How to become famous on TikTok with few followers


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How to become famous on TikTok with few followers

TikTokThe platform can make you an overnight sensation. From makeup artists to DIY crafters and pet owners, everyone is now jumping on the TikTok bandwagon and trying their luck harder like other TikTok influencers. With the total number of users on the platform increasing, competition has suddenly exploded. This means you need to come up with a unique idea to help you stand out in this competitive world.

Of course, you don’t have to be a teenager with cool dance moves to go viral on TikTok, a quirky idea can be enough to resonate with millions of people on the platform.

As the digital world continues to evolve, stop watching the clock to post at the right time and use scheduling tools to manage your TikTok.

The Science Behind the TikTok Algorithm

Honestly, TikTok’s algorithm is pretty easy to crack compared to other social media platforms. You don’t need a big fat following to reach the sky, all you need is consistency. That’s how to go viral on TikTok. The more content you upload, the more eyeballs your content will attract.

Now you might be wondering how the TikTok algorithm works. Well here is the answer.

TikTok’s algorithm is designed to rank creative and entertaining content. These videos are algorithmically generated and personalized based on each user’s interests. It constantly evolves to provide users with the best possible content.

The algorithm ensures that users get the best content they are looking for, so it starts filling your feed with relevant videos. The algorithm decides which videos to show to each user based on multiple factors, including the user’s past behavior, interactions, and engagement.

It also takes into account multiple factors, including the user’s location, the type of content they have liked in the past, and the time of day. For example, if you often watch funny pet videos, then the algorithm will ensure that it shows more of them in your feed. After all, there is more than just a single factor running behind the massive TikTok algorithm. There are many factors that influence the algorithm, and these factors include

  • User activity
  • Subject matter
  • Location
  • Voice

Finally, TikTok’s algorithm changes frequently, but knowing the highlights and gaps can definitely help you make the most of it.

7 Best Tips and Tricks to Go Viral on TikTok

Let’s be honest; you can easily steal the spotlight and get featured on the “Recommended for you” page; anyone can explode and have 2K or even 2 followers. Whether you want to learn more about the algorithm or experiment with how to go viral on TikTok, I’ve compiled 7 of the best tips and tricks inspired by TikTok influencers and brands. Best Tips and Tricks to Go Viral on TikTok

  1. Be consistent

    TikTok offers businesses and brands a unique opportunity to reach new audiences. While consistency is key to success on any social media platform, how can you get more views on your TikTok videos? The answer is simple: Be consistent. Posting regularly will help you grow your audience and keep them engaged.

    You should be posting multiple times a day to get the most out of TikTok.

    Of course, you don’t have to post every time you create a video, but it’s important to post at least once or twice a week. Don’t be afraid to post multiple times a day. Your audience will appreciate it if they can see new content from time to time instead of being bombarded with the same content over and over again. You can always change your strategy if it doesn’t work, but consistency is key, and that’s how to go viral on TikTok

  2. Keep Up with the Latest Trends

    It’s easy to get lost in the world of TikTok and forget about everything else. You can search for a topic or type of video, scroll through them, and watch as much as you want. But it’s also a place to stay up to date on what’s going on in your favorite categories. You can find popular music videos, explore new meme faces, and follow your favorite YouTube stars on TikTok. Here are some ways you can find the latest trends on the platform.

    • Discover Page: The Discover page is where you’ll find all the content from your favorite creators and new people to follow. You can also set filters for specific topics or hashtags so that when you search for something specific on TikTok, it only shows those results.
    • Follow TikTok Influencers:See who’s trending. To do this, search for other users and check out their stories. You can also follow people you like or check out other users’ stories.
    • Search for keywords related to your interests: For example, if you’re looking for popular challenges, search “dance challenge” on TikTok and see what comes up. You can find videos of people engaging in different challenges.
  3. Add relevant tags

    So, when it comes to hashtags on TikTok, you need to be strategic when using hashtags in your TikTok videos. You never know when someone might see your feed. If you want to increase your video’s exposure, check out trending tags. Simply type in a hashtag that interests you and see what comes up. For example, if a keyword is already associated with your video, this could be a great opportunity to target the same audience. This is exactly how to go viral on TikTok with relevant hashtags.

    When choosing the right hashtags, keep the following in mind:

    • Make sure they are not too generic; if people don’t understand what they mean, no one will look at them.
    • Only choose relevant ones—don’t use every possible option.
    • You can also use the #ForYou page to find other trending hashtags, as it’s the most popular one.
    • You can create your own branded hashtags, which will help your followers find your content.

    You know the power of hashtags, and TikTok users know how to make the most of it. Take a look at the hashtags under this video.

    • Open the TikTok app and tap on the + sign to create a video
    • Now, select Effects and then under the Trending section, select the Green Screen effect
    • Next, select any image from your phone gallery to use as a background and then click Record
  4. Use the Green Effect feature

    TikTok’s most popular feature is its Green Effect feature, which lets you add filters to your videos with just one tap to make them look more professional. The Green Screen feature allows you to add a green background behind your video. You can use this effect on any TikTok video and see how it looks in real time, or make your own effect using one of the pre-made templates. Here’s how you can use it

    5. Top Performing Videos from Stitching

    Collaboration is a key factor on any social media platform, and of course, no one does it better than TikTok. Another effective and popular collaboration feature on TikTok is the “Stitch” feature. It allows users to combine multiple TikTok videos with the ones they have already created. Believe it or not, one of the secrets behind the mysterious question of how to become popular on TikTok is to stitch your best performing videos.

    The stitch feature is very useful as it helps to expand the conversation and reach a wider audience. Here is how to stitch videos:

      • Open the TikTok app and find the relevant videos you want to stitch.
      • Now tap on the share button on the top right.
      • Use the additional editing tools below, select Stitch.
      • Select the part of the video you want to stitch.
      • Next, tap the red button to start recording, and click the check mark when you’re done.
  • 6. Try a Vlog-style video

    Video blogs are a fun way to share your experiences with the world, and TikTok makes it easier than ever before. Vlogs on TikTok are different than vlogs on YouTube, but you can use TikTok’s app to record clips and make videos that are more like short clips than just little snippets of life moments, which can be another way to go viral on TikTok.

    You can film yourself talking about an experience or event to give people a glimpse into your day. This is especially helpful if you have something interesting going on in your life. If you’re just starting out, follow these tips:

    • Choose a good background. You want something with color and texture so that your viewers don’t feel like they’re watching a boring video with just your face.
    • Make sure the lighting is good. If there’s not enough light in the room or it’s too bright, people won’t be able to clearly see what’s happening on the screen.If you want people to engage with you, it’s important that you engage with them, too. It may seem like a lot of work, but engaging with your followers makes them feel appreciated and engaged. This can lead to more likes and comments on their content and increase overall engagement.Responding to comments and messages is a great way to connect with your followers. The more you respond, the better it feels when others respond. You have 24 hours to respond to a message so that people can react before they forget.

Tips on TikTok videos?

Still few followers on your TikTok account? Well, it’s no big deal. Your video content still has a chance to go viral, it all depends on the quality of the content. If your video content performs well and quickly ignites the audience in just a few hours, then it will be further promoted to a climax and you will soon become a TikTok star.

Already thinking about how to become popular on TikTok overnight with less followers. Here is the secret hack

  1. Ignite the FOMO emotion of users

    ASMR, a very popular term on TikTok. These strange and satisfying videos can put you in a good mood and calm you down, believe me. These videos have been viewed a million times.

    You have noticed those short product unboxing videos on TikTok. These videos trigger the FOMO emotion of users, and you can create such videos too. TikTok is bombarded with ASMR videos. When you hear the squashing, crushing, or opening of a package, you get a sense of satisfaction.

    Honestly, these videos spark curiosity and make everyone want to test it out for themselves. You can also create these satisfying videos. Start simple. Try art and craft videos; these videos include materials such as colored paper, cardboard, design cards, miniatures, and other creative materials.

  2. Keep it short and engaging

    TikTok has different video length limits: 15 seconds, 60 seconds, and 3 minutes, and honestly, you can make the most of your time, and no one is stopping you.

    But there is one thing: TikTok users scroll through short videos quickly and usually skip longer videos. The shorter the video, the more it will capture the audience’s attention in a short period of time. Longer videos will make users lose interest and they will scroll away, but shorter videos will not give the video enough time to lose interest; if the video is interesting, they can rewind and rewatch it.

    Short videos can help you get higher viewership and maximize your engagement. For example, you may have noticed that TikTok influencers make shorter videos because they understand how the platform works. The shorter the video, the more eyeballs your content will attract, which is exactly how to go viral on TikTok.

  3. Post at the right time

    With so much content being posted on the platform every minute, how do you ensure your target audience sees your content? The answer is simple – post at the right time.

    In addition to posting content frequently on the platform, posting at the right time is also very important.

    Moreover, posting at the right time can significantly impact the likes, comments, and shares of your videos. With so many schedules and different time zones, don’t forget to follow these tips and analyze how to go viral on TikTok.

    • Keep an eye on your TikTok analytics and analyze when your audience is more active.
    • Use a social media management tool like Social Champ and post your TikTok videos during custom time slots.
    • Post during peak hours so that most of your audience can see your videos.
    • Experiment with different time zones to see what works best for you.
    • Include effective communication: Communication with your audience is important. Try to convey your message clearly in your video.
    • Narrative clarity: Structure your video content properly to avoid clutter.
    • Use visuals, effects, and text: Just to spice up your video a little, try adding pop or funny music; effects and text overlays can be the icing on the cake.

      “Did you know” videos

      Who doesn’t love watching those short “Did you know” videos? Of course, we all do. There’s something special about these videos: a built-in hook that grabs the user’s attention and keeps them watching until the end. You can find tons of “Did you know” videos on the platform. So, before you start creating your video, make sure to follow these tips.

    • Create interesting and original videos. This will help you stand out from the crowd and your content can go viral on TikTok.
    • Use relevant hashtags. These powerful hashtags can help many people discover your content on the platform.
    • The best humor comes naturally. Try recording a video with a quirky friend or client. You never know if someone will find your content funny and you’ll appear on the “Recommended for you” page.

      Use highbrow humor

      Comedy is an important part of any social media platform, and TikTok is a place where people laugh and relax through entertaining content. Let’s be honest, browsing funny animal videos can make anyone happy.

      So spice up your TikTok videos with a little humor. Make funny videos that give your audience a chance to laugh. Here’s how to add humor to your videos and how to go viral on TikTok.


One ​​thing I really like about this platform is that you don’t need a million followers on TikTok, instead, the video content is what matters the most. Then again, TikTok is a short and quirky platform that lets you climb the ladder of success. So, if you are new to the platform and want to go the extra mile to become an overnight TikTok celebrity, give yourself space to try out these best tips and tricks.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1.  How long does it take to go viral on TikTok?
    If your video reaches 1 million views, it is considered moderately viral, and if your video content gets 5 million views within three to seven days, you will become a TikTok star.
  1. Are there any secrets to becoming popular on TikTok?
    Well, there is no foolproof formula for this, but being interesting and relevant in your posts can help you do it.
  2. How many TikToks should I post every day?
    You should post at least 1 to 3 TikTok videos every day.

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