WordPress Plugin WooCommerce Wallet
WooCommerce Wallet is a WordPress plugin that allows your customers to check/pay from their wallet using the funds they have deposited to their account.
WooCommerce WalletNew Features
- Added minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts.
- Show unanswered refund requests first.
- Show unanswered withdrawal requests first.
- Export transactions.
- Make withdrawal requests.
- Option to delete withdrawal requests.
- Added option to specify refund reason.
- Improved display of wallet balance in menu options. (Make sure to re-enable the Wallet Balance option in the menu on the Settings page)
- Added wallet icon for WooCommerce Wallet.
- Increased refund fee (fixed amount/percentage).
- Added withdrawal fee (fixed amount/percentage).
- Increased remittance fee (fixed amount/percentage).
- Fixed.
- Wallet Top-ups: Added visibility to options, pre-made plans, and custom amounts. Customers can choose to purchase one of the pre-made plans you’ve created (and can earn any rewards you offer) or purchase a custom amount.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-wallet/19502593
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This is a WooCommerce Wallet Refund allows users/customers to pay with the amount they deposited into their account and allows admins to refund the amount directly to the user’s wallet.
WooCommerce Wallet
By default, the wallet dashboard only shows customers who have made at least one wallet conversion, you can change this from the settings page and set the dashboard to list all customers.
Admins can add funds, withdraw or lock customers’ wallets, locked wallets cannot be used for payments.
RefundsWooCommerce Wallet
Refund amounts can be set for any product or variation, either an exact value or a percentage of the product price.
More Funds WooCommerce Wallet
You can add coins to any user’s wallet directly from the admin panel
Request a Refund
If you enable refunds, users will be able to submit refund requests and the admin can approve or deny them.
Refund percentages can be set on the plugin settings page.
Transaction History WooCommerce Wallet
All transactions are logged and the admin can view all transactions and filter them by user.
Users can make partial payments on the WooCommerce Account page
WooCommerce Wallet
If the account balance is insufficient, customers can choose to make a partial payment using available funds.
The available amount will be deducted from the cart total, and the user will pay the remaining amount using another payment method.
Credit products WooCommerce Wallet
Add a new product with the quantity as the name and price, and set the category to “WooCommerce Wallet Credit” to add a new deposit option
Credit products will not appear in the store.
Deposit/Recharge WooCommerce Wallet
Using the shortcode [fsww_deposit] admins can add a deposit/recharge form that users can use to fund their accounts.
Shortcodes can be used in pages or widgets
Shortcodes Shortcodes WooCommerce Wallet
Add a deposit/recharge form.
Current user account balance.
User’s current transactions history table.
The shortcodes can be used in a page or in a widget
Wallet balances for users of WooCommerce Wallet are encrypted, so account balances cannot be manually modified if the database is compromised.
Translation is ready
.po, .pot and .mo files included for easy translation
We add features on request
If there is a feature you would like to see added to the plugin in the future, please contact us and tell us what you need. We will be happy to add it.
Recommendation: CryptoPay WooCommerce, a cryptocurrency payment gateway plugin
Changelog: WooCommerce Wallet
v2.10 – July 7, 2022 - Added the option to disable all the other payment methods except for top-ups. v2.9.10 – June 29, 2022 - Made the wallet compatible with currencies that have long decimal numbers, like cryptocurrency..
⭐ See also: Archives WordPress Plugin Completely Free Premium Code Canyon
Download WooCommerce Wallet v4.7.0
Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing plugins. We don’t provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.