WordPress Plugin Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.27 + Addons


WordPress插件Admin Menu Editor Pro

WordPress Plugin Admin Menu Editor Pro

WordPress Plugin Admin Menu Editor Pro is a plugin that allows you to manually edit the dashboard menu. You can rearrange menus, show/hide specific items, change permissions, and more.

Change menu permissions in just a few clicks. Click a role, uncheck the menu items you want to hide, and select the ones you want to show. You can also change permissions for individual users. For example, you can hide a menu from everyone except yourself, or give a user access to a specific admin page without changing their role.

Recommendation: WordPress optimization plug-in Scalability Pro plug-in

Organize menus by dragging and dropping

Make WordPress easier to use by moving common menu items to the top. You can also move menu items from one submenu to another or to the main menu. Want a top-level link for Add New Post or a specific plugin? You can do it. Do you have an unruly plugin that misplaced its admin page? Move it to Settings instead.

The plugin comes with a large collection of icons from Dashicons and FontAwesome icon fonts. You can upload your own PNG or GIF icons via the media library or enter icon URLs manually. You can also add icons to submenu items.

Edit background color, text, icons, and highlighting. You can apply changes to the entire admin menu or customize the colors of individual items.

You can add your own links to the admin menu. You can also create a custom menu that embeds the content of a post or page into the WordPress admin. Finally, it is possible to create non-clickable items, which is useful for things like section headers in complex admin menus.

Let’s say you’re building a website for a non-technical client, and you want to create a tutorial page or an external service that looks like part of WordPress. The “Open with: Frame” option can help you with that. It will display the linked page in a borderless frame. For completeness, a “new window” option (i.e. target=”_blank”) is also included.

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Import and Export Menu Settings

Export your admin menu configuration to a file and then import it into another site.

Hide individual entries on the Plugins page. Like menu items, you can hide them from everyone, or only from specific roles or users.

Apply Your Brand

Replace the default WordPress branding with your own using the Branding add-on. You can replace the WordPress logo, customize the login page, change the admin color scheme, hide WordPress version and core update notifications, and more.

Edit Admin Bar

The optional Toolbar Editor plugin allows you to customize the admin bar, also known as the WordPress toolbar. You can hide toolbar items, change their order by dragging and dropping, rename items, add new links, and more.

  • AME Brand Add-on v1.3
  • WordPress Toolbar Editor v1.4.0

Demo: https://adminmenueditor.com/

= v2.17 (2022-05-24) =
##### Added
* Added a new "Settings -> Easy Hide" admin page. This page collects most Admin Menu Editor Pro settings that are related to hiding things and provides a centralized interface for turning those settings on/off for different roles. The intent is to help people who primarily use this plugin to hide parts of the admin dashboard or clean up the interface for their users. If you don't need this feature, you can turn it off in the "Settings" tab: find the "Modules" section and uncheck the "Easy Hide" option.

##### Fixed
* Added additional validation and escaping in multiple places.
* Fixed a number of issues related to the WordPress coding standard and the WordPress-VIP-Go coding standard.
* Fixed visual misalignment of the "Extra capability" field and its drowpdown dropdown button in the "Permissions" dialog.
* Fixed inconsistent spacing aroud some radio buttons on the settings page.
* Fixed a fatal error during dashboard widget import. This bug affected only the "Import" button in the "Dashboard Widgets" tab; it did not affect the "Import" tab.

##### Changed
* Introduced a limit to how many unique menu URLs can be remembered by the "highlight new menu items" feature. Previously, when this feature was enabled, the plugin would record each "seen" menu item, which could cause the associated database entry to grow endlessly. Now the plugin will remember up to 700 items per user.
* Tested with WordPress 6.0 (release candidate) and 6.1-alpha.

⭐See also: Free Premium Collection WordPress Plugins Repository Code Canyon

WordPress Plugin Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.27 + Addons

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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