WordPress Cornerstone Page Builder v7.6.2


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WordPress页面生成器免费Cornerstone Page Builder

WordPress Page Builder Free Cornerstone Page Builder

  Cornerstone Page Builder Free Download is a 100% front-end WordPress page builder that will change the way you create pages. Gone are the days of having to click back and forth between a clunky admin panel and your website. Cornerstone is a professional-grade, all-in-one website building platform that sits on top of WordPress, making it easy to create, edit and assign headers, footers, pages, archives, single pages, WC store archives and WC product pages.

  Build your website faster than ever with over 100 fully customizable pre-made elements, including layout elements, standard elements, dynamic content elements and Woo elements. But why stop there? Build your own fully custom, reusable elements from scratch using our component builder and save them to your element library.

  Easily build complex configurations capable of digesting data from your entire WordPress site, from core data (such as post meta and user meta) to advanced custom fields and other third-party plugin data. Then loop your data easily with Loopers.

Recommendation: Page Builder Framework Premium Addon

WordPress Page Builder Free Cornerstone Page Builder Key Features

  Cornerstone is a 100% front-end WordPress page builder that will change the way you create pages. Gone are the days of having to click back and forth between a clunky admin panel and your website. Now you can see all your work as you build your page, bringing joy to the creative process.

  Keep the code lean with a focus on extensibility and customizability. Cornerstone is constantly updated with new elements, templates, and 3rd party tools, and we work side by side with many in the industry to ensure that your Cornerstone experience is predictable, enjoyable, and second to none.

  With the click of a button, Skeleton Mode lets you visualize the structure of your entire page without leaving the front-end interface. Move elements around, configure them, and more. You’ll wonder how you ever built pages without it!

  Page Builder: This builder is used to create the main content of pages throughout your site. It also works for posts.

  Component Builder This builder is used to create design patterns (also known as components) that will update live throughout your site if you need to update them in the future.

  Layout Builder: (Pro only) This builder is used to create the layouts of your site (overall templates assigned to various contexts, such as blog posts, single pages, archives, etc.). It is also home to a powerful header and footer builder.

  Grid Editor (Pro only) While not technically a builder, Pro users can also use the powerful grid element to create truly inspired layouts.

  Custom Path: Use this option to set the URL path parent when accessing the builder interface.

  Hide Access Path: If enabled, logged out visitors will encounter a 404 Not Found page instead of being redirected to the login screen.

  Show Legacy Shortcode Generator: The Legacy Shortcode Generator was the old way of adding shortcodes using the standard WordPress editor by adding a new button to the editor. This method has been deprecated and the new set of elements do not use shortcodes and this method does not work for them.

  Permissions: The Permissions section is a set of dedicated controls that allow you to hide or show the Cornerstone for different user roles and post types. Learn more about permissions.

  System – Clear Style Cache: To speed up page load times, the builder’s elements will remember the CSS generated when last saved. This option is automatically cleared when Cornerstone is updated. Manual clearing may be useful if any element is missing styles.

Recommendation: WooCommerce Theme Oxygen

WordPress page builder free Cornerstone Page Builder update log

  • Cornerstone 7.3.8 – August 22, 2023
  • Feature: Search has a control to display the last searched term or not. Enabled by default to mock previous behavior
  • Feature: cs_search_query_input_value filter added to control the search inputs text on page load
  • Updated: Footer layout was not using the Bar as the default Element
  • Updated: Templates link added to Cornerstone admin menus
  • Bugfix: If using anything from {{dc:post}} on a page that didn’t have a post (a 404 for example), PHP would give you warnings
  • Bugfix: Design Cloud button in validation home page did not take you to the templates section
  • Bugfix: Card Element transitioning timing was not working due to iOS bugfix
  • Bugfix: Color Picker palette was not showing up if you were only using Theme Colors from the PHP filter cs_colors_extend
  • Bugfix: If another plugin was including an older version of the TGMA library, the plugins page would have a fatal error around the bulk updater url
  • Bugfix: Conditions and Assignment popup was not repositioning itself when adding a new condition or assignment
  • Bugfix: Sites using page excerpt would not load Components correctly in the builder, without changing the page after page load
  • Bugfix: Parameters post processing for images was not strict enough causing any text that starts with a number and ends with a colon to trigger image processing
  • Bugfix: Lottie was displaying builder text (Loading...) in the frontend
  • Cornerstone 7.3.7 – August 8, 2023
  • Feature: description key added to Parameters which creates a tooltip above the label
  • Updated: Google Fonts List
  • Bugfix: Certain browsers needed backface-visibility set for the Card Element
  • Bugfix: When editing with the Rich Text editor, the cursor would sometimes jump to the beginning of the editor due to a race condition
  • Bugfix: When switching from linked to unlinked border controls, the color field would display transparent / undefined

WordPress page builder free Cornerstone Page Builder v7.6.2

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