WordPress Security Plugin Hide My WP
WordPress Security Plugin Hide My WP is the #1 security plugin for WordPress. It hides your WordPress from attackers, spammers, and theme detectors. Over 26,000 satisfied customers use Hide My WP.
Hide My WP plugin also hides your wp login URL and renames the admin URL. It detects and blocks XSS, SQL injection security attacks on your WordPress site.
Recommendation: Fastest WooCommerce Theme Shoptimizer
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/search/4177158
- Hide your wp-login.php path
- Hide the wp-admin folder and all its files (for untrusted users)
- Change WordPress themedirectory, remove theme information from stylesheets, replace default WP classes, and finally minify it!
- Change plugin directory and plugin hash name
- Change wp–includes folder, upload URL, AJAX URL, etc.
- Change WordPress query URL:
- Change author permalink (or disable it!)
- Change or disable feed
- Hide all other WordPress files!
- Disable WordPress archives, categories, tags, pages, posts, etc.
Trusted Network
Hide My WP is the most popular security plugin on the Envato Market. Wpwave has a large community of businesses built on WordPress. The amazing volunteers at wpwave allow us to collect and analyze anonymous data from their IDS database. This data is extremely valuable to any security company.
WPwave instantly finds any common vulnerabilities in a network and automatically protects wpwave customers! Since everything is done in the background, you don’t have to do anything! Without a doubt, this is the easiest, fastest and most effective technique to protect your WordPress based business!
Intrusion Detection System

With Hide My WP, one of the only WP-optimized intrusion detection (and prevention) systems, you don’t even need to find vulnerabilities. IDS automatically monitors the site and discovers potentially dangerous requests based on various patterns.
It assigns a number (impact factor) to each request, indicating how dangerous it is. You always have access to all the details of the attacker: who they are, where they come from and how they are trying to hack your site! As to whether they should be blocked or not.
- Easily replace any word in your html output files!
- Easily change/hide any URL or file with Replace URL!
- Notify you when someone is talking about your WordPress site (including visitor details like IP, user agent, referrer, and even username!)
- Compress html output and remove comments in source code
- Remove WordPress meta information from title and feed
- Change default WordPress email sender
- Customize 404 page!
- Delete unnecessary menu layers
- Clean up the body layer
- Education
Recommendation: WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts with AI
Changelog Hide My WP– WordPress Security Plugin
6.2.6 (July 17, 2022) Fixed Multisite Issues. Auto Configuration option in Permalinks tab issue fixed Notice added for htaccess write permission. v6.2.4 (October 26, 2021) - Fixed security vulnerabilities reported by Envato. - Minor Bug fixes.
⭐Similar recommendations: Wordfence Security Premium – WordPress Security Plugin
Download Hide My WP v8.2.10
Notes: No need to enter license
Note: Maybe you need to unzip before installing plugin. We don’t provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.