WordPress SNIP Structured Data v2.31.9


WordPress结构化数据插件SNIP Structured Data

SNIP Structured Data for WordPress

SNIP is a WordPress plugin that uses structured data and schema to generate rich snippets and rich search results. Structured data is needed to help search engines understand the material on your page and provide specific clues about its importance. You can get eye-catching search results on Google, Yandex, Bing and other search engines, which is a huge side benefit.

“Rich Search Results” is another name for Rich Snippets. These search results (SERPS) may include celebrities, photos, and more. Not only will this increase your click-through rate, but structured data is also a ranking criterion for major search engines, so adopting it on your WordPress site should also help SEO.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/snip-structured-data-plugin-for-wordpress/3464341

Recommendation:  WordPress Fluent Support Pro

Features: SNIP: Structured Data Plugin for WordPress

Markup structured data in a computer-assisted manner

WordPress structured data is a technical topic. This is great because you only need to build one schema before automating. This feature is called a “global” snippet. Schema templates are useful because once you configure them, they can be used for all your posts. You can choose where you want to go. It’s as easy as defining a few rules. All done!


First and foremost, SNIP provides complete schema documentation. The documentation has been steadily increasing over the past eight years. There aren’t many questions that go unanswered. Whatever your ability level, my documentation can help you. If you are completely new to structured data, the free structured data course will undoubtedly help.

Search Engine Optimization

There is no doubt that structured data helps improve search engine rankings. This is because some code informs search engines exactly what kind of material to expect on your website. In this way, they will be able to better understand the subject matter. On search results pages, certain structured data snippets appear as rich search results, which is a unique way to display your material on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Click-Through Rate (CTR) Increase

For a certain search, there are millions of results. Everyone wants users to choose their own search results. This can be achieved by presenting it in a new way. Yes! This is really effective. It is done in WordPress using schemas, which are inserted as structured data. Rich snippets and rich search results were created by some of them. Then, the search results appear “different”, for example, they are bigger, include pictures, star ratings or other information, such as product price and availability.
Trust me when I say this: this is something you must have! You will undoubtedly outperform your opponents!

Custom Fields Can Be Added (for Schema Properties)

You can arrange anything the way you want with the built-in world’s first structured data generator. Of course, you want to automate as much as possible. This is also possible. The so-called “field kinds” automatically fill the schema properties and fill them differently for each article. You can load data from WooCommerce as well as the Postmeta database in WordPress. Are you using Advanced Custom Fields to build your fields? In most cases, SNIP can read these and automatically insert them into the schema.

Highly Improved

I put a high priority on speed. On the front end, SNIP does not load CSS, JavaScript, images, or anything else. Structured data is only used when absolutely needed. Also, search engines are the only ones that can read these little snippets of text. This eliminates the need for the browser to read and display them. There is virtually no sluggishness. SNIP is resource-efficient even on the server. Only the PHP files needed for the job are loaded. And finally, only on the SNIP settings page.

Recommendation: WordPress Responsive WooCommerce Theme WoodMart 

Update Log: SNIP: Structured Data Plugin for WordPress

2.29.0 (May 16, 2022)
New [Pro]: Allow to target author archive page.
New [Pro]: Allow to add user data to schema templates. Read more here: Working with userdata.
Updated language translations.

2.28.6 (May. 14, 2022) New/Fix: Allow to target post type archive pages. 2.28.5 (May. 4, 2022) Fixed slow page load on schema template pages. 2.28.4 (Feb. 28, 2022) Fixed fatal errors on ACF time, datetime or date picker that could be occur on empty values. 2.28.3 (Feb. 27, 2022) Fixed fatal errors on ACF time, datetime or date picker that could be occur in some cases. Fixed some PHP 8.x warnings.

⭐Similar suggestions: WP Schema Pro – The best way to add patterns without writing code

Free Download SNIP Structured Data Plugin for WordPress v2.31.9 

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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