Optimize your website for SSL Really Simple SSL Pro
Optimize your website for SSL Really Simple SSL Pro v8.1 automatically detects your settings and configures your website to run over https. Parameters are minimized for convenience. The entire site will switch to SSL.
SSL certificate for website, what is it and why do you need it?
When you click on links in your browser (internet access program), you may notice that some web pages look like:
For the non-SSL version data is passed to the user via an insecure channel, the second one – on the contrary – information is transmitted via a secure and encrypted channel (SSL).
The first option is used for small Internet projects, such as a blog, a small online store, an information website for a company. The latter is used for large portals and large Internet resources or large business directories.
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Premium Features Really Simple SSL Pro
- Extensive scanning allows you to detect mixed content sources that cannot be automatically corrected using the Fix button
- Premium email support
- httpOnly makes cookies secure/encrypted
- Increase security by enabling HTTP Strict Transport Security for your site
- Submit your site to the HSTS preload list
- Easy to implement security headers: X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection, X-Frame-Options, Expect-CT, Certificate Transparency, No Referrer when downgrading headers, Content Security Policy, Upgrade Insecure Requests.
Recommendation: WooCommerce e-commerce theme Retailer
Changelog Really Simple SSL Pro
= v.5.5.2 = * Dropped PHP header option in favor of advanced-headers.php = 5.4.0 = * Improvement: New default Referrer Policy => strict-origin-when-cross-origin * Improvement: New default for X-XSS header * Improvement: Dropped Expect-CT header as it's now deprecated, integrated by default in certificates * Improvement: Updated Permissions Policy with improved defaults, updated to new values as currently supported in browsers * Improvement: dropped access-control-allow-origin header, as it can only be used dynamically, which is not feasible in most WP environments
If you only want a few designated sites to have SSL (https) and the rest to use non-SSL (http), use the Really Simple SSL Per-Page plugin
NOTE: You have to really understand what you need, this is a plugin that supports non-SSL sites but requires SSL enabled sites and vice versa.
To install this plugin:
- If you are running the free Really Simple SSL plugin, disable it first.
- Upload the Really Simple SSL Per Page plugin
- On the SSL pages tab you can now select the pages you want SSL for.
- If you have problems, check out this video.
Really Simple SSL Per Page
If you only want a few pages on your site to have SSL and only one without, this plugin provides that functionality. In the settings you can add pages, posts or any post type, even custom post types that you want to have SSL.
That’s why Really Simple SSL Per Page needs to be installed instead of Really Simple SSL and it’s not an add-on. You can watch the video tutorial to understand how the plugin works. Take a look at this demo site to see how a website can switch between SSL and non-SSL with the help of this plugin.
Demo: https://really-simple-ssl.com/premium/
Free Download Really Simple SSL Pro v9.3.3
Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.