WordPress備份外掛程式UpdraftPlus Premium
WordPress備份外掛程式UpdraftPlus Premium是世界上最值得信賴的 WordPress 備份外掛程式。 您的網站容易受到駭客攻擊、伺服器問題、錯誤更新和使用者錯誤等因素的影響。
這就是為什麼您應該使用 UpdraftPlus,這是一款評價很高且最受歡迎的 WordPress 備份外掛。
示範: https://updraftplus.com/shop/updraftplus-premium/
建議:WordPress進階過濾與分面搜尋外掛FacetWP + Addons
功能 UpdraftPlus Premium – 備份插件 WordPress
- wordpress.org 上評分最高的備份和復原外掛程式(5.0 分中的 4.8 顆星),並且在受歡迎程度方面排名前 30(50,000 個)WordPress 外掛程式。
- 專為在 WordPress 運行的任何地方運行而設計
- 多站點相容(即 WPMU/WordPress 網路)。
- 經驗證可備份 100GB 網站; 檔案大小僅受 Web 伺服器限制。
- 非 WordPress 檔案和外部資料庫的無限備份。
- 支援 WP-CLI
- 累積備份可以設定為您選擇的每小時方案
- 備份與還原 WordPress 外掛
建議:WordPress遷移與備份外掛程式Duplicator Pro
Changeloglog Updraft
= v1.22.14 - 07/Jul/2022 = * FIX: Selective table restore * FIX: Fix restore button JS issue when importing single site to multisite * TWEAK: Allow charset to be set during a WP_CLI restore * TWEAK: Use similar charset if one is not set and not supported during a WL_CLI restore * TWEAK: Add bulk process handler for UpdraftCentral's plugin and theme modules * TWEAK: Return previous plugin and theme states before installation or activation * TWEAK: Improve the Handlebars template of the Backblaze remote storage by taking PHP code out of it (Premium) * TWEAK: Improve the Handlebars template of the WebDAV remote storage by taking PHP code out of it (Premium) * TWEAK: Improve the Handlebars template of the SFTP/SCP remote storage by taking PHP code out of it (Premium) * TWEAK: Avoid using 'phpmailer_init' action when setting up sender name and sender email address, as some SMTP plugins override the 'wp_mail()' function and they don't bother to call the 'phpmailer_init' action * TWEAK: Prevent increments being added to backups from other sites = 1.22.12 - 29/Apr/2022 = * FEATURE: Added the ability to select which themes and plugins to Restore * FEATURE: Allow existing local backups to be sent to a remote site when migrating * TWEAK: Tweak to allow the Amazon S3 setup wizard to run if the internal S3 library is active * TWEAK: The WordPress sidebar menu overlaps the popover tour box * TWEAK: Attempt to upload a zip file after it's been created to save on storage space * TWEAK: Add MySQL maximum packet size to Advanced Tools -> Site Information * TWEAK: Only output the expected table rows when starting to process the table * TWEAK: Fix get_users parameter that has been deprecated on WP 5.9 in UpdraftCentral posts controller. * TWEAK: Do not call escapeshellarg() for SCP if we know it is unnecessary (prevents problems on hosts lacking the function for trivial use cases) * TWEAK: Detect change of run-time environment on first resumption and re-set previously detected resumption interval if likely to be helpful * TWEAK: Improve the FTP Handlebars template by taking PHP code out of it * TWEAK: Convert HTTP error codes to their meanings * TWEAK: Some plugins are loading their own incomplete mcrypt_* functions try and detect this and recover * TWEAK: Ensure the local backup file is cleaned up if an earlier failed remote storage upload later succeeds * TWEAK: Include plugin version when getting details from UpdraftPlus Vault to allow features that depend upon a sufficiently up-to-date version
⭐另見:收藏 WordPress外掛 每天更新 免費WP
下載UpdraftPlus Premium v2.25.1.26
筆記: 也許你需要在安裝插件之前解壓縮。 如果任何主題/外掛包含病毒,我們不提供任何保證。 在 localhost 上使用之前,請檢查 Virustotal。