WordPress permalink plugin Permalink Manager Pro v2.5.0


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WordPress永久链接插件Permalink Manager Pro

Permalink Manager Pro

Permalink Manager Pro is the most advanced yet user-friendly WordPress permalink plugin. It allows you to easily control all permalinks for posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags, custom taxonomies, and WooCommerce stores. It also helps you restore permalinks or replace any word in the URL in just a few clicks.

Permalinks are used to link to specific blog or forum posts, as well as user profiles on social networks. Regular links sometimes contain a lot of service information (session number, current section of the site, etc.). Permalinks are more concise, easy to read, and contain only the information to go to the desired page.

Demo: https://permalinkmanager.pro/

Theme: Multi-purpose WordPress theme Qwery + RTL

  • Custom WooCommerce Permalink
  • Custom Post Type and Category Permalink
  • Edit multiple fixed links at once
  • Automatically redirect old permanent links
  • Add custom fields to WordPress permanent links
  • Duplicate permanent link slugs

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= 2.2.20 (October 10, 2022) = * Fix - The URLs with duplicated slashes (eg. example.com/sample-page////) are now handled correctly and forwarded to the canonical URL. * Fix - The redirect problem was resolved with WPForo versions after 2.0.1 * Dev - Improved compatibility with the WP All Import plugin functions * Dev - Improved compatibility with Polylang plugin * Dev - Better support for ACF Relationship fields * Dev - The plugin no longer (by default) supports custom post types & taxonomies that do not have the "query_var" and "rewrite" properties * Enhancement - In "Exclude drafts" mode, the URI Editor field in the "Quick Edit" section becomes "read-only" for the "Draft" posts. = v2.2.19.3 (August 11, 2022) = * Dev - New filter added - 'permalink_manager_pre_sanitize_title' * Fix - The old slugs are saved in the '_wp_old_slug' meta key even if the native slugs are changed in the URI Editor in the Gutenberg mode. * Fix - Extra security check in the "Debug" section to prevent unauthorized users (CSRF) from removing the plugin's data. = v2.2.19.2 (July 8, 2022) = * Fix - JS conflict fixed ("Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isSavingMetaBoxes')") = v2.2.19.1 (June 27, 2022) = * Fix - JS conflict fixed ("Cannot read property 'isSavingPost' of null")
/* * Code Remove /product/ or /shop/ ... that supports the %product_cat% format * Replace /shop/ with your current slug */ function devvn_remove_slug( $post_link, $post ) { if ( !in_array( get_post_type($post), array( 'product' ) ) || 'publish' != $post->post_status ) { return $post_link; } if('product' == $post->post_type){ $post_link = str_replace( '/cua-hang/', '/', $post_link ); //Replace shop with your current slug }else{ $post_link = str_replace( '/' . $post->post_type . '/', '/', $post_link ); } return $post_link; } add_filter( 'post_type_link', 'devvn_remove_slug', 10, 2 ); /*Fix 404 error after removing product slug or shop*/ function devvn_woo_product_rewrite_rules($flash = false) { global $wp_post_types, $wpdb; $siteLink = esc_url(home_url('/')); foreach ($wp_post_types as $type=>$custom_post) { if($type == 'product'){ if ($custom_post->_builtin == false) { $querystr = "SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.post_name, {$wpdb->posts}.ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_status="publish" AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type="{$type}""; $posts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT); foreach ($posts as $post) { $current_slug = get_permalink($post->ID); $base_product = str_replace($siteLink,'',$current_slug); add_rewrite_rule($base_product.'?
/* * Remove product-category in URL * Replace product-category with your current slug. Default is product-category */ add_filter( 'term_link', 'devvn_product_cat_permalink', 10, 3 ); function devvn_product_cat_permalink( $url, $term, $taxonomy ){ switch ($taxonomy): case 'product_cat': $taxonomy_slug = 'product-category'; //Replace it with your current slug. Default is product-category if(strpos($url, $taxonomy_slug) === FALSE) break; $url = str_replace('/' . $taxonomy_slug, '', $url); break; endswitch; return $url; } // Add our custom product cat rewrite rules function devvn_product_category_rewrite_rules($flash = false) { $terms = get_terms( array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'post_type' => 'product', 'hide_empty' => false, )); if($terms && !is_wp_error($terms)){ $siteurl = esc_url(home_url('/')); foreach ($terms as $term){ $term_slug = $term->slug; $baseterm = str_replace($siteurl,'',get_term_link($term->term_id,'product_cat')); add_rewrite_rule($baseterm.'?

⭐See also: Summary of Free Premium WordPress Plugins, Daily Updates

Notes</span >: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please Check Virustotal.

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