WordPress WooCommerce Product Filter Plugin Filter Everything
Filter Everything – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter is the most effective WooCommerce product filter plugin. Create a high-performance filtering system. You can use the Filter Everything plugin to display your WooCommerce items (or any other post type) according to any criteria.
Filter Everything Because WordPress is new, it is faster, smarter, has unique SEO features, and can filter almost everything.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/filter-everything-wordpress-woocommerce-filter/31634508
Recommendation: WooCommerce Product Filter PWF
Feature Filter Everything – WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter
Can filter any post type.
WooCommerce items include products, articles, recipes, cars, and real estate assets.
Any parameter can be used for filtering.
For example:
- Any value in a custom field (sale price, sale price, or any value in a custom field).
- Product Reviews
- Product categories can be in the form of product categories, tags, or any other custom categories.
- Size, color, length, width, weight, and other product features
- Discount, available, downloadable, pre-order, featured, and other product states
- Variable, simple, grouped, external product types
- Shipping class
- Product visibility
- Product brand name
- Author
- Any WordPress category you created
- Featured image (present/absent)
- Views of product/post
- Time to cook
- Calories
- …
- You can put anything you can think of into a category or custom field.
Filters for each individual
For certain archive pages – categories, tags or whatever you choose to call them.
Simple and attractive URLs.
Narrow down the result pages This allows them to be indexed by search engines, shared, bookmarked, etc.
In URL order, arbitrary filter
For example /color-red/size-small/ or /size-small/color-red/
Filter pages for indexing are provided.
Using “mid” and “long tail” keywords, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract more users to your website.
Individual SEO titles, H1 titles, and meta descriptions are all available.
Create Page Filters
Search Engine Optimization Guidelines
Allows you to select pages by automatically generating H1 titles, SEO titles, and meta descriptions.
Within the Deadline, Create Dynamic Retelling Posts
After selecting a specific phrase or setting a numeric filter value, you always know how many products you will review.
Recommendation: GamiPress Restrict Content Addon
Hiding empty sentences is an option.
In order to eliminate useless searches, the entire filter does not contain any products.
Indicates that the provision is invalid.
During filtering, it becomes empty
Filters can be collapsed and expanded.
WordPress style dashboard
Any WordPress user will be familiar with
Design of a simple filter
Guaranteed compatibility with any WordPress theme.
Overrides and hooks in patterns
Allows you to adjust the functionality and appearance of the filter to the needs of your site.
Any theme design is compatible.
Simply choose the main color for the filter.
Intelligent scrolling
If all the identified items are on one page, the page will automatically scroll to the top.
Filter search results
Using the Filter Everything plugin, you can fine-tune your WordPress search.
Supported caching plugins.
Recommendation: WordPress Database Search Replace Plugin Better Search Replace Pro
= 1.7.1 = *Release Date - 30 September 2022* * Dev - Added Show more/Show less toggle for filters * Tweak - Added hooks to make opened by default Folding, Hierarchy and Show more/Show less filters * Tweak - Optimized JavaScript code to increase speed of AJAX requests * Tweak - Added hook 'wpc_dropdown_default_option' to modify default option name in the dropdown view. * Fix - Hide Show hierarchy field for non-taxonomy filters and for inappropriate views * Fix - Fixed bug in Taxonomy Numeric filters related with taxonomy name contains "-" character * Fix - Fixed bug for Numeric filters when Min and Max values were incorrect = v1.7.0 = *Release Date - 31 August 2022* * Dev - Added Taxonomy Numeric type of filter * Fix - Improved compatibility with SEO plugins in WordPress Multisite mode * Tweak - Reduced Chips size * Tweak - Added support of shortcodes to SEO Rules
⭐See also: Collection Codecanyon Plugin Daily updated premium
Download Filter Everything v1.9.0
Note: You may need to unzip it before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.