WordPress Real Estate Manager Pro v12.7


WordPress房地产插件Real Estate Manager Pro

Real Estate Manager Pro for WordPress

Real Estate Manager Pro for WordPress is a real estate listing WordPress plugin for full-featured real estate websites and portals.

Real Estate Manager Pro for WordPress provides beautiful and clean design for property templates and adds special built-in features such as property types, property videos, gallery sliders, AJAX advanced search, Google maps with property landmarks, property carousels, table printing, foreground properties, search widgets, mortgage calculators, background profile editing, easy to use settings and more…

Real Estate Manager Pro is also a real estate system based on WordPress controls that allows you to own and maintain real estate markets, approve agent registrations, restore properties, manage employee records…

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/search/20482813

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Features Real Estate Manager Pro

  • 7+ Enumeration Types: Property Manager comes with 7+ property enumerations, including list and grid views.
  • Responsive View: It is fully responsive to all modern browsers and devices.
  • Property Map: Display multiple properties and their locations on a large map.
  • Neighborhood Properties: Automatically display properties close to the visitor’s location.
  • Filter Properties: Allow visitors to filter properties based on property type directly from the map.
  • Real Estate Carousel: Touch integration for real estate listings.
  • Leaflet: If you don’t want to use Google Maps, you can also download maps from OpenStreetMaps.
  • WooCommerce: Compatible with WooCommerce to manage paid subscriptions.
  • Gutenberg: Support for Gutenberg editor has also been added for easy insertion of property blocks.
  • Unlimited Features: Add unlimited features and options.
  • Property Gallery: Allows you to add unlimited gallery images for each property which will be displayed on single property page in user-friendly slider.
  • Color Tube Property: Custom post type is used to manage properties using responsive front-end templates. You can also customize property slug and template files by including them in your theme.
  • WPML: It is compatible with WPML to let you create multilingual real estate website.
  • WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer): 15+ elements Visual Composer added for easy insertion and management of shortcodes.
  • Divi Modules: 15+ Divi modules can be used to easily manage content with Divi Builder.
  • Optimized Code: Based on WP Codex standards, only relevant scripts and styles are loaded, providing you with a fast experience and avoiding conflicts.
  • Scene Mail Notifications: Email notifications for property requests and agent registrations with custom email notifications.
  • Drag and Drop Fields: Create custom property fields using the drag and drop field builder.
  • Price Range Slider: Allow users to select their budget range when searching for properties using the price range slider.
  • Fast AJAX Search: Fast AJAX based search for listings with advanced search queries.
  • Actor Profiles: Manage agent profiles using their social links and other settings that can be managed from the profile settings.
  • Include Widgets: Search widget and Mortgage Calculator widget can be added to the widget area.
  • Submit Front-end Properties: Generate properties from the front-end using just one shortcode without having to go to the WordPress dashboard.
  • Front-End Agent Registration: Register agents using a pre-built registration form, they should be approved by the site admin after registration.
  • Agent Login: Login is based on AJAX and custom redirection after successful login.
  • My Properties: Displays a list of currently recorded properties with actions to delete or edit them with just one shortcode.
  • Edit Front-End Profiles: Let registered agents edit their profiles from the front-end.
  • Developer Friendly: The Property Manager relies on actions and filters to allow developers to easily modify or add new features.
  • Video: A separate section for video rendering of the property’s internal structure using a responsive video player.
  • Attachments: Easily attach all file types to properties like floor plans, wireframes or documents.
  • Translation Ready: You can easily change English strings to your language using any translation plugin like Loco Translate. This plugin has over 15 languages ​​translated and also includes a POT file to add your own.
  • Custom Map Icon: You can easily replace the map icon with your own image from the settings by simply uploading it.
  • Google CAPTCHA: CAPTCHA integrated to protect registration and contact forms.
  • Custom Colors: You can customize the color scheme to match your theme, you can choose the color from the settings for each element.
  • Custom Currency and Region: You can easily change the currency by simply selecting your country.
  • Custom Labels: You can easily change all labels and titles to your own text.
  • Map Type: You can choose a map style from four styles. Road, Earth, Hybrid or Tarrain maps.
  • Level Map Zoom: Easily customize map zoom levels and default latitude and longitude.
  • Disable Scripts: You can disable bootstrap and font awesome css loaded from plugin if your theme already loads them.

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Changelog Real Estate Manager Pro 

v11.2 – 24 August 22
- Bug Fixed: Fields title is not translating in Elementor
- Bug Fixed: Price field is not showing before and after text in Elementor
- Bug Fixed: Manage agents buttons are not working
- POT Updated

v11.1 – 17 May 22
- Feature Added: Image lightbox added on Simple Slider
- Feature Added: Admin filtering by categories and tags
- Feature Added: roles attribute in the create property shortcode
- Bug Fixed: Grid popup not displaying the close button
- Bug Fixed: Divi CSS conflicts on archive pages
- Bug Fixed: Total listings in carousel nearby
- Bug Fixed: Agent cards style 3 and 5, phone button is not working
- Bug Fixed: Agent card style 5 translation issues
- POT Updated

Download Real Estate Manager Pro v12.7

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost

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