iThemes Security Plugin MainWP IThemes Extension
The MainWP iThemes Security Extension combines the power of the MainWP dashboard with the popular MainWP iThemes Security Extension (over 600,000 active installs). The iThemes Security Extension allows you to control the iThemes security settings for all your child sites directly from your MainWP dashboard.
Protect your child sites!
The MainWP iThemes Security Extension combines the power of the MainWP dashboard with the popular iThemes Security Plugin (over 600,000 active installs).
The MainWP iThemes Security Extension allows you to control the iThemes Security settings for all your child sites directly from your MainWP dashboard.
Recommended: WordPress Accelerator Seraphinite Accelerator Plugin
Some of the things you can do directly from the MainWP dashboard include:
- Update, activate, and deactivate the iThemes Security plugin from the MainWP dashboard
- Bulk configure your iThemes security settings across your network or customize them on individual subsites
- Manage iThemes Security plugin features from the MainWP dashboard, such as
- Global settings
- 404 detected
- Away Mode
- Block
- Brutal Protection
- Database Backup
- File Change Detection
- Hide Login Area
- Scan for Malware
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- Strong Passwords
- System Tuning
- Edit WordPress
- Admin User
- Database Prefix
- Monitor the Security Status of iThemes
- Follow iThemes Active Lockdown
The extension also adds an iThemes Security Overview to each site’s dashboard, allowing you to check your security status
Recommended: WordPress Security Plugin Cerber Security Pro
Changelog: MainWP iThemes Security Extension
Version 4.0.4 – 1-22-2021 Updated: Compatibility with the latest iThemes Security plugin version Version – 9-10-2020 Updated: MainWP Dashboard 4.1 compatibility
⭐See also: All Summary MainWP wordpress manager plugin
Download iThemes Security Extension MainWP iThemes Security Extension 4.1.3
Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We don’t provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.