WordPress Swift Performance v2.3.7.2


WordPress缓存和性能插件Swift Performance

Swift Performance for WordPress

Swift Performance for WordPress is an excellent caching plugin that is essential for your website because caching speeds up and improves the performance of your WordPress website. A faster website improves the user experience and encourages more page visits.

When it comes to image optimization, Swift Performance for WordPress excels. Images often account for the majority of bytes downloaded on a web page, and a significant percentage of that space is taken up by images. Since images can cause your site to load slowly, it’s vital that all your photos are optimized for the web.

Swift Performance for WordPress excels at handling complex CSS. If you visit Google PageSpeed ​​Insights and study one of your pages, you’ll probably get a warning about optimizing CSS delivery by inlining critical CSS and asynchronously loading render-blocking stylesheets.

Browsers don’t render the above-the-fold content of a web page until all CSS files have been loaded. This can be a significant problem when a large number of files have to be loaded. That’s why you need it, and you’ve got Swift Performance.

440% Increase in Your Site Speed

What a one-second delay in page load time does:

  • Page views dropped by 11%.
  • Customer satisfaction dropped by 16%.
  • Conversions dropped by 7%.

Every second counts because you lose website visitors, readers, customers, and buyers. Fast Performance, no technical or programming experience required, improve your website’s performance in just one click.

Demo: http://swiftperformance.io/

Features Swift Performance – WordPress Cache and Performance Booster

Quick Installation

Swift Performance offers an easy step-by-step setup wizard that includes automatic setup.


Swift Performance also has pre-configured presets, which is a great way for newbies to get started.

Exporting and Importing

You can export and import your settings, so if you find the perfect setup, you can easily transfer it to production or even another site.

White Label

You can quickly rebrand Swift for your clients using the Whitelabel feature.


Swift Performance makes heavy use of filters, actions and constants, so it can be easily tweaked for your project if you are an advanced user.

CSS Optimization

Optimizing the distribution of static assets is one of the most critical aspects of performance. Swift Performance not only combines and minifies CSS files, but also automatically creates important CSS for each page.

Optimization of Javascript

Javascripts (even inline scripts) can be concatenated, minified and moved to the footer without causing any problems.

Javascript is executed in asynchronous mode.

Render-blocking javascript files can be very large. Swift Performance has a unique asynchronous execution feature: you can still combine scripts, but each chunk will run separately after downloading, resulting in high-speed and enhanced JS execution. Improve your SEO score as well as your user experience.

Image Optimizer

Swift Performance has an unlimited image optimizer built in. Using our Image Optimizer API you can optimize/lossily optimize JPEG and PNG images and create WebP versions.

Lazy Load Images

Swift Performance has a great feature called Slow Load. Swift Performance will load highly compressed photos (which will appear blurry) and will only fully load images that are close to the camera. Different options for lazy loading background images are also available.

Smart Youtube Embed

Before a visitor launches a video with Smart Youtube Embed (or before embedding in mobile mode), the browser will not load extraneous assets, resulting in a better user experience. Apply the same

Pushing Data from the Server

If your site uses HTTP2, this feature will help with resource optimization and page load speed.

Support for CDN

Swift Performance can assist with setting up any CDN that uses the pull method. If this option is selected, WordPress will use the CDN to load static files. Custom file types can also be specified to be served by the CDN. Swift Performance also has better Cloudflare integration.

Page Cache

Swift Performance generates static versions of your site to make them load faster in the browser. Page caching reduces TTFB while also saving server resources.

Caching in the Browser

To enable browser caching, Swift Performance inserts the required headers. Browser caching will reduce traffic on your server while making pages load faster.

Proxy Server Cache

Proxy caching is an advanced option if your site uses a proxy, such as Cloudflare. It has the potential to significantly reduce TTFB behind a proxy server.

Cache Preloading

Swift Performance has a cache preloading feature that preloads all cacheable pages and caches visitors. It also recognizes changes (published/updated posts, pages or products, new comments, updated item stock/price, etc.) and automatically rebuilds the cache.

Ajaxify Lazy Loading Element

The lazyload element is a more advanced option. You can use it to define which content should be loaded with AJAX after the page loads. Thanks to this feature, you don’t have to ignore the whole page just because there is a little dynamic part.

Minicart Cache

You can use this feature to serve the WooCommerce minicart if the static cache is empty. It will reduce the time it takes for someone to interact with your website for the first time.

AJAX Cache

You can provide cacheable AJAX actions that can be cached just like pages using Swift Performance. It will reduce the time it takes for a visitor to load the entire website.

Caching in real time

You can provide cacheable query strings that can be cached just like normal pages using Swift Performance. This can be useful if your site uses query strings for sorting, language, or other purposes.

Logged in users have a cache.

You can activate caching for logged in users to make your site faster for real visitors, not just speed tests.

Download as quickly as possible.

With the Early Loader feature enabled, Swift Performance will be the first plugin loaded, allowing it to optimize responses before any other plugins have an impact.

404 Not Found. Cache

Swift Performance can also cache 404 pages. If your server is overburdened by 404 requests, you can use this option to reduce the load.


Swift Performance fully supports Varnish, which can automatically refresh and preload the cache.

App Cache

Using the browser’s application cache, you can select individual pages (or even entire sites) to preload for first-time users. It can greatly improve the navigation speed of your site. Appcache can be configured separately for desktop and mobile devices.


You can set cache exceptions. You can exclude specific post types, pages, or URLs, as well as add exceptions based on user agent and crawler. You can also exclude archive pages (authors, categories, etc.) and even entire pages containing specific strings.

Changelog Swift Performance – WordPress Cache and Performance Booster

v2.3.6.4 – 25/10/2021
[FIX] Minor fixes [NEW] Clear Cache on Update Post by Custom Rule v2.3.6.1 – 20/07/2021 [FIX] Minor bugfixes [NEW] Autocomplete for settings [NEW] Lazyload Template Parts [NEW] Lazyload Nav Menus

⭐Similar recommendations: WP Rocket – WordPress Caching Plugin

Download Swift Performance v2.3.7.2

Note: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We don’t provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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