WordPress advanced form builder Formidable Forms Pro v6.18.1 +Addons


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WordPress表单插件Formidable Forms Pro

WordPress advanced form builder Formidable Forms Pro

Formidable Forms Pro for WordPress is the most advanced form builder for WordPress. Create a complex multi-page contact form or a form with conditional logic, calculations, and file uploads. Then display the collected data in charts.

Demo: https://formidableforms.com/

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Features of Formidable Forms Pro

  • Powerful Forms Pro has powerful hosting for creating All the features you need for WordPress forms and web data applications. Check out the features that make Formidable Forms the best form builder in WordPress.
  • Display form data with views: Format, filter, and display data submitted via forms in user views. Create dynamic views that reference personal records or filter by the current user ID.
  • Designer: WordPress Visual Forms Easily create complex forms with the simple WordPress visual form editor. No need to edit HTML code, just click or drag new fields onto the form.
  • Automatically add form fields: Need to collect multiple sets of information from one record? Repeatable fields allow your users to quickly add a new set of fields.
  • Form to add user messages: Add a form to add user posts and pages. Set custom fields, titles, and even favorite images. Accept new messages from users as drafts to allow administrators to review them.
  • Multi-page forms with progress bar: Split complex data entry into easy-to-manage multi-page forms that automatically save drafts each time you turn the page. The progress bar and root line also provide a great user experience.
  • Front-end form editor: Allow users to edit entries, submissions, and user-generated pages or posts – all from an external interface to your site. Editing forms from the interface is quick and easy.

Demo: https://formidableforms.com/

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Changelog :WordPress form plugin Formidable Forms Pro

Formidable Forms v5.5.3 NOVEMBER 3, 2022 New: Formidable-styled submit buttons will now appear at half opacity with a disallowed cursor pointer when disabled. New: Draft pages can now be selected when adding existing items to an application. New: Password field strength will now validate in JavaScript when the setting is enabled. New: Added a new "page" option to form shortcodes. For example, [formidable id=454 page=2] will begin on the 2nd page of a form, and [formidable id=pages page=start-page] will begin based on the value of a start-page get param. Fix: Some application templates would fail to import because of an unexpected conflicting attribute in newer XML exports. Fix: Fields inside of a duplicated section were not properly wrapped in a field group in the form builder until after refreshing the page. Fix: Views wouldn't appear in Applications when Polylang was active because of a filtering conflict. Fix: Calculations weren't triggering on page load after hitting the back button on Chrome and Edge. Fix: A regex pattern was growing too large when importing an XML file with thousands of fields resulting in a "Compilation failed: regular expression is too large at offset" warning. Fix: Additional checks were added to import to prevent warnings when tracking child entries and when importing an unexpected date value. Fix: Cascading look up field options were not appearing (this was already patched in some versions of the previous release). Fix: Taxonomy rows in post actions would disappear from post actions after changing taxonomy type. Fix: The "Exclude options" checkbox for taxonomy rows in post actions would remain checked after saving unless all options were also unchecked. Fix: All fields will be hidden again when using a form shortcode with the fields="" option like in previous 5.0.x versions of Pro. Formidable Forms v5.5.2 OCTOBER 13, 2022 New: Scale fields now use open fields for defining a min and max range value, and include a new step option. New: Page break fields can now be filtered using the frm_display_break_value_custom filter. See https://formidableforms.com/knowledgebase/frm_display_field-type_value_custom/ for examples. New: Dynamic fields now have a option order setting similar to Look ups.
Fix: Forms made with Gutenberg blocks were not working with [frm-set-get] shortcodes.
Fix: Prevent a warning when duplicating fields with array data, like check boxes.
Fix: Batched requests for dynamic field data were processed too frequently in some cases.
Fix: Updated scale field styling on the Edit Entry page to fix visual issues at mobile screen sizes.

⭐See also: Super Forms WordPress Visual Forms

Formidable Forms Pro Add-on List

  1. Powerful ActiveCampaign v1.08
  2. Powerful Autoresponder v2.04
  3. Powerful API v1.10
  4. Powerful AWeber v2.02b
  5. Powerful Survey v1.0.03
  6. Powerful Continuous Contact v1.03
  7. Powerful Export View v1.04
  8. Powerful Date Picker Option v1.03
  9. Powerful Forms for AMP v1.0.6
  10. Powerful Salesforce v2.04
  11. Powerful Campaign Monitor v1.04
  12. Powerful GetResponse v1.05
  13. Powerful Highrise v1.06
  14. Powerful Location v2.02
  15. Powerful Logs v1.0b1
  16. Powerful MailChimp v2.06
  17. Powerful MailPoet Newsletter v1.01
  18. Powerful Modal v2.0
  19. Powerful Payments v1.14
  20. Powerful Payments v1.14
  21. Powerful inherit;”>Powerful PayPal Standard Edition v3.09
  22. Powerful HubSpot v1.09
  23. Powerful Polylang v1.10
  24. Powerful Quiz Tool v1.03
  25. Powerful Registration v2.04
  26. Powerful Digital Signature v2.06
  27. Powerful Stripe v2.05
  28. Powerful Twilio v1.09
  29. Powerful User Tracking v1.0
  30. Powerful Visual View v5.1.05
  31. Powerful WooCommerce v1.10
  32. Powerful WPML v1.10
  33. Powerful Zapier v2.01
  34. Powerful Form Lock v1.7.0
  35. Powerful Authorize.Net v2.01
  36. Powerful Bootloader v1.03

Download Formidable Forms Pro v6.18.1

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using it on localhost.

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