WordPress page builder Oxygen Builder v4.9.1


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WordPress可视化站点构建器Oxygen Builder

Oxygen Builder for WordPress

Oxygen Builder for WordPress is a visual WordPress page builder. Build everything visually. Say goodbye to bloated themes and default page builders that don’t make any difference. Oxygen Builder is a new way to create WordPress websites. Powerful alignment controls. Create horizontal and vertical layouts. Unlimited layout options.

Build Websites Visually

Say goodbye to cumbersome themes and clunky page builders. Oxygen Builder is a new way to create WordPress websites.

More Than Just Design.

In addition to market-leading design capabilities for every part of the page, Oxygen’s dynamic data and template capabilities provide the same functionality for headers and footers, archives, blog posts, categories, and more. Custom posts, pages, and plugins.

The Best Design Library

The extensive library of ready-made designs and elements has everything you need to create any type of website. Import an entire web page with one click or combine and select elements to create your own design.

Unlimited layout options

Oxygen Builder plugin combines sections, columns and div elements to create any layout.

⭐See also: WPBakery Page Builder – Visual Composer

Demo: https://oxygenbuilder.com/

Features WordPress Visual Site Builder Oxygen Builder

  • Drag and drop editing: drag element edges to set spacing, or drag and drop to rearrange.
  • E-Commerce: Intuitively control every part of your WooCommerce store.
  • Header Builder: Visually create custom site headers, including sticky and overlay headers.
  • Global Colors: Edit colors in one place. Changes take effect everywhere the color is used.
  • Developer Friendly: Built with basic HTML elements. Write PHP, CSS, and JS directly.

Changelog WordPress visual site builder Oxygen Builder

## Oxygen 4.0.2 Changelog
Tweak: Increased click area for breakpoint buttons (#4548)
Fix: Exclude Code Block PHP/HTML output from Repeater ID fix (#4575)
Fix: Various issues with content being encoded on the front-end (#4577, #4564, #4527, #4526) Fix: Corrected issue causing Oxygen-Gutenberg blocks to be inaccessible for users/roles without at least Edit Only access to Oxygen (#4565) Fix: Corrected issue that made it impossible to check "Lock Post In Edit Mode" checkbox (#4555) Fix: Improved behavior of save keyboard shortcut when editing code in Oxygen (#4551) Fix: Corrected issue that caused styles for elements following a nested Repeater to break (#4547) Fix: Restored Structure Pane for users in Edit Mode (#4539) Fix: Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array/object, string given in ajax.php on line 596 (#4536) Fix: It's now possible to select a specific menu in the Pro Menu element on a multisite install (#4531) Fix: Corrected issue where ID assigned styles on elements used via Single Reusable part in Repeater were not output correctly (#4503) ## Oxygen 4.0.1 RC 1 Changelog Fix: Removed new unintentional default flex styles for .oxy-dynamic-list that caused layout problems (#4538) Fix: Corrected issue resulting in Custom CSS and Custom JS on elements in Reusable Parts becoming encoded (#4537) Fix: Corrected blank front-end issue caused by Inner Content element with no JSON (#4529) Fix: Corrected issue causing Sliders to disappear on the front-end when used within a Repeater (#4517) Fix: Corrected a problem with a Thrive compatibility fix that caused pages to appear blank on the front-end (#4514) Fix: Corrected issue preventing Gallery lightbox from working when within a Repeater (#4518) Fix: Corrected issue resulting in encoded code from Code Blocks when used within a Block and inserted on a page via Gutenberg (#4512) Fix: Corrected issue resulting in code from Code Blocks being encoded when used within a Repeater that is filtered or paginated using WP Gridbuilder (#4469) Fix: Updated various elements to use the proper selectors when used within Repeaters, fixing styling issues on the front-end (#4511) Fix: Corrected issue resulting in code from Code Block being output as encoded string when used within a reusable part on a full Oxygen-Gutenberg page (#4506) Fix: Corrected issue resulting in ID assigned styles on reusable parts not being output if reusable is inserted via Repeater (#4503) Fix: Corrected issue resulting in broken Superbox styling when used within a Repeater (#4504) Fix: Removed default loading="eager" attribute on Image elements to avoid conflicts with third-party lazy loading functionality (#4505)

Oxygen Builder Plugin Plugin List

  1. Script Manager v1.6.3
  2. Oxy Extended Elements v1.1.0
  3. OxyNinja for Oxygen Builder v3.4.3
  4. Oxygen Agent Base v2.1.6
  5. Oxygen Advanced Script v2.1.0
  6. OxyMonster Framework v0.31
  7. Oxygen Converter Pro v1.2.6
  8. Oxy Ultimate Woo v1.4.13
  9. Oxygen Ultimate v1.5.5
  10. Oxy Extras v1.4.2
  11. Swiss Knife Pro For Oxygen Builder v4.0.0
  12. Oxygen Gutenberg Integration v1.4.3
  13. Oxygen Elements for WooCommerce v1.4 + (2.0 beta 2)
  14. Editor Enhancer PRO For Oxygen Builder v4.2.0 Final
  15. ERROPiX Hydrogen Pack For Oxygen Builder v1.4.0
  16. ERROPiX Oxygen Properties v1.3.2
  17. OxyPowerPack v2.1
  18. Oxygen Toolbox v1.5.7
  19. OxyMade for Oxygen builder v1.5.9
  20. Automatic CSS for Oxygen Builder v2.0.0
  21. Oxy Font Manager for DPlugin v1.0.0

Download Oxygen Builder v4.9.1

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any guarantees if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

Instructions on how to activate OxyNinja for Oxygen Builder

This enables us to use all OxyNinja core classes and stylesheets. Simply follow the steps below to install the classes. This can be done without installing the OxyNinja plugin.

1. Download OxyNinja-Version 3.4.0-export-import.zip (Please note this is not a plugin do not upload via plugins)

2. Inside the OxyNinja-Version 3.4.0-export-import.zip file you will find a text file OxyNinja-Version 3.4.0-export-import.txt. Open it and copy all the code written inside.

3. Open your WordPress installation and go to Oxygen Export and Import. You will see two boxes, the first one is Export and the second one is Import. Just paste the code you copied from the txt file I provided and click Save.

4. That’s it for the OxyNinja Core stylesheet and selectors.

5. You can view them in any template or page via the admin selectors.

6. To apply the selector, just use the OxyNinja-Core-Cheat-Sheet.pdf I included in the zip file. For example Add Section > Div and then add c-card-dark will apply that class.

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