Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme Riode
Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme Riode is the ultimate WooCommerce WordPress theme for any type of e-commerce business website. Riode offers many elements and powerful features that can be configured as you wish.
Compared to the general e-commerce features of other multipurpose themes, Riode offers WooCommerce features with a unique look and feel and layout and functionality. Riode ensures super fast performance, which is perfect for WooCommerce stores. Check out more features of Riode below. Enjoy business Riode and WooCommerce theme!
Fully compatible with WordPress 5.5.x & 5.6.x and WooCommerce 4.8 & 4.9x
Recommended: Online Course Tutoring Education WordPress Theme MaxCoach
Features of Riode | Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme
- Multi-Purpose Design
- WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested and Approved
- Child Theme Ready
- Various Useful Demos – Architecture, Hotel, Restaurant, Law Firm, Digital Agency, Healthcare, Real Estate, App Destination, Resume, etc.
- Many Utilities
- Multiple Page Styles
- Powerful Speed Optimizer
- Visual Composer Highly Optimized
- One Page Templates
- Social Sharing Features
- 33+ Custom Elements in Visual Composer (Banner, Carousel, Tabs, Toggle, Accordion, Button, Quotes, Table, Alert Box, Table, List, Table, Icon, Glyph Icon, Progress Bar, Pricing Table, Above the Fold, Team Members, Call to Action Box, Columns)
- SEO Optimized (Built-in Snippets for Links and Comments)
- Responsive Design
- Unlimited Colors and Layouts
- WooCommerce Compatible
- Wishlist, Ajax Search, Filtering and Sorting
- Compatible with WPML
- RTL Ready
- Fast support and updates
- Cross-browser compatibility (IE10+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge)
- Valid HTML5 code
- 30+ unique homepage layouts: great concepts coming soon!
- 6 seed layouts for slider area: text and table, still image, single video;
- Mega menu and 3-level dropdown menu;
- Over 20 different headers and exclusive header generator
- Grid/List view
- Shop page
- Ajax filtering in shop and product archive pages
- WooCommerce catalog mode
- Powerful page options
- Elegant animations
- 3 different contact page layouts
- One-click installation of demo content
- Wide/Full/Boxed layouts
- Typography page
- Enable/disable fixed header option
- Additional pages: About, Services, Team, Process, Careers, FAQ, 404 page, Sitemap, Contact us, etc.
- Lightbox
- Share icons on project and product pages
- Contact and newsletter forms
- Twitter feed widget
- Google web fonts
- Custom font control
- Documentation ? First Steps
- Compatible with WordPress SEO plugin
- Compatible with WordPress Social Login plugin
- Compatible with WP cache plugins such as WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache plugin
- Compatible with Mailpoet Newsletter plugin
- Compatible with BBPress, BuddyPress plugins
- Compatible with Better WordPress Minify plugin
- Compatible with Navigation Menu Role plugin
- Compatible with WooCommerce Product Filter plugin
- Compatible with Post Views Counter plugin
- Compatible with GeoDirectory Plugin Compatible
- Compatible with WooCommerce Multilingual Plugin
- Compatible with major multi-vendor plugins such as Dokan, Toilet Vendor and Yith WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Plugin
- Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin
- Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Search Plugin
- Compatible with YITH WooCommerce Badge Manager plugin
- Compatible with WPML plugin
- Compatible with Polylang plugin
- Compatible with qTranslate X plugin
- Compatible with WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin
- And more?
Recommendation: Woocommerce Product Filter Pofily
Changelog: Riode | Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme
v1.4.9 (June 14th.2022) + Added - Compatibility with WordPress 6.0 + Added - Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.5 + Added - Theme option for mobile sticky bar's scroll mode. + Added - Theme option for the position of cart sticky bar on single product page. + Added - Theme option for auto close sidebar after selecting filter item on mobile. - Fixed - Select options not working properly in theme options panel. - Fixed - Contact form's loading effect not showing properly in our theme. v1.4.8 (May 11th.2022) + Added - Compatibility with WP Captcha plugin. + Added - Custom link item options in Theme Options -> Menu -> Mobile Icon Sticky Bar. + Improved - Categories menu styles in demo 3 dummy content. - Fixed - Product image lightbox not showing the current image. - Fixed - Product sales countdown doesn't work properly when it is loaded by Ajax request. - Fixed - Product Video thumbnail edit controls style issue. - Fixed - External products' read more button style issue. - Fixed - Some Riode studio blocks are not imported properly in Elementor page builder. - Fixed - Compatibility issue with YITH Wishlist plugin for external products.
⭐See also: Theme repository INFOXIAO Free sharing, daily updates
Download Riode v1.6.21
Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.