WordPress速度優化外掛Hummingbird Pro v3.10.0


WordPress速度优化插件Hummingbird Pro

WordPress速度優化外掛Hummingbird Pro

WPMUDev 推薦 Hummingbird Pro作為示範增強外掛程式。

一旦激活, Hummingbird  Pro 將掃描您的網站以尋找潛在的速度改進,並為記錄壓力、縮小和程式保存提供適當的設定。 Hummingbird 可以加快您的網站速度,同時還可以幫助您提高 Google PageSpeed Insights 排名!

⭐另見: WordPress快取外掛WP Rocket

示範: https://premium.wpmudev.org/project/wp-hummingbird/

特點 WpMudev Hummingbird Pro WordPress 效能外掛

  • 雲端快取管理:對於處理Cloudflare 瀏覽器緩存,Hummingbird Pro具有快速控制。
  • 檔案最佳化變得更容易:為了更快執行,請使用 WPMU DEV 的超快速且安全的 CDN。
  • 圖片的進展: Smush Pro 會員資格可讓您調整、壓縮和改進所有照片。
  • 監控正常運作時間:追蹤您的網站的回應時間,以了解假期何時關閉。
  • 資料中心的安全管理:從中心,您可以追蹤所有位置的安全性問題、更新和增援。

建議: 多合一電子商務WordPress主題ekommart 


= v3.3.4 ( 2022-06-16 ) =
- Enhance: Reports compatibility with Defender masking feature
- Enhance: Cleanup on uninstall on network installs
- Enhance: Page cache compatibility with Defender security headers
- Fix: Usage tracking option on network installs
- Fix: Setup module logic on plugin activation
- Fix: Inline limits in asset optimization
- Fix: Weekly performance report sometimes sent out twice
- Fix: Settings link on Plugins page
- Fix: Comment on-click lazy loading
- Fix: Translation link URL
- Fix: Tooltip showing by default on 'Checking files' asset optimization modal
- Fix: Redis module not always being able to write to wp-config.php file
- Fix: Skip onboarding wizard if a config has been applied
- Fix: Rename "Basic" config to "Default"

May 11, 2022 - v3.3.3
New: Set the number of comments to preload in lazy loading module
Enhance: Clean up after uninstalling on multisite
Enhance: Remove duplicate 'wphb_page_cache_cleared' action in favour of 'wphb_clear_cache_url'
Enhance: Sanitize input fields in Configs module
Enhance: Compatibility with Weglot plugin
Fix: PHP undefined array key warnings
Fix: Fatal error when clearing cache in certain conditions
Fix: Toggling Uptime from WPMU DEV hub
Fix: Clear cache button not white labeled
Fix: Onboarding setup wizard summary layout
Fix: Onboarding setup wizard tracking option on multisite
Fix: Smush upsell block logic
Fix: Tutorials on dashboard page cannot be hidden
Fix: Duplicate users in notifications modal
Fix: Errors when offloading ES6 modules with import statements to CDN
Fix: Clear cache button (admin bar) logic on network installs
Fix: Cloudflare zone selector not working
Fix: High contrast notice in comments lazy load module
Fix: Lazy loading WooCommerce reviews

⭐建議:WordPress快取與效能外掛程式Swift Performance

WordPress速度優化外掛Hummingbird Pro v3.10.0

筆記: 也許你需要在安裝插件之前解壓縮。 如果任何主題/外掛包含病毒,我們不提供任何保證。 在 localhost 上使用之前,請檢查 Virustotal。


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