Responsive Multipurpose WordPress WooCommerce Theme XStore
Responsive Multipurpose WordPress WooCommerce Theme XStore is an elegant and intuitive WordPress template with a responsive design. It is carefully designed with a set of pages, tools, and settings to help you create a professional and reliable online store.
Responsive Multipurpose WordPress WooCommerce Theme XStore makes e-commerce easy. You can easily import electronics, fashion, furniture, niche stores, clothing, glasses, watches, sports, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, marketplaces, medical, food, auto parts, organic, landing pages, music stores and others through the most intuitive installer demo.
Moreover, Responsive Multipurpose WordPress WooCommerce Theme XStore comes with many widgets to help you improve the user’s perception of your store. Theme options are user-friendly and require no special knowledge, adding value to the beautifully responsive theme.
⭐See also: General Free Premium WordPress Theme Daily Update
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Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress WooCommerce Theme XStore changeLog
Latest version 8.3.1/ Core plugin 4.3.1 August 19, 2022 ADDED: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7.1 (forum topic) ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.8.0 FIXED: Product images size with WooCommerce 6.8.0 FIXED: Max value of Mega menu height option in menu settings (forum topic) FIXED: Image swap if WPBakery builder is used (forum topic) FIXED: Cart/Checkout advanced layout issues (forum topic) REMOVED: shop_catalog, shop_thumbnail, shop_single image sizes from WPBakery / Elementor Products widget Details REMOVED: shop_catalog image size from Categories Lists Elementor widget REMOVED: shop_catalog image size from Categories Elementor widget DEV: Removed etheme_woocommerce_image_dimensions() v8.3 / August 12, 2022 ADDED: Cart/Checkout advanced layout (Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Cart/Checkout layout). ADDED: Slides Elementor widget. ADDED: Content Switcher Elementor widget. ADDED: Toggle Text Elementor widget. ADDED: XStore Tooltip feature (Elementor -> Any widget -> Advanced Tab). ADDED: Floating Effect (Elementor -> Any widget -> Advanced tab -> XStore Effects). ADDED: Show only names (option) for Elementor Brands widget and WPBakery Brands Carousel element. ADDED: Less Items Link option in Theme Options -> Header Builder -> All Departments (note: More items link should be enabled). ADDED: Show Less Link option in Theme Options -> WooCommerce -> Shop -> Shop Page Filters (note Show More Filters On Click should be enabled). ADDED: Sticky option (Elementor -> Editor -> Column -> Advanced Tab). ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts widget. ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Chess widget. ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Timeline widget. ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Tabs widget. ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Posts Carousel widget. ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products Grid widget. ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products List widget. ADDED: Offset option for Elementor Products Carousel widget. ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts widget. ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Chess widget. ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Timeline widget. ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Tabs widget. ADDED: Limit Categories, Limit Tags, Image link options for Elementor Posts Carousel widget. IMPROVED: Tag of fake live viewing (from DIV -> P) for better visual view among other content. FIXED: Dokan vendor registration shortcode scripts issues in some cases. FIXED: Show more link in sidebar widget duplication in some cases. FIXED: Styled issue of rating in QV (in case SPBuilder was used). FIXED: Products Brands element in WPBakery Grid Builder. FIXED: Serif/Sans-serif postfix for fonts in Theme Options Typography options. FIXED: Scroll to top option (if only AJAX pagination option was enabled). FIXED: multiple header builder while blog page is not exist. FIXED: SKU search with trashed products. FIXED: Fake Sale Popup. FIXED: AJAX search error PHP Warning: Undefined array key product in. UPDATED: show WordPress errors while theme activation. UPDATED: WPML Config file with Elementor widgets ready to translate.
⭐See also: Theme repository INFOXIAO Free sharing, daily updates
Download XStore Theme v9.4.6
Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing plugins. We do not provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.