Dropshipping plugin Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment v2.1.9


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Dropshipping插件Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment

Dropshipping plugin Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment

Dropshipping plugin Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment is a plugin that allows store owners to import products from aliexpress.com to their WooCommerce store. This allows store owners to easily handle and run their business on an e-commerce website and choose from a large selection of AliExpress products, allowing them to earn more income from their online business.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/aliexpress-dropshipping-and-fulfillment-for-woocommerce/29457839

The two platforms, WooCommerce and Aliexpress, can be linked using one of two methods:

  • Key
  • WooCommerce REST API

Can import products from AliExpress.

This plugin allows you to import Aliexpress products into your WooCommerce store:

  • Single Product Import: This plugin allows you to import single products.
  • Import Categories: You can also import categories using the plugin.

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Organize AliExpress Items

Before transferring to your WooCommerce store, you can set global rules for products and prices, as well as manage Aliexpress products in the Import List and quickly check them in the Imported section. In addition, Aliexpress products can be customized like other WooCommerce products.

+ Configure Global Rules:

One. Product Global Rules: Before migration to your WooCommerce store, these rules will be implemented in the import list area and include:

  • Import Product Status: Select the status of the imported product in your WooCommerce store. For example, the status of the product can be automatically set to Publish, Pending or Draft.
  • Use Global Attributes: All imported product attributes default to custom attributes. Enabling this option allows these attributes to be automatically transferred to global attributes.
  • Show Shipping Options: If you check this box, shipping options will appear in the import list. In particular, this feature will help to show the shipping costs for available shipping methods. After calculating the shipping costs, it is simple to estimate the product cost.
  • After applying the price guide, the shipping costs will be added to the price of the original product.
  • Import as Simple Product: If the product has only one variation, or you only want to import one variation, it will be imported as a simple product. On the other hand, the variation SKU and features will not be used.
  • Catalog Visibility: This option controls on which store pages the product will appear. It can be anything from: Shopping and Search Results to Shopping Only, Search Results Only, and Hide Results.
  • Product Descriptions Choose whether to display product descriptions and/or item details with imported products. This can be selected in a variety of ways, including: Item Details; Product Description; Item Details and Product Description; Item Details and Product Description
  • Images for descriptions can be downloaded here: If photos are available, enable this option to allow them to be imported into product descriptions.
  • Default photos for product selection: When enabled, the first image will be used as the product image, and all subsequent images (except for the images in the product description) will be selected from the gallery when you add products to the import list.
  • When importing items, the main product image will be downloaded directly instead of downloading their images in the background, and the gallery and variant images (if any) will be added to the failed images page, where you can download them manually.
  • Fill in the category titles so that the imported products will be placed in these categories.
  • Default product tags: To ensure that the imported products are added to these tags, fill in the tag titles.
  • On product pages, you can see the following variations: Allows imported product variations to be seen on product pages.
  • Manage Inventory: Allows you to track inventory and import product inventory. If this option is disabled, the product’s inventory status will be set to “Instock” and product inventory will not be imported.
  • Ignore import ships in product variations that only allow imports from China.
  • Find and Replace: You can use Find and Replace to find strings in product titles and descriptions and replace them with their values.

b. Product Pricing Global Rules: These rules will be applied before migration to your WooCommerce store in the Import List section.

  • Exchange Rate: You can use this option to convert any amount of USD to your store currency. In addition, there are two ways to add exchange rates: using the Update Exchange Rates button or entering the exchange rate manually. Another important note is that if this field is set to 1, the currency will not change (it defaults to $USD).
  • You can choose from a variety of API currency exchange rate sources, including Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, Cuex, and TransferWise.
  • The number of decimal places to round the exchange rate when updating the exchange rate using the API.
  • Automatically update exchange rates: Select this option to update the exchange rate regularly, especially on days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • Set pricing rules for products with multiple quantity ranges. In particular, you can use the action type to set the quantity range.
  • Set price format: The principle of making product prices more attractive. Therefore, in sales, use the development of pricing psychology.

c. Customize all attribute words: The product attribute tab displays all the variations of the product attributes, allowing you to edit or replace the current variation words with anything you choose.

d. Manually update price and quantity every time the Aliexpress store changes: Provides options to change product prices, quantities, and send email notifications.

e. Product override: Create rules for products that have been overriden.

Orders on AliExpress can be managed.

To quickly verify and fulfill Aliexpress orders, click on the Ali Orders area. Dropshipping plugin Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment You can also modify and fulfill orders in WooCommerce’s order management.

  • Orders on Aliexpress: This component of the plugin allows you to quickly track and fulfill Aliexpress orders.
  • WooCommerce Order Manager: Managing Aliexpress orders is similar to regular WooCommerce orders, and you can also fulfill Aliexpress orders.
  • Update Aliexpress Order ID and Tracking Number: Aliexpress order ID and tracking number can be manually synced from Aliexpress to WooCommerce.

Orders to be fulfilled

+Fulfillment Options: These plugin settings allow you to establish global rules for automatically fulfilling purchases on AliExpress.

  • Get an access token to use the Aliexpress API to fulfill Ali orders. The access token will appear when you enter a valid plugin update key in the Update tab.
  • Shipping Carrier: Select a default carrier business for all products you import from aliexpress.com in your WooCommerce store.
  • If an order does not have a phone number, the default phone number will be used to fulfill Aliexpress orders.
  • When an AliExpress order is fulfilled, this note will be added to the AliExpress order.
  • Show what you are doing: To indicate that an action is completed, change the order status. You can specifically set the following statuses: Pending, Pending, Pending, Pending, Pending, Pending, Pending, Pending, Pending, Pending, Cancelled, Refunded, and Failed.
  • Change order status: After the order id and tracking number are synchronized successfully, the order status is automatically changed.

+ Complete orders in the plugin: In the Ali order area, there are two ways to complete orders: using the plugin’s extension or using the AliExpress API.

+ Complete orders in WooCommerce’s Order Management: Similarly, you can complete Aliexpress orders through WooCommerce/Orders.

Product Update

  • Product Update Options: The activity settings of the Product Update tab allow you to update product pricing and quantity changes. In addition, the plugin allows you to send change notifications via email. You can also manually update import lists and import sections.
  • View pricing and quantity change logs in three ways: via notification email, in the import area, or in the log section.

Separate Products

With this feature, you can split variants of a variable product into individual products. For example, you can split it into individual items based on the number of variants available in a feature, or split it based on specific variants.

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Change log: Dropshipping plugin Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment

v1.0.23 - 2022.07.22
- Fixed: Shipping options for customers from Brazil - Updated: RTL - Updated: States/Cities list - Added: Ability to import in RUB as AliExpress now does not allow changing currency when Ship-to country is set to Russian Federation - Added: Custom pricing rules by products/categories for syncing products v1.0.22 - 2022.06.22 - Fixed: Bulk orders/Auto fulfill - AliExpress orders placed but not saving to Woo orders if an order contains multiple items of the same seller - Added: Option to select which elements to show menu count for

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Dropshipping plugin Aliexpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment V2.1.9

Note: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. If any theme/plugin contains a virus, We do not provide any guarantees. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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