Profile Builder Pro for WordPress
Profile Builder Pro for WordPress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add a login form, profile, and log in form. To do this, simply create a new page and give it a name (e.g. Edit Profile). Now all you have to do is add this shortcode: [wppb-edit-profile]. Publish your page and you’re done! Profile Builder is an all-in-one plugin for user registration and management for WordPress websites.
WordPress WP Media Folder + Addons
Function: WordPress Profile Plug-in Profile Builder Pro
- Login, register and edit profile shortcodes
- Manage default user fields
- Minimum password length and length
- Email confirmation and email confirmation
- Unlimited additional user fields
- Conditional logic for fields
- Upload user avatar
- Support verification code
- Import/Export Users
- Advanced User Modules
- 11 Premium Plugins
Changelog Profile Builder Pro – WordPress Profile Plugin
= v3.7.6 = * Fix: make sure GDPR consent is properly stored when registering through Social Connect and Email Confirmation is active * Misc: remove the Filter Media menu from the Upload field Media Gallery popup * Misc: fix a random issue with Social Connect when platform was undefined = v3.7.5 = * Feature: added redirect option after Password Recovery form is submitted * Fix: Hide the edit profile success message when switching Multi Step Forms tabs * Fix: A compatibility issue between the Map field and Field Visibility add-on * Fix: A warning coming from the WooCommerce functionality * Fix: Issue with multiple Simple Upload fields in a single form * Misc: Allow Select (User Role) field to work with the Edit Profile Updates Approved by Admin add-on
Plugin List Profile Builder Pro – WordPress Profile Plugin
- Profile Builder – Administrator Add-on v1.0.8 Approved Edit Profile
- Profile Builder – bbPress Add-On 1.0.4
- Profile Builder – Multi-Step Forms Plugin v1.1.3
- Profile Builder – Custom Profile Menu Plugin v1.1.1
- Profile Builder – WooCommerce Sync Plugin v1.6.1
- Profile Builder – Social Connect Plugin v1.2.2
- Profile Builder – MailPoet Add-On v1.0.7
- Profile Builder – MailChimp Add-On v1.2.6
- Profile Builder – Field Visibility Add-On v1.2.4
- Profile Builder – Campaign Monitor Add-On v1.1.0
- Profile Builder – BuddyPress Add-On v1.0.6
- BNFW – Profile Builder Plugin v1.0.0
- Profile Builder Premium Membership Subscription v2.3.5
Download Profile Builder Pro v3.12.4 + Addons
Notes: You may need to unzip the add-on before installing it. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.