How to Post Private Videos on TikTok



How to Post Private Videos on TikTok

TikTok has gone down in history for the exposure it has provided and the accessibility the platform has made available to anyone with a mobile phone.

Much of TikTok’s appeal is its ability to make people “go viral.”

But what if you want to post your videos privately so the world can’t see them?

TikTok allows you to post and share videos privately. To post a video privately on TikTok, tap the padlock icon on the screen before posting your video. You can choose your preferred audience by clicking on Privacy Settings.

TikTok has been criticized many times for its security terms, which is why some of its users may prefer to keep their content private.

Follow these simple steps to post private videos on TikTok and go crazy without worrying about being detected!

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How to Make Your Videos Private on TikTok

TikTok’s influence has surpassed platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.

The number of downloads for the app can give you a rough idea of ​​how many people are on this video-sharing platform.

This innovative video format has captured the attention of a diverse audience around the world, from teenagers to people over 40.

But with great success comes greater responsibility – the responsibility to protect the content and privacy of users.

With user accounts receiving hate and even threats for posted videos, it is vital to protect your privacy. You can do this by controlling the audience that sees your videos.

If you think that TikToks you post can only be shared publicly, we will show you how to share your videos privately!

Here’s how you can do this:

  1. Open the TikTok app and make sure you are Logged in.
  2. Make a video, then tap Privacy Options before posting. In our example, Everyone can view this post“.
  3. Three options will appear on the screen. Select to show “Only me“.
  4. You can now view videos by clicking on your profile and the lock icon. This will show all your privately posted videos.

This is a video that only you can see. What if you want to post a video that only a few people who follow you can see?


How to make your TikTok visible to your followers

You can also share your TikTok with friends without posting it publicly.

Follow these steps to share your video with your selected audience:

  1. Open your TikTok account and record a video.
  2. After recording, click on the Privacy option, like “Only me” or “Everyone can view this post“.
  3. Tap on “Friends” and Post the video.

TikToks posted on your account are only visible to people you follow on the app.

Your “friends” on TikTok are different from your “followers.” “Friends” are people you follow, while “followers” are people who follow you.

This distinction will come in handy when deciding to update your privacy settings, as videos posted to followers can be risky if you want to post private videos.

While the appeal of TikTok is the exposure and reach it provides content creators and the element of virality, it can still be used as a fun app to share TikToks with your friends or family.

This feature allows you to record your own memories and save them to your TikTok account for safekeeping so that you can go back and reminisce without having to worry about making them public.


TikTok’s private posting feature is very convenient for young people and teenagers, who can use the app to unleash their creativity while still being protected online.

This is important because this has been an issue with multiple social media platforms in the past, especially TikTok, which has failed to moderate viewers’ comments and has had dangerous consequences for children.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! You can unprivate a TikTok video the same way you set it private. Simply go to a posted TikTok and click on the three dots on the right side of the screen. From the options that appear, click on “Privacy Settings” and select the settings you want. It’s that simple!

No. If your TikTok is posted privately or only visible to your friends, your video will not appear on TikTok’s “For You” page. The “For You” page only shows publicly posted videos.

Your private videos remain on your profile, just in a different section. You can view your private TikToks by clicking the lock icon on your profile.

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