Currency Switcher WooCommerce Multi Currency v2.3.7


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货币切换器WooCommerce Multi Currency

Currency Switcher WooCommerce Multi Currency

If you have a WooCommerce store, WooCommerce Multi CurrencyCurrency Switcher WooCommerce Multi Currency is a must-have plugin for you. WooCommerce Multi Currency enables your customers to convert between currencies and helps your store accept payments in multiple currencies. The exchange rate can be set manually or automatically.

The plugin WooCommerce Multi Currency can automatically obtain the customer’s geographical location and display prices in the currency of the customer’s country.

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Features: CURCY – WooCommerce Multi-Currency – Currency Switcher

Flexible plugin with multiple front-end display options, exchange rate options are more

  • Auto Update Exchange Rates: The plugin automatically updates exchange rates. You can set the time for automatic update: every 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month.
  • Exchange Rate Email Update Successful: The plugin sends a notification email when the exchange rate is updated.
  • Manually Set Exchange Rates: The plugin also allows to set exchange rates manually.
  • Conversion Fees: Every time you convert money from one currency to another, banks or money transfer operators may charge a currency conversion fee. The difference between the exchange rate they decide to apply and the actual exchange rate traded in the market is the currency conversion fee. WooCommerce Multi-Currency allows you to add exchange rates permanently to your exchange rates.
  • Price Format: Configure how prices are displayed on the UI. Example: 100 USD; 100 USD; 100.00 USD; 100.00 $
  • Custom Currency Symbol: You can customize the currency symbol. For example, US Dollar can be displayed as USD, USD, $USD
  • Fixed Price: WooCommerce Multi Currency allows you to set custom prices in different currencies in each product. Fixed price will override the price calculated based on the exchange rate.
  • Hide Currency: The plugin allows you to hide currencies that you don’t want to display on the front-end.
  • Choose Exchange Rate Server: You can choose to update the exchange rate from, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance. More exchange rate servers will be added in the future.
  • Use Session: The plugin will use session instead of cookies to save the selected currency.
  • Conversion Tool Currency Price: The converter appears below the product price. Allows customers to convert prices between currencies.

Automatic Currency

WooCommerce Multi-Currency can automatically detect customer principals based on their country or language.

Important: Please note that the autodiscover feature may not work properly on cached sites/servers. Please try the free version to check if it works well on your site.

  • Detect currency based on customer country: The plugin will detect the customer’s country based on their IP address and then choose their currency to display prices.
  • Currency by country: You can choose which currency to show to customers in which country.
  • Approximate price: With this feature, prices will be displayed in the default currency. But accordingly, an approximate price will be shown in the customer’s principal. Helps customers understand how expensive/cheap the product is.
  • Auto select currency based on language Polylang: The plugin will choose the currency to display prices in based on your site language. For example, if your site has 2 languages, English and Spanish, you can choose to display prices in GBP on the English site and in Euros on the Spanish site.
  • Automatically select currency based on language WPML: Like Polygon but prices will be selected based on the language WPML.

Check Currency

WooCommerce Multi-Currency allows you to select the payment currency. You can select one or more payment currencies.

Important: Please note that for a payment gateway to appear on the payment page, it must support your default currency.
Example: If you have South African Rand ZAR as your default currency, you can’t enable PayPal on the checkout page. Because PayPal doesn’t support ZAR, even if you change ZAR to USD using Multi-Currency on the frontend.

  • Allow Multi-Currency Payments: Customers can make purchases using the selected currency. To use this feature, you need to enable a payment gateway on your website that supports the currency selected by your customers.
  • Selected Payment Currency: The plugin allows you to select the payment currency. For example, you can display prices in 4 different currencies in your store but accept payments in only 2 currencies.
  • Show Payment Methods Based on Currency: You can select which payment gateway will appear on the payment page based on currency.
  • Payment by Currency on Cart Page: Change currency on the cart page to check the currency.


This plugin provides you with shortcodes to display currency exchange, exchange rate widgets on the front end.

  • Currency selector widget with different UI styles.
  • The exchange rate shortcode allows you to display exchange rates directly on the UI.
    [woo_multi_currency_rates currencies=”GBP,EUR”] This shortcode will broadcast the exchange rates between GBP, EUR and your default currency on the front end. You can change to other currencies by changing the currency code GBP, EUR
    [woo_multi_currency_exchange price=”100″ currency=”EUR”] Example I have put USD as default currency, this shortcode will show the amount of EUR converted from 100 USD.


The plugin can be displayed as a widget or currency bar on the frontend.

  • Currency Bar Design: – Enter your currency bar title, by default select your currency. – Select currency bar position left or right. – Style: There are 5 types for you to choose from Currency Code, Currency Symbol, Flag, Flag+Currency Code, Flag+Currency Symbol. – Conditional Tags: Use WooCommerce tags to select the page where the bar should appear.
  • Widget Design: You can customize the widget title to choose and the available widget styles.
  • Custom Flag: Some countries use the same flag, this option will help you show the authority of that country.
  • Custom CSS: Are all these options not enough? You can add your own CSS to style the widget and currency bar.
  • Collapse Currency Bar: Allows to minimize the currency bar on the front end. When the customer hovers over the currency, it will be displayed as one currency and fully visible.

Friendly Deal

The plugin was developed in the best settings. After successful installation, just select the currency you need and click save. All support requests will be answered within one business day.

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Changelog: CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency – Currency Switcher

v2.1.36 - 2022.05.20 - Fixed: Compatibility issues with WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options By ThemeComplete

v2.1.35 - 2022.05.14
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with TeraWallet and UddoktaPay Gateway
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with Lumise
- Fixed: Fixed price(regular) not showing properly in some cases
- Fixed: Error when changing order currency(order edit) if fixed price is enabled but order product item does not have fixed price in target currency

⭐ See also: Warehouse Collection CodeCanyon Plugin Daily free updates

Free Download Currency SwitcherWooCommerce Multi Currency v2.3.7

Note: Maybe you need to unzip before installing the plugin. We do not provide any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check Virustotal before using on localhost.

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