WordPress XML and CSV Importer Plugin ImportWP Pro Plugin
Import WP Pro can import any XML or CSV file into WordPress. Its easy-to-use interface with inline preview makes the custom import process simple.
From text to image lists, the Custom Fields Importer allows you to import data into any theme or plugin that has custom fields/settings registered on posts, pages, users, categories, custom post types, and custom taxonomies.
Run each import manually, or schedule imports to run in the background so you can frequently sync data to your WordPress site.
Easily import and export WordPress data with Import WP, a WordPress import export plugin that allows you to export WordPress posts, users, categories, and anything else to multiple file formats, or import any XML/CSV file to WordPress posts, pages, custom fields, and more.
Import WP Pro can import any XML or CSV file into WordPress. Its easy-to-use interface with inline preview makes customizing the import process simple.
From text to image lists, the Custom Fields Importer allows you to import data into any theme or plugin that has custom fields/settings registered on posts, pages, users, categories, custom post types, and custom taxonomies.
Manually run each import, or schedule imports to run in the background, so you can frequently sync data to your WordPress site.
Recommendation: WordPress Professional Clean Modern Layout Theme Framer Theme
WordPress XML and CSV Importer Plugin ImportWP Pro Plugin Main Features
Import WooCommerce products
Import posts, pages, and custom post types
Import categories, tags, and custom taxonomies.
Import users.
Import custom field data.
Schedule and run imports
Advanced Custom Fields Importer Plugin
ImportWP PRO Advanced Custom Fields Importer extends the built-in custom fields options, allowing you to import into ACF generated fields.
WooCommerce Product Importer Plugin
Easily import WooCommerce variable, simple, grouped and external products, as well as product categories, tags and any custom taxonomies.
Yoast SEO Settings Importer Plugin
Add extra fields used by the Yoast SEO plugin, such as opengraph, meta description, and keywords, when importing WordPress posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, and users.
Custom theme or plugin integration:
We work with clients to create integrations with specific themes and plugins, such as importing listings into a car dealership business WordPress theme
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WordPress XML and CSV Importer Plugin ImportWP Pro Plugin changeLog
2.9.1 – 29/11/2023
Fix updating plugin does not trigger the plugin activation, allowing for ImportWP ACF addon to still be installed, code added to stop plugin loading.
2.9.0 – 28/11/2023
Add custom cron url, enable by setting constant ‘IWP_CRON_TOKEN’, trigger cron using https://yoursite.com/wp-load.php?iwp_cron_token=[IWP_CRON_TOKEN]
Merge advanced custom fields importer addon.
2.8.0 – 14/11/2023
Add Custom fields to ImportWP new Permission field Interface.