Product Attributes Plugin WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches v1.1.5


产品属性插件WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches

Product Attributes Plugin WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches

WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches is a professional plugin that allows you to display and select attributes for product variations. Under Color, Button, Photo, Variation Image, and Radio, the plugin provides product variation selection options. Thus, the plugin helps customers visually see the items they need, saving time to find the desired product by drop-down type for variations of variable products.

Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce Pro 

Features: WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches

With just a few clicks, you can convert any dropdown type into swatches.

When you activate the WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches plugin, the variation products in your dropdown type will become variation swatches.

In the plugin settings you can change the global and custom attributes.

With the swatch settings of this plugin you can change all current global attributes in WooCommerce at once.

  • You can use the search bar to find already existing global attributes.
  • You can choose between two display styles for global attributes: horizontal or vertical.
  • Display Type: You can choose from five different types of global attributes to display: Button, Color, Image, Variation Image, and Radio.
  • Sample Profile: You can choose to display one of the available sample profiles.
  • Show on Product Listing: This option allows you to show or hide global attributes on product listings.
  • You can change each of the property terms of an existing global property by editing its terms.

The plugin’s custom properties feature makes it simple to display custom properties for variation products.

  • Custom Property Name: You can quickly customize an existing property by entering a property name.
  • Assign to Categories: Select the categories in which the custom property will be displayed.
  • You can choose between two display styles for the custom property: Horizontal or Vertical.
  • Display Type: You can choose from five different types of custom properties to display: Button, Color, Image, Variation Image, and Radio.
  • Swatch Profile: Select the swatch profile in which you want the custom property to be displayed.
  • Show in Product List: This option allows you to make the custom property visible or invisible in the product list.

Unlimited Swatches Profiles

Product Variations in WooCommerce Swatches is a plugin that lets you create and style swatch profiles.

  • Name, Padding, Height, Width, Font Size, Mobile Mode, Size on Product List, Color, Box Shadow Effect: You can customize the display of the default swatch design mode: Name, Padding, Height, Width, Font Size, Size on Mobile Mode, Product List, Color, Box Shadow Effect.
  • Hover State Style: You can change the color, background, border, box shadow effect, and reduce the size of the hover state.
  • Style After selecting a variation swatch, you can choose to customize the display state. Color, background, border, box shadow effect, and reduce the size are among the options to modify.
  • After selecting a variation swatch, you can choose to customize the tooltip state. Color, border, font size and tooltip position are all options.
  • You can also clone or delete existing swatch profiles to quickly build a large number of swatch design patterns.

In the product list and allocated pages, show swatches of product variations.

Some of the variations in the presentation on the product list tab can be used to show/hide product variation swatches.

  • Show Add to Cart Button: You can turn on the Add to Cart button that will appear after you select your quality.
  • Show/Hide Attribute Names for Variation Swatches: You can choose to show or hide the attribute names for variation swatches.
  • The position of variation swatches on shop pages, category pages and item lists can all be customized.
  • Text Tooltip: You can use this option to show or hide the variation text tooltip in the product listing.
  • Maximum Attribute Items: You can control how many attribute items are displayed on the swatch.

Other Features

  • Auto Update: Enter your purchase code and the plugin will automatically update when a new version is released.
  • WooCommerce Product Variations is mobile friendly. Swatches are fully functional on mobile devices.
  • Ease of Use: The user interface is user-friendly and easy to use.

Recommended: YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium 

Changelog: WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches

v1.0.11 - 2022.07.29 - Fixed: Tooltip covered by out-of-stock attributes if Position is set to Right - Fixed: Initialize swatches after a request to admin-ajax.php but not an ajax request - Added: Prioritize first attribute

v1.0.10 - 2022.06.15
- Fixed: CSS of out-of-stock icon when enabling option to show attribute value for Color/Image type
- Fixed: Custom attributes not saving correctly if name contains quote sign

⭐Similar suggestion: WooSwatches – Woocommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches

Download WooCommerce Product Variations v1.1.5 for Free

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We don’t provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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