WordPress School Management v10.5.4


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WordPress教育和学习管理系统插件School Management

School Management for WordPress

School Management for WordPress is a WordPress plugin for managing multiple schools and their entities such as classes, districts, students, exams, ID cards, admission cards, teachers, staff, fees, chemistry applications, income, fees, notice boards, study materials and more. Admins can control student and parent dashboards.

Payment gateway: Paypal, Stripe, Pesapal, Paystack, Razorpay, PayTM

SMS service provider: Nexmo, Twilio, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91, TextLocal, EBulkSMS, Infigo SMS

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/search/24678776

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WordPress Education and Learning Management System School ManagementFeatures 

Multi-School Management:- Add multiple fields, assign admins and classes to each field to manage each field.

Session Management:- Create a new session and keep all the records of previous sessions.

Class and Section Management:- Administrators can create classes and assign them to fields. For each class, there can be multiple layer sections.

Student Management:- School administrators and staff with necessary permissions can re-admit schools by assigning admission, grade, section, and roll number to them. Also, for each student record in the session, a new registration number is automatically generated.

Query Management:- Show the request form for the field in the page using shortcodes. Also, get the school question, add the next date, and make notes for the question.

Encourage Students:- Motivate students to move up to new classes and take new courses. This will create a new student registration for the next session.

Transfer Students:- Transfer students from one school to another. This also tracks students moving to and from schools.

Student Attendance:- Students take daily attendance. Print attendance sheets. Also, students can view their attendance reports in the dashboard.

Student Dashboard:- Students view their tuition report, admission details, ID cards, etc. and pay the remaining fees using appropriate payment options.

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Roles and Permissions:- Create custom roles like teachers, accountants, etc. and assign necessary permissions to them based on the roles, thus limiting them to manage the school entities assigned to them.

Designation of School Administrators and Staff:- Multi-school administrators assign administrators to fields. School administrators can create any number of staff members with roles to manage schools.

Notification Panel Widget:- It has a notice board widget that displays notifications to the widget section of your website. Here you can change the number of notifications, height and width of the widget to blend into your website design.

Distribute Research Papers:- School staff with necessary permissions can add class study materials. These study materials will be displayed on the student dashboard, allowing them to download and view the study materials.

Student Assignments:- School staff and teachers with necessary permissions can add chores to the course.

These chores will be displayed in the student dashboard section, students will get SMS notifications, and chores details can be sent to parents and students’ mobile phones.

Automatic Notifications via Email, SMS, and Custom Templates:- Send SMS and email notifications to students on new admissions, generate fee invoices, generate payment receipts, and more. SMS providers include Nexmo, Twilio, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91 SMS, TextLocal, and many more.

Exam Management:- Create quizzes, add exams, exam centers, time, date, and room numbers for one class or multiple classes.

Publish Test Schedule:- The option to publish exam schedule will be displayed on the student dashboard or you can use shortcode to display the exam schedule on a specific page of your website.

Create Admit Card:- For each exam, create an admit card for the students. Also, publish admit cards which students can download from the student dashboard section.

Manage Accountant :- This includes fee invoice generation, payment collection, revenue management, and fee management.

Create Fee Invoice:- Select students from the class and generate fee invoices in bulk or for individual students. This also supports partial or one-time payment collection.

Fee Form:- Display fee form on the page using shortcode, allowing students to search their name and view pending fee invoices. Students can pay the fee through payment methods.

Payment via Stripe, Razorpay, Pesapal :- Fees can be paid using Stripe payment gateway or Razorpay, Pesapal.

Printing Expense Invoices and Payment Receipts:- After adding the expense invoice, printing of expense invoices is supported. Also, after making the payment, students or faculty can print the payment receipt.

Expense and Income Management:- Add expense categories and income categories. Add cost and date wise results for the school.

Student Dashboard:- In the student dashboard, students can view the notice board, print their ID cards, view their pending expense invoices, make payments, and view their payment history. Moreover, they can also download study materials, exam timetables, application forms, and many more.

Student Login Widget and Shortcode:- Student login form can be displayed on the page through shortcode, you can also put the login widget on your website.

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Changelog: WordPress Education and Learning Management System School Management

v10.1.3 [1-08-2022]
- Updated: registration form settings.
- Fixed: Survey notice was showing in school setting sometimes.
- Fixed: QR Code was not displaying on admit card properly. - Fixed : QR Code was not displaying on exam result card properly. - Fixed: Exam result teacher and school remark notice fixed. - Updated: father and mother name is changed to possessive form. - Updated: Gmail email Setup information. v10.1.2 [12-07-2022]] - Fixed : Exam results Psychomotor save issue. - Fixed : Student attendance issue (holidays was counting in absents). - Fixed : Student attendance issue fixed in student dashboard. - Fixed : Staff attendance issue (holidays was counting in absents). - Changed: Roll number is now section wise. - Fixed : Noticeboard issue.

⭐ Similar recommendations: School Management System for WordPress

Free Download School Management v10.5.4 

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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