Elementor booking plugin JetBooking v3.6.5


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Elementor booking plugin JetBooking

Elementor booking plugin JetBooking is perfect for those who want to offer rentals or reservations or services on a daily basis. Create product pages and listings in just a few clicks Use the booking plugin with JetTheme, JetThemeCore or ElementsPro and your page is ready!

Filter your items by availability, property characteristics and more Explore all of JetBooking How flexible the options are, allowing setting conditions and features to let your visitors choose and find items according to their needs and requirements.

Recommendation:  Elementor Custom Form Builder Plugin MetForm

Enrich your website with an eye-catching booking form, which is the easiest way to collect all the required information from your visitors so you can handle it from the backend.

Customize booking notification after sending the form
Use JetBooking with best-in-class services to sync your schedule, automate processes, and add hooks to your forms.

  • Google Calendar
  • Points
  • Zapir

Recommendation: Bookly PRO (+Addons) for WordPress appointment scheduling

Changelog : Elementor Booking plugin JetBooking

* ADD: `jquery-date-range-picker` in to dashboard edit & add booking popup;
* ADD: `’jet-booking/google-calendar-url/utc-timezone’` hook for timezone manipulation in Google calendar event link;
* ADD: `’jet-booking/form-fields/check-in-out/default-value’` hook for default `check-in-out` field value;
* UPD: Booking admin popups templates;
* FIX: Advanced price rates default value.

* ADD: JS filter `’jet-booking/calendar/config’` for calendar widget config;
* ADD: JS filter `’jet-booking/apartment-price’` for apartment price;
* FIX: Booking calendar layout;

Download JetBooking v3.6.5

Note: You may need to unzip it before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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