WordPress社交分享插件Easy Social Share Buttons v9.9


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WordPress社交分享插件Easy Social Share Buttons

WordPress社交分享插件Easy Social Share Buttons

用于在社交媒体上共享材料的WordPress社交分享插件Easy Social Share Buttons

WordPress社交分享插件Easy Social Share Buttons提供了独特的按钮,用于将社交网络上的信息共享到您的网站,以及一个极好的计数器、一个简单的时事通讯订阅表格和社交聊天功能。 WordPress 专家认为 Easy Social Share Buttons 是最强大、功能最丰富的插件。

简单的社交分享按钮 插件为您提供最大的控制权,允许您的用户在 50 多个不同的社交网络以及各种移动即时通讯工具上进行分享。

不仅如此,适用于 WordPress 的 Easy Social Share Buttons 插件还包括 55+ 个最具吸引力和最全面的共享和个性化模板的集合,以及最全面的 30 多个自动化设计位置和 30 多个独特动画的集合。

这个 简单的社交分享按钮 插件是其中之一,它突出显示您的社交按钮可能显示的每个可能的位置。

演示: https://codecanyon.net/search/6394476

⭐另请参阅:免费高级 WordPress 插件摘要、每日更新


具有适用于 WordPress 的简单社交分享按钮

  • 超过 50 个社交网络
  • 超过30个自动位置
  • 简码,小部件
  • 50多种型号
  • 按钮和计数器样式
  • 共享访问恢复
  • 里面有 12 个内容位置
  • 14 网页显示方式
  • 为每个位置设置详细的图像
  • 每个位置的自定义网络
  • 深度移动配置
  • 服务器端或响应
  • 4个专用手机屏幕
  • 控制移动设备上可见的其他共享按钮
  • 每个 WooCommerce 商店的社交媒体功能
  • 报价是可分享的
  • 使用 Pinterest 充分发挥您的图像的威力
  • WordPress 的最佳社交追随者计数器
  • 使用精美、复杂的注册表单吸引用户注册
  • 使用社交证明通知立即增加您网站上的转化率
  • 使用 Facebook Messenger、Skype、WhatsApp 或 Viber 进行社交聊天

推荐:WordPress社交媒体插件WP Social Ninja Pro 

Changelog:WordPress社交分享插件Easy Social Share Buttons

v8.5 - Jun 6, 2022
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again.
NEWProfile networks' library where you can download the most requested social networks in the last months#317
NEWExport and import of a single custom network button from the Social Profiles and Social Followers' counter.#312
NEWSupport for a new line in the Tweet created by Click to Tweet.#303
UPDATEDAutomatically disable the "Speed up process of counters update" option in PHP 8. The function uses an external library "RollingCurl" which is not compatible with PHP 8 and causes errors in the debugger.#315
UPDATEDUpdated Post Bar scripts - removed jQuery usage and use only Vanilla JS#311
UPDATEDUpdated Post Bar styles to use SVG icons (refactoring the stylesheet)#310
UPDATEDUpdated Post Bar code structure - post titles appear as div tags (old was headings h2)#309
UPDATEDUpdated Click 2 Chat to use SVG icons instead of icon font#307
UPDATEDUpdated After Share Actions to use SVG icons instead of icon font#306
UPDATEDUpdated subscribe forms to use SVG icons instead of the icon font#304
UPDATEDAdded a new option to disable loading of TinyMCE plugins generated by the plugin (Click to Tweet, Pinterest Pro, Shortcode Generator).#301
UPDATEDUpdate the pop-up display methods variables to allow generation of image with code (and does not generate anything if image is not present)#300
UPDATEDChanging the custom image selector to .post img#299
UPDATEDUpdated the themify icon font load to avoid false alarm triggered on mod_security#298
IMPROVEMENTSComplete rework of the subscribe forms CSS - size reduced with 55%#305
FIXEDFixed the custom network not removed in the list of social profiles or social followers counter when a button is deleted#316
FIXEDFixed not working option hide_title in the Social Followers' when the shortcode is used (title shows always even when you choose to hide)#314
FIXEDPrevent showing in the Profiles widget a warning message if there are no active networks#313
FIXEDFixed missing styles of the Click to Tweet widget in the Block editor (when editing)#308
FIXEDEntities appear double encoded in the Tweet. Instead of the symbol appearing it's code.#302

v8.4 - April 15, 2022
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again.
NEWNew Click to Tweet shortcode generator is available directly in the settings. You can generate a shortcode for a block quote or an inline quote#297
NEWFully updated shareable quotes (Click to Tweet) module. A new option for an inline tweet (in the content) is also added via shortcode. The new module uses an SVG icon for Twitter.#291
UPDATEDDefined plugin text domain and update the text domains with the source to allow automated translations with plugin like Loco Translate.#292
UPDATEDMoved LinkedIn followers' counter to update only manually#290
UPDATEDUpdated Twitter card details image tag - from image:src to just image#289
IMPROVEMENTSAutomatically turn on the Translate menu in case the WordPress language is not English#296
IMPROVEMENTSNew default plugin options - features less active by default options#295
IMPROVEMENTSExtended the delay in the After Share actions. This should prevent the after share pop immediately after button click on mobile.#294
IMPROVEMENTSImproved PHP 8.1 support for the plugin#293
IMPROVEMENTSAdd an inline click to Tweet sharing option#190
FIXEDNot working integration between the Self Hosted Short URL add-on and the new short URL engine in the plugin#288
FIXEDDisable Pinning option does not save when open and edit image from the library#287

  • 适用于 WordPress 附加组件的简易社交分享按钮 – TikTok Feed v1.0(新)
  • 适用于 WordPress 附加组件的简易社交分享按钮 – Microsoft Teams Share Button v1.0(新)
  • 插件 – AMP 支持
  • 附加组件 – Beaver Builder 主题附加职位
  • 附加组件 – Bimber WordPress 主题集成
  • 共享按钮模板生成器
  • 显示方法 – 带有号召性用语按钮的移动共享栏
  • 扩展:超级贴吧展示方式
  • 扩展:超级后浮动显示方法
  • 扩展:病毒点显示法
  • 扩展:WooCommerce 共享栏显示方法
  • 扩展:WooCommerce 谢谢页面分享按钮
  • 附加组件 – 扩展按钮包
  • 附加组件 – Facebook 评论
  • 附加组件 – 功能按钮包
  • 多步骤社会份额恢复
  • 附加组件 – Snapchat 分享按钮
  • 附加组件 – Wykop.pl 分享按钮
  • 插件 – 选择加入助推器
  • 插件 – 在内容中选择表单
  • 插件 – 选择加入弹出窗口
  • 附加组件 – 发布视图计数器
  • 插件 – 社交 A/B
  • 订阅连接器 – JetPack 订阅
  • 模板包 – 圣诞节

⭐类似的建议: 多合一支持按钮 – WordPress 反馈插件

下载 Easy Social Share Buttons v9.9

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。
