WordPress Loginizer Security Pro v1.9.8


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WordPress安全插件Loginizer Security Pro

Loginizer Security Pro

Loginizer Security Pro is a WordPress plugin that helps you fight brute force attacks by limiting login attempts after an IP has reached the maximum number of retries allowed. Loginizer allows you to filter or whitelist IP addresses for logins. Additional security features, such as two-factor authentication, reCAPTCHA, and password-less login, can be used to increase the security of your site.

More than 1,000,000 WordPress sites actively use Loginizer.

Our official documentation can be found at https://loginizer.com/docs. If you are a free user, we are also active in the community help forums on wordpress.org. https://loginizer.deskuss.com is our premium support ticket system.

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Features: Loginizer Security Pro

Free Features:

  • Protection from brute force. After 3 failed login attempts, IPs trying to brute force your site will be blacklisted for 15 minutes. After multiple lockouts, IP addresses will be restricted for 24 hours. This is the default setting and can be adjusted in the Loginizer -> Brute Force page of the WordPress admin panel.
  • Login failed attempts.
  • Blacklisted IPs
  • Whitelisted IPs
  • You can create your own error messages when a login attempt fails.
  • Checks permissions on basic files and folders.

Pro Features:

  • MD5 checksums of WordPress core files Administrators can also check and ignore files.
  • Passwordless Login – When logging in, a username/email address will be asked for and an email with a temporary login link will be provided to the account’s email address.
  • Email-based Two-Factor Authentication – An email will be sent to the account’s email address with a temporary 6-digit number to complete the login process.
  • Two-Factor Authentication via App – Users can set up an account using a 2FA app such as Google Authenticator or Authy.
  • Login Challenge Questions – As an extra layer of security, users can create challenge questions and answers. After logging in, the user will be prompted to answer questions to complete the process.
  • reCAPTCHA — To prevent automated brute force attacks, Google’s reCAPTCHA v3/v2 can be configured for login pages, comment sections, registration forms, etc. Works with WooCommerce as well.
  • Rename Login Page — To prevent automated brute force attacks, administrators can rename the login URL (slug) to something other than wp-login.php.
  • Rename wp-admin URL — The wp-admin URL is used to access the WordPress admin section. You can use the login slug to change it to anything you want, such as site admin.
  • If Rename Login with Secrecy is enabled, all login URLs will still point to wp-login.php and users will have to type New Login Slug in their browser to access it.
  • Disable XML-RPC — In WordPress, you can simply disable XML-RPC. Most WordPress users do not need XML-RPC and can be turned off to prevent automated brute force attacks.
  • Change XML-RPC — To prevent automated brute force attacks, administrators can rename XML-RPC to something other than xmlrpc.php.
  • Attackers often use usernames like admin, administrator, or variations of your domain/company name. You can specify such a username here and Loginizer will automatically blacklist any client that attempts to use it.
  • Blacklist New Registration Domains — If you want to block new registrations for a specific domain, you can use this tool.
  • Change Admin Username — Administrators can change the admin username to something harder to remember.
  • Auto Blacklist IP — If a malicious bot or user logs in with a username saved by the administrator, the IP address will be automatically blacklisted.
  • Pingbacks Disabled — A simple technique to turn off pingbacks.

The login has the following features:

  • After maximum allowed retries, IP address is blocked.
  • After maximum allowed lockouts, lockout is extended.
  • After maximum lockouts, email is sent to administrator.
  • IP/IP range blacklisting
  • IP/IP range whitelisting
  • Check logs for failed attempts.
  • Make IP ranges.
  • IP ranges should be removed.
  • LGPLv2.1 is the license.
  • Safe and reliable

Recommendation: Responsive multi-functional WordPress theme Enfold

Update log: Loginizer Security Pro

= 1.7.3 =
* [Bug Fix] Added validation not to allow values ​​less than 0 for all Brute Force admin settings. = 1.7.2 = * [Improvement] [Pro] Allowed HTML characters in Passwordless email. * [Bug Fix] Improved performance on sites running Loginizer with WooCommerce. * [Bug Fix] Added validation not to allow values ​​less than 0 in Brute Force admin settings. * [Bug Fix] Some language strings were hardcoded in English and could not be translated. This is fixed and all strings can now be translated. * [Bug Fix] Resolved PHP Warnings and Notices on latest PHP versions.

⭐Similar recommendations: Wordfence Security Premium – WordPress Security Plugin

Download Loginizer Security Pro v1.9.8

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost

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