WordPress活动日志插件WP Activity Log Pro v5.3.3


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WordPress活动日志插件WP Activity Log Pro

WordPress活动日志插件WP Activity Log Pro

WordPress 活动日志插件WP Activity Log Pro是最完整的实时用户活动和监控日志插件。 数以千计的 WordPress 管理员和安全专家使用它来跟踪他们网站的动态。 它也是最受欢迎的 WordPress 活动日志插件,已在 GoDaddy、Kinsta 和 WPBeginner 等网站上出现。


特点 WP Activity Log Pro

  • 详细的活动记录:使用覆盖率最高的插件,完整记录所有用户以及后台网站和多站点网络修改。
  • 第三方插件活动日志:对 WooCommerce、Yoast SEO、Gravity Forms 和许多其他第三方插件的更改在活动日志中进行跟踪。
  • 跟踪对 REST API 的任何修改:跟踪经过身份验证的用户使用 REST API 对您的网站所做的修改。
  • 跟踪任何文件修改:跟踪对您的 WordPress 网站所做的任何文件更改,以及安装的任何第三方代码。
  • 提供完全可定制的活动日志:微调日志以满足您的需求。 可以禁用单个事件 ID,以及日志、保留策略和权限中的信息程度。
  • 电子邮件和 SMS 警报会立即发出: 使用内置警报,每当您的网站上发生重要事件时,您都会立即收到通知。 您还可以使用触发器构建器来创建自定义通知标准,以便您收到对您至关重要的更改的通知。
  • 对于活动日志,有搜索和过滤选项:在活动日志中搜索数据并使用过滤器缩小结果范围,以便在几秒钟内发现要搜索的内容。
  • 用户和网站活动报告: 使用简单的报告引擎,您可以从活动日志中创建任何形式的报告。 报告可以 HTML 或 CSV 格式导出。
  • 自动生成的计划报告:配置插件以自动为您提供每日、每周、每月或每季度的报告。
  • 用户会话管理:实时查看谁登录了您的网站以及他们进行了哪些更改。 您还可以使用此模块来限制并发会话的数量并远程终止登录的会话。
  • 非活动用户应自动注销:如果用户离开他们的会话无人看管,自动终止他们以保护您的网站。
  • 外部活动日志数据库:为了提高日志的完整性以及网站的安全性和速度,请将活动日志存储在外部数据库中。
  • 通过归档过时的活动日志数据来改进日志管理:将插件配置为自动将超过特定时间的活动日志数据存档到单独的数据库,让您更好地组织日志,快速定位您要搜索的内容,并保持主要活动日志数据库紧凑和快速。
  • 日志管理和业务系统集成:您无需登录网站,因为活动日志会实时镜像到您的中央日志管理系统。 从一个位置,您可以观察正在发生的一切。 WP Activity Log 与 AWS CloudWatch、Loggly、Slack 和其他应用程序集成。
  • 活动日志应镜像到日志文件:作为备份,将活动日志镜像到日志文件,如果您希望将活动日志导入自定义日志管理系统,也可以。 配置插件以将活动日志保存到您的系统可以读取和解释的日志文件中。
  • 活动日志不应保存到网站的数据库中:您可以设置插件在将活动日志发送到日志文件或第三方日志管理系统时不将任何活动日志数据写入数据库,消除重复数据。
  • 插件设置的配置可以导出和导入: 导出插件设置配置进行备份或将相同的插件配置导入其他网站,让您拥有可以简单传播到其他网站的基本配置。
  • 从某些活动日志中删除数据: 您是否需要从活动日志中删除有关某个人、IP 地址或其他对象的信息? 使用活动日志数据管理器从您的网站日志中删除您不想要的某些数据。
  • 高级协助: 在几个小时内,您将收到电子邮件帮助。 我们知识渊博的支持团队的平均响应时间为 6 小时。
  • 无广告:WP Activity Log 高级版中没有广告。

推荐:WordPress日程预约插件Calendarista Premium 

更新日志:WP Activity Log Pro

= v4.4.0 (2022-02-08) = 
Release notes: [New Reports engine with more criteria, reports management & more](https://wpactivitylog.com/wsal-4-4/)
* Third party libraries are now available through a helper plugin. If you are mirroring events or sending SMS messages, you will be prompted to install this helper plugin.
* **New activity log event IDs**
* ID 6059: Changed the site's title.
* ID 4021: Changed the website URL in the user profile.
* ID 4013: User has been activated on a multisite network.
* **New features & functionality**
* Reports for WordPress: we developed an all new reporting engine, with more criteria.
* Reports management module: see all generated reports, redownload or delete them etc.
* Reports white labelling: users can now change the logo and links on the reports. More to come in upcoming updates.
* New template for reports with new title page for reports.
* Reports settings page: making a number of reports configuration settings available, giving the user more options to work with.
* Setting to configure the plugin to "always" send an email for scheduled reports, even when no events match the criteria.
* Hooks to allow users to change the columns in reports or ad value from non-default columns. Refer to the [list of hooks in WP Activity Log](https://wpactivitylog.com/support/kb/list-hooks/) for more information.
* New naming format for all the reports: [yyyymmdd]-[report_number].[extension].
* Specific reports can now be generated in PDF and JSON formats.
* New UI for "Enable/Disable event IDs" with search and filtering functionality.
* Table with numbers of how many users are logged in with specific roles + filters.
* Added the user role next to each user in the list of logged in users.
* Removed obsolete code used for advertorial events in the activity log viewer.
* New "See user's activity" link for each user in the users' page to see a user's activity with just a click.
* New filter that allows user to add metadata to user information popup. Refer to the [List of hooks in WP Activity Log](https://wpactivitylog.com/support/kb/list-hooks/) for more information.
* The new [Activity Log for TablePress extension](https://wpactivitylog.com/extensions/tablepress-activity-log/).
* **Improvements**
* Changed the database schema for improved storing of data, and faster writing and reading. After the upgrade the plugin will launch the upgrade process which might take some time to complete, depending on the amount of data in the activity log.
* Activity log events from local database can be merged into an extising activity log in an external database.
* Improved the coverage of changes done to a website via REST API.
* Improved the format of the statistics reports. More statistics reports will be available in the upcoming version update.
* Date and time are now two separate objects in CSV reports.
* Updated the search module to read from new database schema.
* All plugin settings now have the wsal_ prefix automatically added to them.
* Added the URL metadata in CSV reports.
* Rewritten some of the settings help text in the plugin to better explain the settings.
* Updated the notifications module to read from new database schema.
* Updated the integrations module for better backward compatability with older versions of WordPress.
* Removed obsolete settings & code of the old file integrity scanner (now part of [Website File Changes Monitor plugin](https://www.wpwhitesecurity.com/wordpress-plugins/website-file-changes-monitor/)).
* Removed obsolete reference to the old file changes scanner in the daily summary email.
* Made a number of JS strings available for translation.
* Removed a number of plugin settings from autoload for improved performance.
* Improved the plugin's metadata and added the licensing information.
* Long URL strings in activity log events are now automatically truncated. Full URL can be seen with just a click.
* Removed forced database table collation: plugin now uses the default WordPress table collation.
* Updated the "Help & Contact Us" page; improved text and added more relevant information.
* Improved several UI sections in the Third Party Connections module.
* Improved the check for writing activity log to external database; now it is less restrictive and faster.
* **Security fix**
* Upgraded the Freemius SDK to version 2.4.3.
* **Bug fixes**
* Fixed: Database error when trying to log in with a non-existing user and a login notification is enabled.
* Fixed: In some edge cases the plugin was creating an empty "external database" connection string.
* Fixed a number of typos in the text of activity log events.
* Fixed: Auto complete in the Delete activity log data section was not returning the correct list of objects.
* Fixed: Wrong object reported for event ID 5029.
* Fixed: Event ID 4000 not reported when front-end sensor is disabled.
* Fixed: "Unknown connection type" reported back setting up a third party connection on specific versions of WordPress.
* Fixed: Event ID 6320 (added / removed connection) reported instead of event ID 6321 (modified connection).
* Plugin settings and view privileges no longer imported when using the configuration import tools. User is not prompted to choose whether to import them or not.
* Fixed: Function that was running on "add_filter" instead of "add_action" - [Support ticket](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/issue-with-hook-name-and-param-callback/).
* Fixed: Deletion of events from the activity log based on severity not working.
* Fixed: Plugin fails to delete specific events from activity log with an error when using the Logs management module.
* Old reports are now properly and automatically deleted from the /uploads/ directory.
* Fixed: PHP warning about OPCacheUtils.php in specific setups.
* Fixed: Edge case in which other plugins couldn't be installed or updated when WP Activity Log was activated.
* Automatic termination of idle sessions was not triggering properly on some setups.

⭐另见:收藏 WordPress插件 每日更新 免费WP

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笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。


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