WordPress website analysis plugin Independent Analytics v2.9.7


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WordPress网站分析插件Independent Analytics

WordPress website analysis plugin Independent Analytics

  Independent Analytics is a GDPR-compliant website analysis plugin built specifically for WordPress. If you are ready to use an alternative to Google Analytics, give it a try.

  This is a free plugin that does not require you to create an account on other websites. All the features listed below are included in the free plugin.

  Independent Analytics gives you a simple and beautiful dashboard that even beginners to web analytics can use.

  With a user-friendly dashboard, you can quickly filter, sort, and customize reports to find answers to your most pressing questions. Because data loads almost instantly, there is virtually no delay in your discovery process.

  By removing the barriers created by traditional analytics programs, you can complete the analysis process and move on to making impactful changes to improve your site. Part of the reason this data is so useful is that it is so much richer than what you would get from URL-based analytics programs.

  Because it’s integrated at the CMS level as a WordPress plugin, it knows everything about your site’s pages, including but not limited to the URL. We call this page-based analytics.

  This means that each report can include data like post author, publication date, and page type (post, page, category, etc.), so you don’t have to use specific URL schemes or RegEx patterns to find things like the most popular posts or top search queries. Using a plugin instead of an app for analytics means your data is collected and stored on your servers, so you get superior data privacy and GDPR compliance.

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Main features of WordPress website analysis plugin Independent Analytics

  Analytics dashboard within WP admin

  Shows your most popular posts and pages

  Lists your top traffic sources

  Geographic data with interactive world map

  Device reports with device type, browser and OS

  Almost no impact on performance

  PRO version now available

  Independent Analytics Pro adds campaign URLs, real-time analytics, WooCommerce integration, and email reporting. Limited time promotion, 45% off.

  Beautiful and customizable dashboard

  Independent Analytics adds a full-featured analytics dashboard to your WP admin. The analytics dashboard shows you:

  Quick statistics showing total pageviews and number of visitors

  Visual charts showing daily traffic

  Data tables containing every page visited

  You can also sort and filter the data by any column, such as page type, author, publication date, title, etc.

  The only analytics tool fully integrated with WordPress

  Independent Analytics is different from Google Analytics and other analytics WordPress plugins.

  Other tools show you a list of URLs and their metrics. Independent Analytics can show you the title, page type, author, publication date, category, etc. of each page, as well as metrics such as pageviews and visitors.

  We call this a page-based analytics tool.

  Simply install the plugin and tracking starts right away. You don’t need to deal with any tracking code, edit your site’s head element, or create an account elsewhere.

  GDPR Compliant

  Independent Analytics is GDPR compliant out of the box. Here are its privacy features: No cookies used, no personally identifiable information stored, data is created and stored entirely on your server, and since Independent Analytics uses cookieless tracking, you don’t need to add cookie pop-ups to your site.

  Top Traffic Sources, Understand where your website visitors are coming from with the Referrer Report. It shows you: Every website that sent you visitors Automatically detects popular search engines and social sites, filters and sorts referrers the way you want. With traffic analysis, you can quickly find out which marketing strategies are working and which are not.

  Geo Report

  Understand where your visitors are located with the Geo Dashboard. It contains the following data for each visitor: Continent Country Division/Region City Like other reports, you can set a custom date range, sort and filter the results.

  Data Portability

  As an analytics WordPress plugin, your data is collected and stored entirely on your server. This means you can:Back up your analytics data every time you backup your siteTransfer your analytics to any domain

  Export your data to CSV at any time

  Unlike other analytics solutions that use your URLs, Standalone Analytics tracks your pages, so if you move to a new domain, you won’t see any differences in your analytics – the URLs automatically update to match the new domain.

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WordPress Website Analysis Plugin Independent Analytics changeLog

  •   2.6.3–July 10th,2024
  •   Fix:Email report heading wasn’t considering timezones
  •   Fix:Formidable Forms and MailOptin submissions going untracked
  •   2.6.2–July 2nd,2024
  •   Fix:WooCommerce orders using the block checkout were not tracked
  •   Fix:Email report scheduling wasn’t considering timezones

WordPress website analysis plugin Independent Analytics v2.9.7

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