輕量級WordPress社群網路外掛PeepSo v7.0.3.0


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輕量級WordPress社群網路外掛PeepSo 是一組可協助您擴展社群的工具。 我妨礙你了。 未來的 WordPress 用戶資料和社交插件

PeepSo 到底是什麼?

PeepSo 是一款免費、輕量級的 WordPress 社交網頁插件,可讓您快速簡單地為您的網站創建類似 Facebook 的社交網路或線上社群。

PeepSo 的輕量級和出色的設計使其與其他社交網路替代品區分開來。 PeepSo 開箱即用,您可以在幾秒鐘內直接在 WordPress 網站內建立社交網路。 無需聘請程式設計師。 它只是工作。

示範: https://www.peepso.com/

推薦: 多供應商市場插件Dokan Business  + Dokan Theme

PeepSo 真的不受限制嗎?

PeepSo 是一個完全免費的平台,需要運行其他外掛程式。 它的活動流程和個人資料頁面將允許您開始建立您一直想要的社群。

PeepSo Ultimate Bundle 包含哪些插件?

  • PeepSo 整合:行動應用程式 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:聊天 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:朋友 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:組 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:照片 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:投票 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:音訊和視訊 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 貨幣化:EDD v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 整合:BadgeOS v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:電子郵件摘要 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo Extras:使用者限制 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 附加功能:VIP v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 附加功能:WordFilter v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:朋友 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 核心:組 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 貨幣化:高級廣告 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 整合:GIPHY v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 貨幣化:LearnDash v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 整合:myCRED v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 貨幣化:付費會員專業版 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 整合:社群登入與邀請 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 貨幣化:WPAdverts v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 整合:WP 事件管理器 v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo 貨幣化:WooCommerce v4.0.0.1
  • PeepSo Core v4.0.0.1 NULLED

建議: WordPress聯盟外掛Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin (AAWP) 

更新日誌:PeepSo Ultimate Bundle + 主題
[PeepSo] Let admin exclude hasthags below certain size from the widget
[WooCommerce] WooCommerce 5.9.0 compatibility
[PeepSo] Userbar: limit menu width (mobile)
[Events] PeepSo integration needs to skip “events” toolbar item if no page is configured in WPEM
[Groups] Improve the message on group page if non-member interactions are allowed
[Groups] More general privacy descriptions to stay in line with advanced group settings such as admin-only posts, disabled comments, allowing non-members to comment/like etc
[PeepSo] Blog content missing if author box is enabled and “about” field is disabled
[PeepSo] Cannot search for hashtags on activity stream on iOS using Chinese keyboard layout.
[PeepSo] WordPress image pages do not load (404 error) when ‘Enable SEO Friendly links’ is enabled
[PeepSo] Bruteforce fatal error if a third party overrides the $errors variable to “not a WP_Error”
[PeepSo] Double PeepSoPolls class causes a faral error when upgrading from a very old PeepSo version
[App] PeepSo infinite scroll issues and WPMA on item listing pages.
[Advanced Ads] Activity Stream not showing PeepSo ad if Birthdate field is disabled
[Groups] Group “more” button is not hidden even if there is no extra content.
[Groups] Incomplete email title for new group post notification
[PMP] Missing/skipped PMP Membership Confirmation page
[PMP] When the time period of paid membership ends, users do not get expelled from our groups automatically
[Social Login] Fixed a potential critical error when loading the JWT library due to case-sensitive paths

⭐另見:收藏 WordPress外掛 每天更新 免費WP

輕量級WordPress社群網路外掛PeepSo v7.0.3.0

筆記: 也許你需要在安裝插件之前解壓縮。 如果任何主題/外掛包含病毒,我們不提供任何保證。 在 localhost 上使用之前,請檢查 Virustotal。


適用於WordPress的Elementor插件包HT Mega Pro v2.0.3

管理WooCommerce商店外掛程式StoreApps Smart Manager v8.57.0

WPC Product Image Swap for WooCommerce v1.1.5

WordPress變體外掛程式WooCommerce Variation Swatches Pro v2.2.0
