WordPress performance plugin Asset CleanUp Pro
WordPress performance plugin Asset CleanUp Pro (page speed booster) – a plugin to optimize website performance. Manage CSS and javascript files on homepage, posts, pages and custom post types (e.g. WooCommerce product pages, Easy Digital Downloads)
Demo: https://gabelivan.com/items/wp-asset-cleanup-pro/
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Features Asset CleanUp Pro: Performance WordPress Plugin
- Category pages, such as default WordPress categories, tags, and custom created pages, such as product categories from WooCommerce.
- Author pages (e.g., a page showing all posts published by a specific author, detected via the
function) - Default WordPress search page
- WooCommmerce search page (same setup as the actual shop page detected via the
function) - 404 page (not found): This page is as light as possible, and it is unlikely that many CSS and JavaScript files are needed here (detected via the
function) - Date archive page: This is any page that retrieves posts filtered by date, detected via the
*For JavaScript files that are loaded, attributes such as defer and async can be applied
There are many techniques that are often used to delay parsing. However, the simple and preferred technique is to simply defer the loading of JavaScript until it is needed. If this technique is not suitable for use on your page, the following is recommended for use in appropriate situations
Prevent parsing from blocking the initial page load by deferring parsing until the browser’s UI thread is not busy executing something else. All of these settings can be applied in Asset CleanUp Pro without writing any code.
*Change the location of CSS/JS files (if you need to trigger a specific file early, you can move it from HEAD to BODY to prevent render blocking, or vice versa)
*Unload hardcoded CSS/JS (not loaded via standard WordPress functions such as wp_enqueue_scripts()
). LINK/STYLE/SCRIPT tags can be added by editing PHP code (not using proper WordPress action hooks), injecting directly into post content, inside widgets, or through plugins like “Insert Headers and Footers”, “Headers, Footers and Posts”, etc.
* “Test Mode” Feature → Worried about optimization errors? Not anymore!
This allows you to optimize your site (unload useless files, set up async, defer loading of JavaScript files, clean up HTML code) without applying changes “live” (to regular visitors) in case you have any doubts about changes that might break page/site functionality. Any changes you make will only apply to you (the logged in admin). Once you are happy with how your pages look and work, you can disable “Test Mode” to push changes live so others can enjoy faster page loading.
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Changelog Asset CleanUp Pro plug-in: Page Speed Booster
= v1.2.1.8 - 5 September 2022 = * Optimisation: Reduce the number of queries made to the database & trigger fewer code during early code loaded in Asset CleanUp Pro's MU plugin (e.g. to determine if the URI is a homepage, to determine the page type based on the URI) * "Plugins Manager": Make sure the green font shows for any load exception rule that is chosen * "Plugins Manager" Fix: When non-latin characters were used in the URI, some plugin unload/load exception rules were not working such as the ones based on the post type (e.g. post, page, product, tag) and taxonomy (e.g. category, tag, product category, product tag) * "Plugins Manager" Fix: The load exception rule was not applied for plugins on taxonomy pages ('category', 'post_tag', 'product_cat', 'product_tag') when set using the following option: "On the following taxonomy pages:"
⭐Asset CleanUp Pro plug-in works withWP Rocket plugin will achieve the best performance when used together
Free Download Asset CleanUp Pro v1.2.6.6
Note: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.