WordPress Search Plugin Relevanssi pro Premium Plugin
WordPress search doesn’t search everything and doesn’t give you enough control over what to search and how to search. Relevanssi gives you full access and full control, with a ton of filters and ways to make Relevanssi work the way you want it to.
Relevanssi replaces the standard WordPress search with a much better search engine, with tons of features and configurable options. You will get better results and better results presentation
Recommendation: WordPress Membership Site Plugin WishList Member
WordPress search plugin Relevanssi pro premium plugin main features
- Relevanssi premium plugin file has many key features. All these features make your blogging journey very easy. If you use all these features correctly, then you can make your posts rank on the first page of Google.
- PDF Content Relevanssi can read the text in PDF, index it and search it! Learn more about indexing PDF.
- Multisite Search Relevanssi can run searches on multiple subsites in the same multisite network.
- Custom Fields Relevanssi will look for content in your custom fields, including WooCommerce SKUs, ACF field content, or anything you have stored in custom fields. Learn more about Custom Field Search.
- User Profiles Yes, Relevanssi will find users by their name and profile description.
- Category Terms Whether you prefer categories, tags or custom taxonomies, Relevanssi will return term archive pages in your searches!
- Shortcode Output Relevanssi can expand shortcodes and find content generated by shortcodes.
- Search results are sorted in order of relevance, not date.
- Fuzzy Matching: Match partial words if full words don’t match.
- Find documents that match just one search term (OR query) or require all words to appear (AND query).
- Search for a phrase in quotes, such as “search phrase”.
- Create a custom excerpt that shows where the click occurred, and highlights the search term.
- Highlight the search term in the document when the user clicks on a search result.
- Search comments, tags, categories and custom fields.
- Multisite friendly.
- bb news support.
- Gutenberg friendly.
- Advanced Features
- Adjust the weight of titles, tags, and comments.
- Log queries, display the most popular queries and the queries that have not hit recently.
- Limit search to categories and tags using hidden variables or plugin settings.
- Index custom post types and custom taxonomies.
- Index shortcode content.
- Google-style “Did you mean?” suggestions based on successful user searches.
- Supports WPML multilingual plugin and Polylang.
- Supports s2member membership plugin, Members, Groups, Simple Membership and other membership plugins.
- Advanced filtering helps you hack search results the way you want.
- Search result limiting improves performance for large databases.
- Disable indexing of post content and post titles using simple filter hooks.
- Index attachment content (PDF, Office, Open Office).
- Improved spelling correction suggestions in “Did you mean?”.
- Search across multiple sites in the same multisite installation.
- Search and index user profiles.
- Search and index taxonomy term pages (categories, tags, custom taxonomies).
- Search and index any column in the wp_posts MySQL table.
- Assign weights to any post type and category.
- Assign additional weights to new posts.
- Let users choose between AND and OR searches, using + and – operators (AND and NOT).
- Export and import settings.
- WP CLI commands.
- Related posts.
- Redirect searches.
Recommendation: S2W – Import Shopify to WooCommerce plugin
WordPress search plugin Relevanssi pro advanced changelog
- Premium. Fixes taxonomy indexing broken in 2.24.3.
- Premium. Security fix: Relevanssi had a vulnerability for SQL injections. Exploiting the vulnerability does require WP admin access. This vulnerability is now fixed.
- Premium. Security fix: Relevanssi had a vulnerability for error log injections. Exploiting this vulnerability requires file upload access to the site, and that the debug logging is enabled. This vulnerability is now fixed.
- Premium. New feature: New filter hook ‘relevanssi_get_attachment_posts_query_final‘ filters the final SQL query for attachment post fetching.
- Premium. Changed behavior: Relevanssi now skips attachments with ‘Server did not respond’ errors when reading attachments. This should help with problems from attachments that are too big to read.
- Premium. Minor fix: Improved server timeout error handling for attachment reading.
- Premium. Minor fix: Multisite search failed when the search term resolved to nothing in the tokenizer.
- Minor fix: Relevanssi didn’t strip tags from custom field -specific excerpts and could show zero-hit excerpts for the content.