這些功能使您的部落格之旅變得非常輕鬆。如果您正確使用所有這些功能,那麼您的貼文就可以在Google首頁上排名。
透過文件、教學和影片向我們學習靜態網站、使用工具和如何使用Simply Static的所有知識。
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WordPress靜態網站產生器Simply Static Pro更新日誌
- prevent empty branches in GitHub
- A web-based platform for version control and collaboration,allowing multiple people to work on projects at once.
- The act of pushing the static files generated by Simply Static to a live environment where users can access them.
- cast seconds as int for sleep()(GitHub)
- fixed variable naming for is_running indicator on single export
- The process of saving the files and data from your WordPress site to create a static site.
- meta boxes
- updated composer dependencies
- A widely-used programming language especially suited for web development.
- notices fixed for PHP 8.3 support
- removed DO integration
- The act of combining different systems,software,or functionalities to work together as a unified whole.
- (deprecated)
- better file check for search integration
- fixed PHP notice for throttling requests option(GitHub)
- improved excluded filter for search integration
- WPML Avada language switcher compatibility
- improved SFTP
- Secure File Transfer Protocol.A secure method of transferring files between a local system and a remote server.
- integration to dynamically
- Actions or processes that occur in real-time,often without requiring a full page reload.For example,a search box that…
- create directories based on permissions
- auto export defaults to false again(excluded scheduled posts)
- added compatibility for new integration settings page
- Features
- One-Click Basic Auth integration