WordPress Live Chat Plugin WP Guppy v4.3.2


Wordpress实时聊天插件wp Guppy V4.3.2

WordPress Live Chat Plugin WP Guppy

  WP-Guppy is a well-thought-out, carefully designed and developed WordPress chat plugin that was created to meet the needs of the market. It is feature-rich without compromising on quality.

  WP Guppy is more than just a simple WordPress chat plugin – it is a comprehensive chat solution that includes features that are hard to find in a single WordPress chat plugin.

  It is a feature-rich, comprehensive WordPress chat plugin that not only offers a lot of useful features to the end user, but has also been designed and developed with high quality standards in mind, providing the much-needed robustness and working performance for such plugins.

  The plugin prides itself on using its built-in database, which means it will integrate into your WordPress website database and you have full control over how to manage your data, etc.

  The team behind this plugin consists of experienced professional software engineers and web designers who provide excellent customer support for this plugin.

  WP Guppy plugin is compatible with WooCommerce, Dokan multi-vendor stores, and all WordPress custom post types. This plugin works with any theme

  WP Guppy also supports BuddyPress and BuddyBoss group chats.

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WordPress live chat plugin WP Guppy main features

  BudyPress and BudyBoss Integration

  Whatsapp Chat

  Publishing Basic Chat

  Customer Support Chat for Admins

  Guest User Chat

  WooCommerce Store Page Compatibility

  SMS and email notifications for unread messages (paid extension)

  The most recently online users are listed at the top

  Administrators access all chats from the backend

  Powerful one-to-one user group chat

  Send a friend request to start a chat

  Block users in a chat or when sending a friend request

  Share emojis

  Voice memos

  Real-time chat with node.js and socket.io

  Group chat with friends

  Create a group

  Delete a group

  Upload group avatar

  Leave group

  Share video files

  Share documents

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  Share a gallery or a single image

  Send audio file

  Hot: Send current location using Open Street Map

  Hot: Reply to message

  Delete message from chat

  Download attachment

  Online and offline user status

  Real-time chat using pusher.com Channel API, Vue.js and Vuex

  Real-time chat using node.js and socket.io. Your server should support node.js to activate the real-time experience

  Blocked users list

  All WordPress users by role

  Blocked or friended users list

  Media and attachments list in the chat sidebar

  User profile management

  Built-in secure database, no third-party integration required WP Guppy Interactive

  Reset database with one click from the backend

  Elementor shortcode for creating newsletter pages

  WPBakery page builder shortcode for creating newsletter pages

  WordPress shortcode for printing on any page

  Settings for default active tabs

  Enable/disable tabs for users, chat, friends, blocked

  Dynamic color scheme

  Media extension upload settings

  Clickable links in chat

  Compatible with Workreap and Doctreat WordPress themes

  Search in conversations

  Mute notification ringtones

  Report a user via email

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WordPress Live Chat Plugin WP Guppy Main Function Changelog

  Release 4.3.3 – 08 January 2024

  Resolved the textarea functionality, ensuring smoother performance and enhanced user experience.

  Release 4.3.2 – 25 December 2024

 –Security Enhancements: Addressed and resolved PHP vulnerabilities to improve system security.

 – UI/UX Improvements: Fixed various style-related issues for enhanced visual consistency and user experience.

 – Authentication Enhancements: Strengthened authentication mechanisms to improve security and streamline user access.

WordPress Live Chat Plugin WP Guppy v4.3.2

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