多用途WooCommerce主題Porto Theme
多用途WooCommerce主題Porto Theme是一個響應式 WordPress + 電子商務模板,易於使用和自訂。 適用於各種商業、作品集、部落格和電子商務網站。 這是開始您的專案的絕佳場所。 Porto 隨附 30 種主要頁面佈局和皮膚,以及可用於任何目的的大量自訂。
多用途WooCommerce主題Porto Theme擁有最先進的電子商務功能,以及獨特的介面和佈局。 波爾圖主題確保閃電般的速度,這對於電子商務和企業網站至關重要。 請閱讀下面的清單以了解更多波爾圖功能。 享受波爾圖的商業和商業主題!
⭐另請參閱:主題儲存庫 INFOXIAO 免費分享,每日更新
示範: https://themeforest.net/search/9207399
建議:WordPress外掛WordPress Quiz Maker Pro + Addons
多用途WooCommerce主題Porto Theme丨特色
- 多功能設計
- WordPress 多站點 (WPMU) 測試和批准
- 許多小部件,許多頁面樣式
- 強大的速度優化器
- 超過33 個可自訂的Visual Composer 元素(橫幅、輪播、標籤、切換、手風琴、按鈕、引號、表格、警報框、表格、清單、表單、圖示、字形圖示、進度條、定價表、首字母大寫、團隊成員、呼叫操作框、列等)
- SEO最佳化(內建架構標記與註解)
- 無限的顏色和佈局,相容於 WooCommerce
- 願望清單、Ajax 搜尋、過濾和排序
- WPML 支持,RTL 就緒
- 跨瀏覽器,多裝置相容
- 30 多種獨特的主頁佈局,6 種額外的側邊欄區域佈局
- 超級選單,20 多個不同的標題,4 種不同的投資組合類型(共 19 頁),4 種不同的部落格類型(共 6 頁)
- 寬/全/盒裝佈局
- 啟用/停用 Sticky header 選項
- 在項目和產品頁面上分享圖示
- 聯絡表單和電子報、Twitter 提要小工具
- Google網頁字體、自訂字體
- 相容於 WP Rocket、Revolution Slider、BBPress、BuddyPress
- 與 WooCommerce 多語言外掛程式相容
- 與主要的多供應商外掛程式相容,如 Dokan、WC Vendors 和 Yith WooCommerce 多供應商外掛程式
- 與 YITH WooCommerce Wishlist 外掛程式、YITH WooCommerce Ajax 搜尋外掛程式、YITH WooCommerce 徽章管理外掛程式相容
- 相容於WPML、Polylang
- 與 WooCommerce 貨幣切換器外掛程式相容
建議:Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder
更新日誌:多用途WooCommerce主題Porto Theme
Version 6.4.0 (July 7th 2022) Porto 6.4 introduces a lot of new features and demos, we also enhanced our speed Optimization wizard and reached top performance scores in ThemeForest. + Added: Elementor Transportation Logistic Energy Demo using Soft Mode + Added: WPBakery Transportation Logistic Energy Demo using Soft Mode + Added: Elementor Renewalble Energy Demo using Soft Mode + Added: WPBakery Renewalble Energy Demo using Soft Mode + Added: the layout option for Unlimited Post Type + Added: Ajax Save function in WPBakery backend + Added: Particles effect to Elementor Section and WPBakery Row + Added: Porto Contact Form widget to Elementor and WPBakery + Added: Cursor Effect widget to Elementor and WPBakery + Added: Scroll Parallax Effect widget to Elementor Section and WPBakery Row + Added: Hoverdir effect to Porto Image Gallery in Elementor and WPBakery + Added: button icon's hover effect in Gutenberg, Elementor and WPBakery + Added: hover content effect of featured image on Type builder + Added: Product Wishlist widget of Single Product builder in Elementor + Added: Product Wishlist widget of Single Product builder in WPBakery + Added: half container to Elementor Section + Added: half container to WPBakery Row + Added: Jost to theme option Fonts + Added: Conditional Rendering to Elementor column, WPBakery row, WPBakery section, WPBakery column + Added: function that dequeues Elementor fontawesome to Speed Optimize Wizard Option - Updated: Elementor Shop 33 Demo - Updated: WPBakery Shop 33 Demo - Updated: Elementor Cleaning Services Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: WPBakery Cleaning Services Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: Elementor Architecture2 Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: WPBakery Architecture2 Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: Elementor Business Consulting3 Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: WPBakery Business Consulting3 Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: Elementor Wedding Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: WPBakery Wedding Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: Elementor Startup Agency Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: WPBakery Startup Agency Demo using Soft Mode - Updated: Insert custom font to Elementor, WPBakery and theme option font list - Updated: Faq widget style in Elementor and WPBakery - Updated: Sidebar menu widget in Elementor and WPBakery - Updated: Delete all third party plugin caches after demo import - Updated: Delete all third party plugin caches after save theme options - Updated: Make Type builder editor to be looked as closely as frontend
⭐另請參閱:主題儲存庫 INFOXIAO 免費分享,每日更新
多用途WooCommerce主題Porto Theme v7.4.3
不,這不再有效 –Porto主題現在需要合法金鑰才能獲得示範。
這是 4.7.2 的所有示範 http://uploadboy.me/iy92cryemg7c/
若要使主題無效,請在檔案 inc/admin/admin.php 中找到該函數
check_purchase_code 第 91 行和第 91 行之後加入以下程式碼:
return "verified";
將演示 zip(不是單個大 zip 文件,而是單個演示文件)上傳到您的 WP install wp-content/uploads/porto_demos(您需要建立此資料夾)
Porto/inc/plugins/importer/imported-api.php註解掉第 146 行 Find this
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args );
// $response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args );
幾行後 (151) 更改
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );
$body = file_get_contents('../wp-content/uploads/porto_demos/' . $this->demo . '.zip');
筆記: 也許你需要在安裝插件之前解壓縮。 如果任何主題/外掛包含病毒,我們不提供任何保證。 在 localhost 上使用之前,請檢查 Virustotal。