WordPress主題Divi Theme v4.27.4


WordPress主题Divi Theme

WordPress主題Divi Theme

WordPress主題Divi Theme借助Advanced Visual Builder 技術將WordPress 提升到一個全新的水平。 由 Divi Builder 提供支持,這是一個非常快速且非常直觀的編輯器。 此範本包括 20 多種開箱即用的現成佈局。 在縱向和橫向導航之間切換。 在捲動之前調整顏色、啟用透明標題或隱藏導航。 甚至還有在行動裝置上運作良好的全螢幕和滑動導航樣式!

示範: https://www.elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi/

推薦: WordPress XML與CSV導入器外掛ImportWP Pro外掛程式


  • 即時設計:當您對頁面進行更改時,所有內容都會立即在您眼前更新。 設計瞬間改變!
  • 自訂一切:每個項目都是完全可自訂的。 調整字體、顏色、大小和間距,甚至套用自訂 CSS。
  • 輕鬆組織您的設計:新增行,在不同的列類型之間進行選擇,一切都會完美契合。
  • 46個內容元素: Divi 帶有 46 種不同的內容元素。 混合、搭配和創造幾乎任何你能想像的東西。
  • 小負載: Divi Designer 速度非常快。 它不需要更新頁面並且在網站和伺服器上加載幾乎為零。
  • 只需點擊並貼上:無需開啟設定面板新增文字內容。 只需點擊您的頁面並開始輸入!
  • 響應式編輯:享受互動式即時視圖,並將您自己的變更套用到行動裝置上的特定點。
  • 物品: global 跨多個網站同步全域專案。 更新一次,它們就會隨處更新。 非常適合頁腳!
  • 進出口:將佈局儲存在圖庫中以備後用。 從 Internet 匯入、匯出、共用和下載版面。
  • 佈局:從 WordPress 的 Divi 頁面建立器附帶的 20 多種預建佈局之一開始您的設計過程。
  • 可自訂的外觀:Divi Builder 是第一個提供真正可自訂介面的 WordPress 頁面建立器。 調整介面元素以補充您的螢幕和內容設定。

建議: WordPress Page Builder外掛YOOtheme Pro 

Changelog WordPressDivi Theme

version 4.17.6 ( updated 07-13-2022 )
- Fixed row width and max width issues on the builder. Introduced new {module_type}.processed.css.selector filter to allow third-party modules to modify the module selector afterces prosing.

version 4.17.5 ( updated 07-12-2022 )
- Relocated module selector filter to be fired after selector is processed and pass module slug as 2nd parameter.
- Fixed Woo Title module not showing up when selecting another product.
- Fixed the animation for the tooltip modal not working properly in some cases.
- Fixed issue with the form validation from the Sellsy plugin.
- Fixed extra padding on Vimeo videos with unusual aspect ratios.
- Introduced module info as 2nd parameter of static css method of custom module component.
- Exposed generateStyles util method for Divi Builder API.
- Fixed incorrect Portability modal reposition when users switch between Export and Import tabs.
- Fixed styling issue with buttons on the settings modal in RTL.
- Fixed tooltip modal not closing properly when clicking outside the modal area.
- Fixed a bug in Woo Cart Totals module which was causing shipping address to not update in some cases.
- Fixed content analysis for Yoast and RankMath plugins in GB.
- Fixed fatal error on Background component when some of its features are disabled.
- Fixed the inability to type into email optin form with background pattern.
- Updated NPM packages dependencies to the highest version.
- Fixes for the color selector position while saving in the background color picker.
- Added user permissions check to manage access to Divi library items.
- Fixed "invalid taxonomy" error which occurred when opening Divi > Divi Library > Manage Tags from the admin.
- Fixed error when saving big items to the Divi Cloud.
- Added presets import confirmation modal when importing items from the Cloud.
- Fixed Input Field's Style option in the Woo Notice Module. Fixed Conflict between Title Styles and Input Field Styles.
- Fixed Local categories and tags count update when moving item to the Cloud.
- Fixed a bug with the Visual Builder when adding a Number Counter module and using a comma as separator.
- Fixed woo products showing in one column on mobile when dynamic css is disabled.
- Fixed issue with Contact Form module textarea incorrectly stripping newlines in some cases.
- Improved Cloud categories and Tags saving.
- Fixed an issue where post-dependent Dynamic Fields (ex: Post Date, Post Comments, etc.) would output the data from the latest post on archive pages where it should not output anything.
- Fixed a PHP deprecation warning that occurred in some cases when disabling Product Tour.
ection in multi-column row when equal 'Equalize Column Heights' option is on.
- Fixed product save issue when Rank Math is active and Add To Cart module is located before Price module.
- Fixed Checkbox checkmark styling to ensure its in properly centered position.
- Introduces new hooks which are fired when settings modal is open or close.
- Fixed the issue where using Extra Layouts as Homepage would break Homepage styles.
- Fixed incorrect display of loading icon on library item.
- Fixed History Modal labels in Theme Builder.
- Improved screenshots generating system for Cloud Items.
- Fixed issue where user were not able to deselect the category/tag after removing all items from selected category/tag.
- Added ability to remain logged into the Cloud Account on multiple websites simultaneously.
- Fixed issue where select all checkbox was rendering even when there is no items to select in Library modal.
- Added function to bulk trash layouts from list view mode.
- Changed the default order of cloud items to sort from new to old.
- Fixed Library freezing when viewing an item containing hundreds of items.
- Display screenshots grid of first 6 layouts in tag folder.
- Fixed spacing issues in Tags input field.
- Fixed accordion toggle icon showing on the right in RTL.
- Fixed a bug with the Fullwidth Header that enables the horizo​​ntal scroll on the page.


免費下載WordPress主題Divi Theme v4.27.4

筆記: 也許你需要在安裝插件之前解壓縮。 如果任何主題/外掛包含病毒,我們不提供任何保證。 在 localhost 上使用之前,請檢查 Virustotal。
