WordPress Elementor plugin JetSmartFilters
WordPress Elementor plugin JetSmartFiltersWhen creating posts and product archive pages, you can’t do without filters. The ability to filter WooCommerce products by different criteria, to apply multiple criteria at the same time for a custom post or product is the magic key that allows visitors to find the necessary information or select one of the products and make a purchase.
The easier and faster it is for a visitor to apply filters, the more likely he will find what he is looking for. Remember how frustrating it was to click on a specific filter to display products (for example, within a set price range) and when you had to wait until the page reloaded with the desired results? What happens when you need to apply multiple filters to find what you are looking for?
Demo: https://crocoblock.com/plugins/jetsmartfilters/
WordPress automatic poster plugin FS Poster
WordPress Elementor Plugin JetSmartFilters Features:
7 Smart Filter Variations
Discover a faster way to filter products and publications without refreshing the page
- Radio filter
- Date range filter
- Search filter
- Active filter
- Range filter
- Checkbox filter
- Check range filter
Based Ajax
Visitors don’t have to wait until the page loads to see the products or posts they need.
Works with JetWooBuilder and JetEngine
Easily add filters to your listing and store pages using the JetSmartFilters feature.
Use multiple filters at once
Allows you to select one of the filters or apply several of them if you need to combine them.
Changelog for Elementor WordPress plugin JetSmartFilters
v2.3.13 * ADD: JetWooBuilder 2.0.0 version compatibility * FIX: Blocks styles * FIX: multi language without multi currency * FIX: filter name Check Range > Check Range Filter v2.3.12 May 3, 2022 ADD: reindex indexer DB table on plugin activate and update UPD: template parses special characters FIX: Permalink rewrite rules FIX: range filter with popup FIX: WPML WooCommerce multi currency price FIX: Date Range Filter datepicker current day FIX: Search filter RTL FIX: filter date period rtl scroll FIX: gutenberg console error FIX: indexer with current query args FIX: maps listing for Borlabs Cookies plugin FIX: additional filter settings input clears the 'X' FIX: show widget icon in elementor editor if filter not selected FIX: additional filter style search remove horizontal offset RTL FIX: additional filter style search remove horizontal offset RTL FIX: Checkbox styles for block editor
Download JetSmartFilters v3.6.3.1
Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We don’t provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.