響應式多功能WordPress WooCommerce主題XStore v9.4.9


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响应式多功能WordPress WooCommerce主题XStore

響應式多功能WordPress WooCommerce主題XStore

響應式多功能WordPress WooCommerce主題XStore 是一個優雅直覺的 WordPress 模板,具有響應式設計。 它經過精心設計,包括一組頁面、工具和設置,可幫助您建立專業且可靠的線上商店。

 響應式多功能WordPress WooCommerce主題XStore讓電子商務變得容易。 您可以透過最直觀的安裝程序演示輕鬆導入電子產品、時尚、家具、小眾商店、服裝、眼鏡、手錶、運動、鞋子、珠寶、化妝品、市場、醫療、食品、汽車配件、有機、登陸頁面、音樂商店和別的。

此外, 響應式多功能WordPress WooCommerce主題XStore 隨附許多小部件,可協助您提高用戶對您商店的看法。 主題選項是用戶友好的,不需要特殊知識,為響應精美的主題增加了價值。


示範: https://themeforest.net/search/15780546

推薦:WordPress SEO外掛Yoast Seo Premium  +Addons

Latest version 8.3.1/ Core plugin 4.3.1
August 19, 2022
ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7.1 (forum topic)
ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.8.0
FIXED: Product images size with WooCommerce 6.8.0
FIXED: Max value of Mega menu height option in menu settings (forum topic)
FIXED: Image swap if WPBakery builder is used (forum topic)
FIXED: Cart/Checkout advanced layout issues (forum topic)
REMOVED: shop_catalog, shop_thumbnail, shop_single image sizes from WPBakery / Elementor Products widget Details
REMOVED: shop_catalog image size from Categories Lists Elementor widget
REMOVED: shop_catalog image size from Categories Elementor widget
DEV: Removed etheme_woocommerce_image_dimensions()

v8.3 / August 12, 2022
ADDED: Cart/Checkout advanced layout (Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Cart/Checkout layout).
ADDED: Slides Elementor widget.
ADDED: Content Switcher Elementor widget.
ADDED: Toggle Text Elementor widget.
ADDED: XStore Tooltip feature (Elementor -> Any widget -> Advanced Tab).
ADDED: Floating Effect (Elementor -> Any widget -> Advanced tab -> XStore Effects).
ADDED: Show only names (option) for Elementor Brands widget and WPBakery Brands Carousel element.
ADDED: Less Items Link option in Theme Options -> Header Builder -> All Departments (note: More items link should be enabled).
ADDED: Show Less Link option in Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Shop -> Shop Page Filters (note Show More Filters On Click should be enabled).
ADDED: Sticky option (Elementor -> Editor -> Column -> Advanced Tab).
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts widget.
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Chess widget.
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Timeline widget.
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Tabs widget.
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Carousel widget.
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products Grid widget.
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products List widget.
ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products Carousel widget.
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts widget.
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Chess widget.
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Timeline widget.
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Tabs widget.
ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Carousel widget.
IMPROVED: Tag of fake live viewing (from DIV -> P) for better visual 觀點 among other content.
FIXED: Dokan vendor registration shortcode scripts issues in some cases.
FIXED: Show more link in sidebar widget duplication in some cases.
FIXED: Styled issue of rating in QV (in case SPBuilder was used).
FIXED: Products Brands element in WPBakery Grid Builder.
FIXED: Serif/Sans-serif postfix for fonts in Theme Options Typography options.
FIXED: Scroll to top option (if only AJAX pagination option was enabled).
FIXED: multiple header builder while blog page is not exist.
FIXED: SKU search with trashed products.
FIXED: Fake Sale Popup.
FIXED: AJAX search error PHP Warning: Undefined array key product in.
UPDATED: show WordPress errors while theme activation.
UPDATED: WPML Config file with Elementor widgets ready to translate.

⭐另請參閱:主題儲存庫 INFOXIAO 免費分享,每日更新

下載XStore Theme v9.4.9

筆記: 也許你需要在安裝插件之前解壓縮。 如果任何主題/外掛包含病毒,我們不提供任何保證。 在 localhost 上使用之前,請檢查 Virustotal。


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WordPress下載管理器WordPress Download Manager Pro 6.6.2

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