WordPress日历插件Events Calendar Pro
WordPress日历插件Events Calendar Pro具有不同目的的网站可能需要在主页上放置一个日历,任何访问者都可以在其中找到活动开始前的日期。
例如,对于在线商店,这可能是销售的开始或结束,对于多媒体网站 – 一些预期内容或信息的到来将可供下载。 对于博客,这可能是倒计时或新帖子出现的确切日期。
出于任何这些目的,Events Calendar Pro适合。 使用该插件,您可以创建自己的事件(不是一个,而是一天、一周、一个月等多次)。
Events Calendar Pro插件不仅易于使用,而且易于设置——只需在 WordPress 中下载并安装它,插件就完全可以使用了。 在兼容性方面,该插件可以在大多数版本的 WordPress 中运行,而不会干扰最流行的插件、附加组件或主题的工作。
演示: https://theeventscalendar.com/product/wordpress-events-calendar-pro/
⭐另外,请参考 Bookly PRO – WordPress 的 No.1 日历插件
特点 :WordPress日历插件Events Calendar Pro
- 月视图
- 列表显示
- 日视图
- 保存的内容
- 关键词搜索
- iCal 和 Gcal 导出
- 事件列表小部件
- 响应式
- 高级支持访问
- 重复事件
- 周视图
- 照片视图
- 地图视图
- 位置搜索
- 场地和组织者视图
- 高级小部件
- 简码
- 附加字段
更新日志 :WordPress日历插件Events Calendar Pro
= [v6.0.1] 2022-09-22 = * Feature - Add a link to convert an Event to single in the Events Manager and Series edit screens [ECP-1308] * Fix - Prevent fatal Fatal error `Call to undefined method DateTimeImmutable::format_i18n()` on Week view that occurred on certain versions of php 8.0 [ECP-1346] * Fix - Correct some translation domains pointing to the wrong plugin. [BTRIA-1302] * Fix - Correct a mismatch between the get_terms filter and our hooked function signature. [ECP-1327] * Fix - Normalize and reformat Event recurrence and date-related meta before migration to fix a number of migration warnings. [ECP-1304] * Fix - Fix regression that was making the Events Calendar PRO tabs show up on the Event Tickets settings. [ECP-1338] * Fix - Ensure we don't try to check nonexistent globals ($_POST, $_GET, etc). [ECP-1162] * Fix - Correct a block editor fatal. [ECP-1330] * Fix - Fix a fatal in the mini-calendar widget. [ECP-1317] * Fix - Ensure that taxonomies get carried over when splitting recurring events. [ECP-1303] * Fix - Ensure recurring events have a series generated for them when one is not specified. [ECP-1274] * Fix - Prevent duplicated JOINs on View Series filters. [ECP-1246] * Fix - Prevent editing the first occurrence of a recurring event from creating a new event. [ECP-1232] * Tweak - Add some explanatory text to the Single Update option. [ECP-1307] * Tweak - Prevent conflicts with the WooCommerce product page shortcode when in the editor. [ECP-1231] * Language - 6 new strings added, 130 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 2 obsoleted = [v6.0.0] 2022-09-06 = * Version - Events Calendar PRO 6.0.0 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0.0 and higher * Feature - Custom tables and optimization of Cache Primers to enable reduced and stabilized number of queries on Event views. * Feature - Event Series are available to manage Recurring Events. * Feature - Inclusion of Event Series custom table `{$prefix}_tec_series_relationships`. * Feature - Duplication of Events. * Fix - Avoid infinite loops in some combinations of recurrence rules and dates
⭐另请参阅:每日更新的高级 WordPress 插件摘要
插件列表事件日历 PRO | 活动日历
- Events Calendar Pro 虚拟活动插件 v1.13.1
- 活动日历 Pro Event Tickets Plus 插件 v5.6.1
- 活动日历 Pro 社区活动插件 v4.10.1
- 活动日历 Pro 社区门票插件 v4.8.1
- 活动日历 Pro Eventbrite 门票插件 v4.6.12
- Events Calendar Pro 过滤栏插件 v5.4.0
- 活动日历简码和模板 Pro v2.9.4
下载活动日历 PRO v7.4.2
笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。