WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types WPBulky v1.3.8


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WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types WPBulky

  WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types is a practical tool that allows you to batch process post types. The plugin supports enough tools to batch edit post types, such as posts, pages, media and custom post types…

  WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types is a practical tool that allows you to batch process post types. The plugin supports enough tools to bulk edit post types, such as posts, pages, media, custom post types…

  WPBulky – WordPress Bulk Edit Post Types can filter post type properties, such as title, slug, image, publish date, status, allow comments, allow trackbacks, author, password, metadata… Quickly get post meta fields for bulk editing. With this plugin, you can master bulk editing post types, save time and enhance website management at a high level.

WooCommerce Bulk Editor Plugin BEAR WooCommerce Bulk Editor

WordPress bulk edit post type WPBulky function

  Filter post types by ID; Title; Content; Excerpt; Slug; Date range; Status; Author; Category; Tags; Format

  Batch add, add prepend and replace text in text fields

  Batch add, change, delete images of post types

  Batch enable, disable comments

  Batch enable and disable all references

  Batch change the status of post types: published, scheduled, pending, draft, private

  Batch assign and delete categories of post types

  Batch assign and delete tags of post types

  Batch change the format of post types: audio, gallery, picture, link, video

  Batch set, edit, delete passwords of post types

  Batch change author of post types

  Metadata (custom fields in all post types)

  ID: You can filter a range of post types by ID, separate the IDs with a comma or minus sign.

  Title: This allows you to filter post types using a title, which can be exact, e.g., does not include, starts with, ends with, or empty content.

  Content: This allows you to filter post types using exact content (e.g., does not include, starts with, ends with, or empty content).

  Excerpt: You can filter post types using excerpt, which can be exact, for example, does not contain, starts, ends, or empty content.

  Slug: This allows you to filter post types using slug, which can be exact, for example, does not contain, starts, ends, or empty content.

  Publish Date Range: You can filter post types based on publish date.

  Post Status: Filter post types by status: draft, pending, private, published.

  Author: Filter users who post posts by type.

  Classification: Filter post types by classification.

WordPress Visual Slider Editor Plugin Depicter

WordPress Bulk Edit Post Type WPBulky changeLog

  • /** 1.1.9- 2025.01.20 **/
  •  – Updated: VillaTheme support
  •  /** 1.1.8 – 2024.11.23**/
  •  – Updated: Compatible with WP 6.7
  •   – Updated: VillaTheme_Support

WordPress Bulk Edit Post Type WPBulky v1.3.8

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