Responsive WordPress Theme uDesign v4.13.2


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Responsive WordPress Theme uDesign

uDesignResponsive WordPress Theme uDesign is a user-friendly and powerful theme. It can be used by people who have never programmed before as well as expert programmers. You can create your website easily, quickly and confidently. You can modify your website in seconds and complete your project on time with such a powerful tool. We strive to please our customers and want to help you.


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Features: uDesign – Responsive WordPress Theme

  • Slider
    • Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin – This slider is very versatile and adaptable. It comes with various transition effects, image preloader, video embeds, autoplay that stops on user interaction, and various easily configurable options for creating your own effects. Themed with “U-Design”, fully integrated with the “Slider Revolution” plugin.
    • Full Width Image jQuery Cycle Slider – Pause, Continue and Jump to a specific slide are all possible slideshow controls. Choose from 28 different transition effects that can be set individually to each slide. Slide links with the option to open in the current or new window. Option to remove 3D shadows is also available.
    • jQuery Cycle Slider is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create slideshows with an image, some text, and a button – Pause, Continue and Jump to a specific slide are all possible slideshow controls. Choose from 28 different transition effects that can be set individually to each slide. Automatically generated link buttons with the option to visit the link in the current or new window. Option to remove 3D shadows is also available.
    • jQuery Cycle Slider is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create slideshow controls that can be accessed by sliding images and text: pause, resume and go to a specific slide. The advantage of this slider is that it allows you to create a dynamic, interactive look with three moving layers.
    • Introduced a new “No Slider” option that replaces the slider with custom text.
  • Choose fonts and colors:
    • There are nearly 2000 fonts available.
    • The color combinations are endless.
    • Background photos – Instead of using a solid background color, you can use background images by section.
  • Widgets that can be customized:
    • UDesign: Recent Posts – Displays the latest posts with teaser text, author and date information (optional). You can also choose to offset the displayed recent posts from the most recent posts, for example, omitting the first 2 or 3 recent posts. Additionally, the widget allows you to select a certain category and all of its descendants. The word count for each post should be kept to a minimum. Automatically generate thumbnails and display thumbnail frame shadows if needed. Thumbnails can be of any size and height. I have also included a shortcode version of this widget, which can be used anywhere in your content, not just in the widget section. Here is an illustration.
    • Login Form (U-Design) — Displays a login form in the sidebar. Users can log in and out directly from the sidebar, bypassing the traditional WordPress login page.
    • UDesign: Custom Category Widget — Displays a single category and all of its subcategories. This is useful for areas of the site like a portfolio or blog/news where you want to filter the categories displayed in the sidebar to be more relevant to the current section.
    • Google Map – UDesign To display a Google Map in the sidebar, copy and paste your Google Map code.
    • UDesign: Subpages — Displays subpages of the current page. The parent’s name is displayed as the title. If you have a lot of pages that would normally take up too much space in the sidebar, you can use this widget to display a shorter version of the menu in the sidebar, showing only the descendant pages of the current page.
  • Homepage with “Widgetized” Options
    • There are eleven (11) widget positions available. They are created in a way that they dynamically span the width of the page, e.g. if one column is inactive, the others will resize to span the full width of the page, if only one column is active it will span the full width of the page, etc.
  • Contact Page
    • Pre-formatted Business Contact Fields – ready for immediate entry from the theme’s Options page. This feature can also be toggled on or off from the Options page. Business Contact Fields allow you to display additional contact information, such as company name, address, phone number, etc.
    • Email Address:
      • Phone number validation in North American format, can be enabled/disabled from the theme’s Options page (disabled by default).
      • Validate forms in an unobtrusive way (works with JavaScript ON or OFF)
    • For further security, the contact form includes reCAPTCHA.
  • Portfolio Sections
    • No limit to the number of sections/pages in your portfolio.
    • There are four different layouts to choose from: one, two, three and four columns.
    • Portfolio thumbnails are automatically generated.
    • Each portfolio item can have a description.
    • Set page size and number of items per page.
    • Pagination is done automatically.
    • It is possible to include or exclude dates, post metadata and comments for individual posts from portfolio items.
    • For unique posts for each portfolio item, a custom sidebar with widgets and sidebar position management is available.
    • Gallery
    • Portfolio that can be sorted and filtered by category or tag as well as alphabetically and ascending/descending.
  • Dedicated section for blogs
    • Pages in the blog area can have left, right or no sidebar (full width).
    • Sidebar can be removed from blog, archive and single post view pages separately.
    • Options to customize the size (width and height) of post images/thumbnails and image alignment.
    • Show or hide post tags and author name and adjust excerpt length options
  • Translation
  • Shortcodes
  • Documentation and Support

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Changelog: uDesign – Responsive WordPress Theme

v4.2.0 – Updated: 7.7.2022 - New: 2 hover effects in banner widget - New: Parallax direction including horizontal left or right option in banner widget - New: Parallax option in section's background style tab - New: WooCommerce store notice default style - New: Custom cursor option in theme options - New: Custom font upload in theme options - New: Global footer background option in footer builder - New: Fixed footer option in footer builder - New: 9 highlight effects in Highlight widget - New: ZoomInX in floating effects - Updated: All color options working when dark mode is enabled in theme option - Updated: Fashion 1 demo site - Updated: Icon list widget's text & icon hover effects - Updated: Compatibility with merge css js feature & The Events Calendar plugin
- Updated: Menu dropdown effect style - Updated: Compatibility with Elementor latest version - Updated: Counter widget's empty <i> tag - Updated: Default product list type in shop builder - Fixed: Sticky add to cart in grouped product page - Fixed: Testimonial avatar alignment issue - Fixed: Banner overly effects does not work over banner content - Fixed: Banner overly effects does not work when 'Wrap With' option is set - Fixed: Button icon spacing issue in type builder's button widget - Fixed: Button icon hover effect - slide effect - Fixed: Cursor color option of animated text widget's typing effect - Fixed: Heading color hover transition in type builder - Fixed: Shop builder post grid archive widget's default type is not working as theme option's product type - Fixed: Add to cart popup does not work when button is in mini popup box - Fixed: Remove action of product from wishlist dropdown - Fixed: Focus color of member category - Fixed: Product compare icon in customize preview
- Fixed: Login popup overlay color
- Fixed: Skeleton screen when layout switcher toggles in shop builder

⭐See also: Theme repository INFOXIAO Free sharing, Daily updates

 Download uDesign v4.13.2

Notes</span >: Maybe you need to unzip it before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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