WordPress外掛程式Uncanny Automator Pro
每個 WordPress 網站所有者都了解擁有太多無法相互通信的插件和應用程式的挫敗感。 使用您目前的外掛程式、網站和應用程式建立複雜的工作流程,WordPress外掛程式Uncanny Automator Pro自動處理所有事情。 準確控制提交表單、使用者註冊、購買產品等時發生的情況。 只需 5 分鐘,您就可以設定您的第一個自動化!
建議:WordPress時間軸外掛Cool Timeline Pro
選擇觸發自動化的因素。 它可能是簡單的頁面視圖、課程完成、新表單提交,甚至從另一個網站接收 webhook 資料。
透過將人員新增至會員等級來更改他們的功能、為 Google 試算表貢獻資料等等。 你打電話! 您也可以將資料傳輸到其他應用程式並延遲活動。
讓 Automator 執行繁重的工作。
自動化自行運行,節省您的時間,並允許您為所有內容建立無程式碼連接! 告別插件開發和附加元件。
WordPress外掛程式Uncanny Automator Pro超過 400 個觸發器和操作可用於連接 70 多個最受歡迎的 WordPress 外掛程式和第三方應用程式。 使用我們的 Zapier、Integromat 和 webhook 支援連接到數百個非 WordPress 應用程式。 無需編寫任何程式碼即可輕鬆產生數十億個工作流程組合。
特色: Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress 外掛程式
- 可以連接插件和應用程式。
- 日常瑣事可以自動化。
- 易於使用的建構器,不需要任何編碼
- 擺脫發展。
- 更換高價設備。
- 節省時間和金錢。
更新日誌:Uncanny Automator Pro WordPress 外掛程式
v4.5 [2022-09-21] New Integrations: Advanced Ads #1536 JetEngine #1310 JetFormBuilder #1537 SureCart #1416 New Triggers: Advanced Ads - An ad's status changes from a specific status to a specific status #1380 JetEngine - A user updates a specific JetEngine field on a specific post type to a specific value #1377 JetEngine - A user updates a specific JetEngine field on a specific post type #1378 JetFormBuilder - A form is submitted with a specific value in a specific field #1476 JetFormBuilder - A user submits a form with a specific value in a specific field #1477 MemberPress - A user's transaction for a membership is set to a status #1095 Paid Membership Pro - An admin assigns a membership level to a user #196 SureCart - A guest purchases a product #1416 WordPress - A specific meta key of a specific type of post updates to a specific value #1234 WordPress - A user is deleted #1494 New Actions: Affiliate WP - Create an affiliate #1369 New Conditions: Date and time #1440 The date is, is not, before, after a specific date #1461 The date is between a specific date and a specific date #1459 The date is, is not, is before, is after a specific day of month #1465 The date is, is not, is before, is after a specific month #1460 The day is, is not a specific day of the week #1457 The time is before, 是 after a specific time #1462 The time is between a specific time and a specific time #1458 Uncanny Automator - The user has, has not completed a recipe #1421 MemberPress - The user is not an active member of a membership #1432 WooCommerce - A user has not purchased a specific product #1430 New Tokens: WooCommerce - "A user reviews a product" - "Product SKU", "Product categories", and "Product tags" #1526 Added: Recipe UI - Ability to group multiple actions under a condition (requires Automator 4.5+) Automatic login link token - Added filter automator_pro_auto_login_link_disable_security_check to override security check #1513
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筆記: 也許你需要在安裝插件之前解壓縮。 如果任何主題/外掛包含病毒,我們不提供任何保證。 在 localhost 上使用之前,請檢查 Virustotal。