WordPress Product Sync Plugin WooCommerce API Product Sync
When adding/updating products, the WooCommerce API Product Sync plugin can automatically synchronize products from one WooCommerce online store (store) with other WooCommerce online stores (stores). In addition, wholesale products can be synchronized across multiple online stores. It is a perfect solution for independent WooCommerce online stores.
WordPress Product Sync Plugin WooCommerce API Product Sync Function
When adding/updating products, automatically synchronize products to a single online store.
Automatically sync products across multiple online stores when adding/updating products.
Batch sync of products from multiple online stores. Bulk
Sync, you can filter products. How to search for products, search products by category, search products by page.
Sync type options: “Automatic sync” or “Manual sync”.
Product sync type options: “Whole Product” or “Price and Quantity” or “Quantity”
Old products are synced with options: “Slug” or “SKU”.
Simple, Grouped, Virtual, External/Attached and Variable products are supported.
Automatically sync product data (General, Inventory, Shipping, Linked Products, Attributes, Variants and Advanced).
Automatically sync product categories and tags when syncing products with your online store.
Automatic product media sync (featured images and gallery).
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Disable automatic synchronization option: Disable automatic synchronization when adding or updating products.
Exclude product categories when syncing with online store.
Exclude products with tags when syncing with online store.
Exclude product metadata when syncing with online store.
Exclude term description options.
Product price adjustment options: If needed, you can increase or decrease the price of products in your online store.
Stock Sync Option – Automatically sync the stock (inventory) in the target web store when an order is placed in the source web store.
Product Deletion Sync Option: Automatically delete or remove products in the target web store when they are deleted or removed in the source web store.
All API errors will also be saved in the debug.log log file in the /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-api-product-sync/ directory. In addition, you can see it in the admin side.
Add unlimited synchronization of web stores.
And more features of WooCommerce API product synchronization
WordPress Gallery Plugin Global Gallery
WordPress product synchronization plug-in WooCommerce API Product Sync update log
WooCommerce API Product Sync v3.0.0
- Optimized stock sync on order place.
- Optimized categories and tags sync.
WooCommerce API Product Sync v2.9.0
– Maintenance release.