WordPress实时通知插件Ultimate Member Real-time v2.3.6


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WordPress实时通知插件Ultimate Member Real-time

WordPress实时通知插件Ultimate Member Real-time

WordPress实时通知插件Ultimate Member Real-time – 在您的网站上安装实时通知系统,以便消费者在发生更改和通知时收到通知。 这增加了用户参与度,并使他们在您的网站上停留的时间更长。



  • 当用户的角色发生变化时,通知他们。
  • 当有人对用户的帖子发表评论时,向他们发送电子邮件。
  • 当他们的评论之一得到回复时通知用户。
  • 当其他成员查看用户的个人资料时,向他们发送电子邮件。
  • 当客人阅读用户的个人资料时,向他们发送电子邮件。
  • bbPress — 当有人回复他们开始的主题时,向用户发送电子邮件。
  • bbPress – 当用户收到关于给定主题的回复时通知他们。



  • 实时即时 Ajax 警报
  • 控制 Ajax 警报出现的时间量。
  • 每个用户都会获得一个通知页面,他们可以在其中查看以前的警报。
  • 允许用户选择他们想要获得和不想接收的警报。
  • 用于更改通知设置的管理员选项,包括要激活和禁用的通知类型。
  • 用户可以删除通知。
  • 显示浏览器选项卡上的警报数量。


  • 需要终极会员 v1.1.5+
  • 实时通知需要稳定的托管; 否则,将不得不增加新通知检查之间的时间延迟。

推荐:智能通知Smart Notification Wordpress 


=v 2.3.1 August 17, 2022 =
* Fixed: Notify user about changing role from wp-admin > Users screen
* Fixed: Load more button display after actions for notifications in the notifications feed
* Fixed: Dropdown.js when scrolling
* Fixed: Data offset when loading notifications feed or making the actions with notification
* Fixed: Notifications and messaging integration. Adding real-time messaging notifications updating. Mark messages as read in the real time

* Templates required update:
- account-webnotifications.php

= v2.3.0 February 9, 2022 =
* Changed: Notifications list view and async getting notifications via AJAX
* Changed: Getting new notifications count. Red dot with counter is visible only when there are new notifications
* Changed: Getting new notifications when notifications list is visible
* Changed: Notification is marked as read only after "mark as read" action or after visit the notification URL
* Added: Filter "All|Unread" to the notifications list
* Added: "Mark all as read", "Clear all" actions
* Added: Ability to disable notification-type from the notifications list. UX alternative instead of visiting to the Account > Notifications page
* Added: Pagination "Load More" for notifications list in sidebar and static list on the notifications page
* Fixed: Enabled notifications types that was disabled by hardcode
* Fixed: Extension settings structure

⭐另见:摘要 终极会员插件 支持持续更新

下载 Ultimate Member Real-time Notifications Addon v2.3.6 

笔记: 也许你需要在安装插件之前解压缩。 如果任何主题/插件包含病毒,我们不提供任何保证。 在 localhost 上使用之前,请检查 Virustotal。
