WordPress search plugin Relevanssi Premium v​​


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WordPress搜索插件Relevanssi Premium

WordPress search plugin Relevanssi Premium

WordPress Search Plugin Relevanssi Premium is a superior search engine that replaces the default WordPress search with many features and adjustable parameters. You’ll receive better results and better presentation of the results, and your users will love it.

Demo: https://www.relevansi.com/

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Features: WordPress search plugin Relevanssi Premium

  • Search results are sorted by relevance, not date.
  • If the entire word does not match, use fuzzy matching to match the incomplete word.
  • Find documents that match only one search keyword (OR query) or all words must appear (AND query).
  • Find terms within quotation marks, such as “search phrase.”
  • Create unique excerpts that emphasize search phrases and indicate where hits occur.
  • When a user clicks on a search result, the search terms are highlighted in the document.
  • Comments, tags, categories and custom fields can all be searched.
  • Multisite compatibility.
  • Supports bbPress.
  • Gutenberg Compatible
  • Titles, tags, and comments can all be given different weights.
  • Show the most popular searches and recent no-hit queries in the query log.
  • Use hidden variables or plugin settings to limit searches to categories and tags.
  • Custom post types and taxonomies are indexed.
  • The content of the shortcode is indexed.
  • “What do you mean?” Based on successful user queries, Google is recommended.
  • Supports WPML and Polylang multi-language plugins.
  • Supports s2member membership plug-in, as well as other membership plug-ins, such as members, groups, simple members, etc.
  • Advanced filters let you manipulate search results to your liking.
  • Limit search results to improve performance on large databases.
  • Using a simple filter hook, you can disable indexing of post content and titles.
  • Attachment content index (PDF, Office, Open Office).
  • Spelling correction suggestions in “Did you mean?” have been improved.
  • In a multi-site installation, searches can be conducted across different sites.
  • User profiles can be searched and indexed.
  • Category pages can be searched and indexed (categories, tags, custom categories).
  • In the wp posts MySQL table, you can search and index any column.
  • Any post type and taxonomy can be weighted.
  • New positions should be given more weight.
  • Allows users to choose between AND and OR searches, and use the + and – operators (AND and NOT).
  • Export and import settings.
  • WP CLI is the command line interface for WordPress.
  • Related posts.
  • For searches, there are redirects.

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changelog: WordPress search plugin Relevanssi Premium

WordPress search plugin Relevanssi Premium v2.19
Premium. New feature: New CLI command list_pinned_posts lists all pinned and unpinned posts.
Premium. New feature: New CLI command list lists indexed and unindexed posts, taxonomy terms and users.
New feature: You can now look at how the posts appear in the database from the Debugging tab.
New feature: Relevanssi now works with WooCommerce layered navigation filters. The filter post counts should now match the Relevanssi search results.
Premium. New feature: You can now export the click tracking logs.
New feature: The new function relevanssi_count_term_occurrances() can display how often search terms appear in the database.
Changed behavior: Relevanssi post update trigger is now on wp_after_insert_post instead of wp_insert_post (for WP versions 5.6+). This makes the indexing more reliable and better compatible with other plugins.
Changed behavior: Throttling searches has been impossible when results are sorted by date. Now, if you set Relevanssi to sort by post date from the searching settings, you can enable the throttle, and the throttling will make sure to keep the most recent posts. This does not work if you set the orderby to post_date elsewhere.
Minor fix: Prevents Relevanssi from interfering in fringe cases (including The Event Calendar event search).
Minor fix: Relevanssi added the highlight parameter to home page URLs, even though it shouldn’t.
Minor fix: Indexing nav_menu_item posts is stopped earlier in the process to avoid problems with big menus.
Minor fix: Add support for WooCommerce product attribute lookup table filtering.
Minor fix: Improves Polylang language detection.
Minor fix: Improve excerpts to avoid breaking HTML tags when tags are allowed.
Minor fix: Add support for JetSmartFilters.
Premium. Minor fix: With multiple excerpts, sometimes Relevanssi would return no excerpt at all.
Minor fix: If the sentence query variable is used to enable phrase searching, Relevanssi now adds quotes to the highlight parameter.
Minor fix: Add support for TablePress table_filter shortcodes.
Minor fix: Improve WP File Download file content indexing support. Relevanssi indexing now happens after the WPFD indexing is done.
Premium. Minor fix: User profile update actions now happen at a later priority. This should reduce problems when indexing ACF fields, for example.
Minor fix: Relevanssi now hyphenates long search terms on the User searches page. This prevents long search terms from messing up the display.
Minor fix: Stopped some problems with “Did you mean” suggestions suggesting the same word if a hyphen was included.
Premium. Minor fix: If the API key weren't set in network settings for a multisite installation, Relevanssi wouldn't fall back to the current site API key setting when indexing attachment content. That works correctly now. However, preferably still set the API key on the network settings level.
Minor fix: Paging didn’t work in admin searches for hierarchical post types (like pages).

Download Relevanssi Premium v​​

Note: Maybe you need to unzip before installing plugin. We don’t provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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