WordPress Google Maps Plugin Store Locator For WordPress
WordPress Google Maps Plugin Store Locator For WordPress is a WordPress plugin Advanced Google Maps designed to give you instant access to all the best stores in your local area.
Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/agile-store-locator-google-maps-for-wordpress/16973546
This Agile Store Locator (Google Maps) for WordPress plugin can be used for store listings, deal listings, hotel listings, real estate listings, restaurant listings, job listings, etc. It allows you to find the best stores. And their locations, thanks to the power of Google Maps. Our store locator plugin uses Google Maps V3 API to provide you with instant and accurate information about each store tailored to customer requirements.
Recommendation: WordPress Product Filter for WooCommerce
Features: Agile Store Locator (Google Maps) for WordPress
- 5 beautiful UI themes.
- Multiple layouts with list and sorting options.
- Accordion template with country, state, city and store hierarchy.
- Google Maps plugin UI color palette for selection.
- Many beautiful info windows.
- Additional template for deal sites to show their interesting deals on a map.
- Additional template for real estate sites to show properties and categorize them as sales, rentals and featured.
- Easily customize your info window content, a very unique feature.
- Easily customize your listings by just adding a few keywords.
- Admin dashboard for store locator with all your markers, stores, categories and search statistics.
- Analytical bar chart shows search users which locations they searched the most and which stores they saw most often.
- Analytical bar chart showing searches, popular stores and popular locations.
- Choose the time of day for each location.
- Clone any store in one click.
- Add a marker for each category, switch between category marker and default marker.
- 2 Geolocation prompt dialogs.
- Second location prompt dialog asks user to enter his default location in case site does not use SSL.
- Assign multiple categories to single store.
- All ASL settings can be overridden by shortcode attributes.
- Add minimum and maximum zoom levels for your Google Map.
- Get location coordinates (Lat/Lng) when entering store address.
- Too many markers? Enable marker grouping.
- Full width interactive Google Map template.
- Logo Admin Panel.
- Marker Admin Board.
- Choose 12 or 24 hour store time format.
- Choose distance in miles/km units.
- Markers can be dragged to PinPoint locations.
- Manage marker icons with names (update, add and delete).
- Set zoom level for clicking markers.
- Manage category icons with names (update, add and delete).
- Import/Export store Excel worksheet with all columns.
- Delete all stores in one click.
- Choose a type of Google Maps Hybrid, Route, Satellite or Terrain.
- Location hint displays a dialog to confirm sharing of current location.
- Displays distance from current location to each store.
- Set default zoom for your map.
- Load on fetch markers limited to screen only.
- Customize filter options.
- Turn off scroll wheel.
- Display additional information about stores.
- Enable/disable advanced filters.
- Assign markers to each category and enable category markers.
- Draw shapes/circles around your sweet spots.
- Change the placeholder text for the search field.
- Show category icons instead of marker icons.
- Enable/disable distance slider.
- Set default latitude/longitude for your map.
- Change title text title.
- Change the font color of the default template.
- Change category title text.
- Enable/disable store listing panel.
- Search for stores by store ID, title, description, street, state, city, phone, email, URL, zip, disabled, marker, expression display and creation date in WP-Admin store manager.
- Customize your Google Maps with multi-color drawing overlays (polygon, rectangle, circle).
- Select Map view from Snazzy Map.
- Search by address with autoscroll option.
- Filter store locator for multiple store locators by category.
- Add Google layer to show traffic, vehicle and bicycle classes.
- Enable bookmark animation.
- Total store counter with real-time updates as you spin on the map.
- Limit your google search to country.
- Switch between Google search and search by title on store locator.
- Enable full width for your plugin.
- Enable/disable analytics.
- Enable/disable sorting by restrictions.
- Add text for “Item not found”.
- Show nearest stores from search location.
- Default category selection option
- Option to select map language
- Option to select map area for cells
- Manger logo with list
- Custom templates in theme
- Set fixed radius value for range slider
- Full page and correction maps
- Set radius limit for slider
- Update existing store using Import
- Open directions in Google Maps mobile app
- Sort by distance, name, city and state
- Support custom order
- Circle radius for search range
- Option to place map on top or on mobile list
- [ASL_SEARCH redirect=”URL-of-Store-Locator”]
- Over 80 advanced management options.
Recommendation: WordPress插件Uncanny Automator Pro
Changelog: Agile Store Locator (Google Maps) for WordPress
v4.7.29 - 13-07-2022 Show error when coordinates are invalid Modal will show description and additional description titles Open in a new tab is fixed Minor CSS changes Category Accordion is updated v4.7.28 - 01-07-2022 GEOJS.IO library is integrated for IP based Geolocation
⭐See similar plugins: Advanced Google Maps Plugin – Google Maps for WordPress
Download Store Locator (Google Maps) v4.11.8
If it shows the enter key then exit and re-enter it will no longer show
Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.