digits wordpress mobile number registration and login v8.4.5.3


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Digits for WordPress

Digits for WordPress WordPress Mobile Number Registration and Login allows your users to register on your website using only their mobile number. No more checking emails. Just SMS!

In this fast world, no one has time to connect to your website using a normal email, because that is not the only step, the user has to log in to the email account – open the email – click on the confirmation link. Check your email, then access your website account.

Then the password is gone, even if he managed to do all the important things to remember access to the account – that is the password. Now, if he forgets it again, the user has to go through all the pain he did during the registration process.

Because of this, websites are now losing their customers because people don’t have time to do all this.

⭐See more plugins for registration and login WordPress

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/search/19801105

Recommendation:  Responsive WordPress Theme uDesign 

Feature Digits – WordPress Mobile Number Registration and Login

  • Mobile Registration:Let your users register with their mobile number and increase conversion rate. Reduce user headaches when activating accounts via email.
  • Passwordless Login:In this internet world, it is almost impossible to remember all the passwords that users use when registering on different websites.
  • Give your customers no login password. Login to his mobile number using a one-time password sent to your user via SMS
  • Authorization without email address: Allow your users to login via mobile number. Forget the traditional letters for account creation.
  • Custom Form Fields: Add to your authorization and registration forms like text, numbers, dropdowns, checkboxes, radios, etc.

Recommendation:  Elementor Custom Form Builder Plugin MetForm

Changelog Digits – WordPress Mobile Number Registration and Login

11 April 2022 Version 7.9.2 IMPROVED Browser autofill support IMPROVED Username generation IMPROVED aruba.it gateway integration IMPROVED WooCommerce Compatibility FIXED Buddyboss/bbpress phone field not working in account page FIXED Login with pass redirecting to homepage instead of smart redirect FIXED Username generation with "+"" not working FIXED Allowlist priority over denylist in country FIXED Phone field autofill issue on WooCommerce page FIXED Infinite loading with OurSMS gateway FIXED Password label coming in WooCommerce page on OTP field FIXED Remember me not working with OTP Login in some cases FIXED Email field getting replaced with phone in a few themes FIXED Gupshup WhatsApp not working FIXED Redirect not working with some sites, forbidden errors FIXED Tab key not working in countrycode FIXED Resend Issue with Firebase FIXED send_otp endpoint not working in Rest Api with One click

Download Digits v8.4.5.3

  1. Numbers: Additional Fields and Logic Builder Plugin v1.7
  2. DIGITS: REST API plugin v2.2
  3. DIGITS: Force Login Page Lock plugin v2.0.1
  4. DIGITS: One-click Login/Registration plugin v3.2
  5. DIGITS: Email Filter plugin v1.5
  6. DIGITS: Country-based SMS Gateway plugin v1.9.1
  7. DIGITS: Merge Phone Numbers plugin v2.0
  8. DIGITS: Generator v0.9.6.7
  9. Additional SMS Gateway v5.0.3
  10. DIGITS: Legacy Account Migration plugin v1.8.2
  11. DIGITS: User Account Approval v1.1

Notes: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any warranty if any theme/plugin contains a virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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