WordPress JetCompareWishlist For Elementor v1.5.9


WordPress插件JetCompareWishlist For Elementor

WordPress Plugin JetCompareWishlist For Elementor

Miscellaneous Product Fields

Choose the parameters by which you want to compare products.

Advantage of logged-in users

The wish list is reserved for registered customers only.


If you are an Elementor Pro user, you can still use this plugin as it is fully compatible with Pro.

Adjust Any Element

You can adjust even the tiniest details of your website with the power of JetCompareWishlist.

Compare Button

Let your customers add cherished products to the comparison table.

Wishlist Button

Use this widget to add a wish button to enable your customers to save their favorite items.

Compare Count Button

The number of products added to the comparison table is now right in your sight.

Wishlist Count Button

You can never have enough wishes. This button lets you know the number of items added to the wishlist.


Build a comparison table to simplify the selection for your users.


With this widget, you can display a wishlist on your page.

Recommended: Elementor Page Builder widget plug-in JetElements

Changelog for the Elementor WordPress plugin JetCompareWishlist

v.1.5.1 * Fixed: Empty attribute exclude options in Compare Table widget; * Fixed: Scripts conflict; * Fixed: Some minor styles issues. ### 1.5.0 * Added: Compatibility with JetWooBuilder 2.0.0 version; * Added: Clear compare table action button; * Update: JetDashboard to 2.0.9; * Tweak: `jet-cw/compare/empty_text` and `jet-cw/wishlist/empty_text` for empty message handle; * Fixed: JS error on pages without Elementor; * Fixed: Minor issues.

⭐See also: Collection CrocoBlock Plugin Daily updated premium

Free Download JetCompareWishlist For Elementor  v1.5.9

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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